The first of a long line of spells to conjure the lords of the deepest hell. Ærchaon is an ancient deity, only to be called upon when one needs to learn something about the oldest times.
You may need:
A piece of metal inscribed with the sign of RIAX (A black gothic cross in a red circle).
You may need:
A piece of metal inscribed with the sign of RIAX (A black gothic cross in a red circle).
To summon the first abyssal lord: Draw a triangle arond thyself and the Sign of the RIAX. Call out in a loud voice: "First spirit of the dead world, Ærchaon the mighty, conqueror of the abyss, I call thee to ask thy guidance. Your accursed name brings daemons to my door. Smite them down and answer my call! SARASUNO KELDINN FERNESTTI CATDA!"
Now Ærchaon shall appear. Be reverent and bow thy head, for he is to be respected. Ask your question, and he will answer. After he has answered, tell him he is dismised by hitting the Sign of the RIAX twice and chanting: "DELODORÈ CESTEUS MORTAZTI" ! Wait a few moments before leaving the triangle, and then bow to the Sign of the RIAX before you do so.
There is 2 spells in this 1 you'll need candles and then say 1 to 3 times every day.
"Unto your realm great Dana I do commit this spell do bring its rich rewards to me so for to help me in my task, by all the strength of the moon and sun, by all the strength of sacred oak, by all the strength of the great Goddess fair lady of the flowers, and her lover the horned God lord of animals. So may this spell be manifest for me."
"Candle of power, candle of might do grant my wish upon thisnight. May power flow from candle fire and bring to me my heartsdesire my words are strong, my cause is won I now declare this spell is done."
First, write the name of the dragon you want. Then write how old it should be. Write what kind of dragon you are looking for (frost, fire, etc). Finally, write whether the dragon should be good or bad. Rip the paper up and throw it out a window, door and then wait.
Gets rid of all your past troubles, regrets, fears, and all other negative influences.
You may need:
1 blue candle
Clear voice
Deep concentration
You may need:
1 blue candle
Clear voice
Deep concentration
Light a green candle and place it on a table (glass, if you want more ambience). Close your eyes and visualize yourself stripped of every fear, regret or any problem you had in the past. Next, while the candle is lit, wave your hand over the flame 3 times and chant the following words:
This healing spell I cast
Brings troubles in the past
To an everlasting end.
Regrets, fears and negatives
Shall now turn into positives,
Healing body, mind and soul.
Goddess and God of the elements,
Cure my wounds and my ailments
And make me one with the future.
So mote it be,
So mote it be.
To increase the effectiveness of the spell, you may want to let the smoke flow through and around you after you blow the candle out. The smoke just helps to lift the burden placed on your shoulders, and maybe even start a new beginning.
A spell that will make someone have dreams about you.
You may need:
Square of fabric
You may need:
Square of fabric
Determine precisely what it is you want that someone to hear, or perhaps feel. Write down your wish on a piece of paper in a simple form. Make a dream pillow using a small square of fabric and a little batting. Throw in a pinch of lavender and rosemary. Put in the piece of paper last, then sew up the end. Put the dream pillow on your altar. Do an altar devotion to center yourself, then create sacred space. Center yourself, then hold your hands over the dream pillow and say the following:
'Holy Mother, Goddess Divine, I stand before your sacred shrine. This person won't listen or hear. My words tickle deafened ears. Holy Mother, Goddess Divine, send a dream to awaken their mind. Through his/her vision he/she lives the nightmare/passion/lesson he/she so freely gives. Holy Mother, Goddess Divine, send them your enchanted design. Clear out the cobwebs and tear down the walls. Carry my message up and down every hall".
Stop people from coming into your room while doing a secret project for them.
You may need:
You may need:
Point your wand at the door and say: "Reppello muggletum". People may come and knock but they will not come in on you. It works until you open the door.
Light the ten black candles in a dark room. Place before the candles the offering you have collected and a picture of the intended victim. Chant: "Power of dark power of light summon the great reaper to win the life fight". Hold the picture of the victim over the flame until it turns to ash.
A powerful Enochian binding that once held the fallen angel Azazel.
You may need:
1 white candle
A steel chain
You may need:
1 white candle
A steel chain
First, draw around you a circle ringed with names of spirits. Then light the white candle and let it burn for a moment. Call out now ''And again the lord said to Raphael: Bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert that is Dudael, and cast him therein.'' Now wrap the chain around thy arm and call the name of the one you wish to bind. Then, put the white candle out and step out of the circle, leaving the chain behind, within.