7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Forcing Someone
- Faery Sight Oil
- Binding spell of witches
- Soul Attack
- Gods of Night Time
- Sleep Tight
- Black Magic Spell to Reverse a Curse
- Elemental Invocation
- 1825 English Love Spell
- Defeating the Darkness
#6661 - Forcing Someone
This spell doesn't take up too much energy but sometimes does. This magic movement takes alot of concentration, but becomes a snap when concentrated well and focus. Simply gather a few people around, probably a friend walking up to you. Pretend to drop something, focus on your friend really hard; relax and feel like you feel nothing. Imagine that your friend is picking up the item.
When you drop that item you have to think of it really fast, this takes alot of practice too.
Your friend may feel the action, picking it up and know it. What s/he doesn't know is that you forced he/she to pick it up, but they may feel an urge that they had to pick it up.
Do not tell the friend that you used a spell, MAY become dangerous unless done spell at right time.
#6662 - Faery Sight Oil
Mix the mentioned herbs. Then cook them in oil in a double boiler. Use light mineral oil because it holds the scent well and does not go rancid. Strain the herbs from the oil. It will have a greenish color.
Add high Join (or as we call it "Johnny root") and lavender. The amounts of these two oils depend on the size of the mixture. Add enough to give the scent, but not enough to overpower it. Then, shake well and store in a cool, dark place until the first full moon. Let it set in the light of the moon all night and bring it in before any sunrays touch it. It is preferable that sunlight never touches it. Rather, it should only be seen by the light of the moon and stars. The very scent of this oil brings insights and altered consciousness.
#6663 - Binding spell of witches
''I bind us together, a withches spell this be, to be a part of one another,so mote it be!''
Say it 4 times together.
#6664 - Soul Attack
First you must soul charge. Then take your dominate hand and aim it at your target. Release the charged energy by stretching your arm out, but don't count your shoulder as part of your arm or you'll look like an idiot. You well feel weak after words no matter how good you get at it.
#6665 - Gods of Night Time
"Gods of night
please don't fight.
Gods of day
are in the way."
#6666 - Sleep Tight
As you are getting ready for bed, lay in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Then chant: "Gods of rest don't be a pest. Let me sleep and make it deep". Chant this three more times, then focus on trying to fall asleep.
#6667 - Black Magic Spell to Reverse a Curse
#6668 - Elemental Invocation
High above the trees
Gliding on a soft breeze
Eagle come to me.
South I call to you,
Burning within me
Running through the jungle
Panther come to me.
West I call to you,
Deep within the sea
Dancing with the waves
Dolphin come to me.
North I call to you,
Underneath my feet
Howling at the full moon
Wolf come to me.
Center I call you,
Everywhere I see
Joining in the circle
Snake come to me.
#6669 - 1825 English Love Spell
1825; England:
Take a Pigeon or Dove and while in the grip of your pains and with the powerful desire to have him....Take the pin or needle and state in short what you want. Then stab the Dove.Pigeon through the heart. It was said to have been a bad omen if the dove or pigeon suffers. It had to be clean and swift.
Bury the dove with the needle and his photo graph in a secret place. Burning them all together in some secret place was another variation as well.
2009, USA:
Make the poppet out of white cloth and the wax out of white wax. Stuff the poppet/wax figure with herbs that attract, and his hair/nail clippings ECT will also help.
Place the photo on where the heart would be and while in a grip of desire and passion, state briefly your intention then STAB the poppet/wax figure and through the photo.
You may burn them or bury them in some private location. But Know that they must be done so together.
Also remember that "What Comes Around Goes Around" So be cautious on where your heart lies in it's intentions.
Blessed Be!
#6670 - Defeating the Darkness
Sit down in the middle of the room with the negative presense. Wait till you feel it in there with you. Close your eyes and picture the evil spirit. Now concentrate on both putting a white light around you for protection, and also picture the demon being sucked into a holy light. Now with a powerful voice say:
"You are not welcome here. In the name of Jesus, I command you to get out and stay out in God's name our lord and savior!!!)"
Make sure you say with all your heart and have certainty in your voice.