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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7157 Spiritual Spells
7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
  1. Summon Black Mary
  2. Eye to the Past
  3. Destroy Evil Shadow Spell
  4. Summon of the Elementals
  5. Vengeance Spells
  6. Dream the Persons Dream Spell
  7. Hex-Shattering Candle
  8. Flame Control
  9. Water Divination
  10. Instinkt's Phoenix/Dragon Barrier Spell

#6771 - Summon Black Mary

Summon black mary but be careful or she will kill you.
You may need:

  • 1 Mirror
  • Magic
  • A voice
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    You may need:

  • 1 Mirror
  • Magic
  • A voice
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    Say the folowing twice:

    "Black mary I stole your white baby."

    Then at night (when its dark) go in the room with no lights on and look in hte mirror you should see her behind you.
    When you see her look around and shell be gone but her spirit will protect you.

    WARNING:If you dont turn around she will kill you.

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    Last edited on Mar 31, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #6772 - Eye to the Past

    Look into the past from 2009 to the 1700.
    You may need:

  • An item of the past to see into a glass ball or glass of water great magical power.
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    You may need:

  • An item of the past to see into a glass ball or glass of water great magical power.
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    Hold the item and consentrate. When you fell a tingling feeling means its working. Then look in the glass ball or glass of water then you will be able to see a glimps of the past for a short time. (Most likely 1 minite)

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    #6773 - Destroy Evil Shadow Spell

    Destroy your inner evil (you must have a big ammount of power if you dont it will not work)
    You may need:

  • 2 people
  • 2 candles
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    You may need:

  • 2 people
  • 2 candles
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    Lock hand while reading the incantation:

    " The power of the sun and the force of the moon we call apon you we wish that you may grand us one need to destroy the evil whitin us so we may be cleansed with good I or hearts."

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    #6774 - Summon of the Elementals

    The Elementals shall see you now
    You may need:

  • Any lit candle
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    You may need:

  • Any lit candle
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    To summon elementals you must consentrate in a meditation stance on all the elements around you for fire you use a candle.
    Recite the following:

    "Great powers of the earth and wind, fire and water I call upon you now to come upon me. Show me the way of the fire and the light, the earth and the shadows. Come to me and I shall give my thanks to the powers that be."

    Repeat 3 times and if the spell doesn't work then I shall help you if you just send me a message.
    (If you aren't worthy in there eyes they shant appear before you)

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    #6775 - Vengeance Spells

    The first one is "To shut up gossipy neighbors" and the other one is to "chase away a man/woman who's trying to steal your lover".
    You may need:

  • For the first one you'll need:
  • Any kind of doll
  • Some thread
  • Needle
  • For the second one you'll need:
  • A doll representing a man/woman
  • A really smelly place
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    You may need:

  • For the first one you'll need:
  • Any kind of doll
  • Some thread
  • Needle
  • For the second one you'll need:
  • A doll representing a man/woman
  • A really smelly place
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    Spell #1:
    Sew up a doll's lips and chant the following spell:

    ''If nothing but ill from your lips can fall,
    let there be nothing from them at all.''

    Spell #2:
    Put a doll representing him/her in the smelliest place you can find. Very soon the man/woman should be feeling ill at ease in his/her own home or job or wherever he's/she’s been trying to trap your woman/man, and he'll/she’ll move away.

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    #6776 - Dream the Persons Dream Spell

    Its a spell that can make you dream other peoples dream.
    You may need:

  • Token that person has touch or an object the person owned
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    You may need:

  • Token that person has touch or an object the person owned
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    Put the item under your pillow and you will have the persons dream.

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    Last edited on Mar 28, 2016
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    #6777 - Hex-Shattering Candle

    What it sais on the title.
    You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    Step 1: Write out this magickal declaration
    word-for-word on a piece of paper:

    "The hex is broken
    the curse is lifted
    I am lucky, happy, fortunate and healthy
    I am free from all evil."

    Step 2: Carve a red candle with good luck
    symbols (like a 4-leaf clover) and other
    positive signs that mean something to you.

    Step 3: Anoint the candle with
    Uncrossing Oil.

    Step 4: Sprinkle your candle with powdered
    agrimony and hydrangea blossoms. If you
    can't find these, just sprinkle the candle
    with any type of blossoms.

    Step 5: Place the candle on top of the paper
    and light the candle. Just let the wax
    fall where it will. Let it burn all the
    way down, and then snuff out the flame
    (don't BLOW out the flame).

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    #6778 - Flame Control

    This spells helps you control candle flames.
    You may need:

  • 1 Candle (White)
  • Match or Lighter
  • 1 piece of paper(4x)
  • 1 Pen
  • Dark Room
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    You may need:

  • 1 Candle (White)
  • Match or Lighter
  • 1 piece of paper(4x)
  • 1 Pen
  • Dark Room
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    Go into a dark room. Draw a circle on the paper. Put the candle in the middle of the circle. Light the candle. Put your hands around the flame. Focus on the flame. The flame might follow your hand.

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    #6779 - Water Divination

    Divination with Water
    You may need:

  • 1 stone
  • a bowl of water
  • some patience
  • concentration
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    You may need:

  • 1 stone
  • a bowl of water
  • some patience
  • concentration
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    Ask a simple question (Yes/No). Then drop the stone into the Water. Count the ripples. If even = yes. If it is odd = No.

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    #6780 - Instinkt's Phoenix/Dragon Barrier Spell

    Can be done one or two ways. Phoenix or Ash Dragon version.
    You may need:

  • Phoenix:
  • Four candles, any shape, size or color.
  • Dragon:
  • Pine, Oak or Willow ashes, water.
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    You may need:

  • Phoenix:
  • Four candles, any shape, size or color.
  • Dragon:
  • Pine, Oak or Willow ashes, water.
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    (The four candles must be burning before you begin the spell)
    First blow out the first candle and imagine a wall of fire going up around one side of the area. Repeat until the candles are all out. And proceed to imagine one of the famous Fire birds (Phoenix) Protecting your home/area. I normally only do this spell at night. Lasts until dawn.

    Okay, this one might be a bit more difficult.
    (The ashes can be obtained by burning the sticks of the trees over a bowl or plate.)
    Then, take a bowl of water and set it around the middle/or more focused area of energy in your area or home. Start putting in the ashes and imagine a sphere of crystal around your home/area, and as the ashes go in imagine it layering until its turned a gray color. Imagine a sleeping gaurdian Dragon (Can also be a Gargoyle or a Basilisk) on the top. Suggested for rough storms.

    For any questions please mail Instinkt.

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    7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters