7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Banishing & Warding
- Banishing Negative Energies and Elements
- Banish an Un-Welcome Entity
- Charm of the Beast Spell
- To Get Rid of an Ex
- Astral Travel Powder
- Power Multiplication Spell
- Call on Celestial Aid
- Break a Harmful Spell
- Foil a Villanous Group
#6901 - Banishing & Warding
Draw pentacle on rock with doves' blood and consecrate with entities to be used for making the Ward. Wrap entities in cloth or leather and seal with wax from the candle of the Goddess.
Now with consecrated water you must seal all 13 orifices- eyes, nostrils, ears, mouth, nipples, umbilicus, anus, vagina and urethra. All shall draw pentacles over each orifice while chanting '' Goddess protect me from the un-welcomed''.
Expand circle to include ''the Place'' to be cleared. Start in the North and begin each room in the North, one room at a time. Sweep room in a clockwise motion chanting '' my Goddess may all un-welcomed be gone''.
Repeat with Ward, athame, incense, and water, raising each implement to the four Guardians, calling them by name and asking for their power to ''clear and banish the un-welcomed''.
As you finish each room extinguish candle with fingers, chant ''as my word so mote it be'' and leave door open.
Carry forth what you have swept to the next room and begin again.
Upon completion of entire house visualize sweeping the unwanted to their proper place into the universe.
Bury the Ward with food and cover with prepared rock and give thanks to Goddess and Watchtowers?
Blessed Be
#6902 - Banishing Negative Energies and Elements
The idea is to lie in your token meditational spot - you know where it's nice, cozy, silent and you're sure not to be disturbed for at least half an hour. and build up some processional energy, try burning some frankincense incense or whatever works for you.
No circle is required. when you think you've reached a highly charged, powerful state envision a cone of power going anti-clockwise (for banishing) like a cyclone above your house, slowly bring the cone (which I think is supposed to be upside down - as in big part on the bottom) down into your house and envision all the little nasty energies being taken up into the cyclone squealing and kicking and being enveloped by the giant cone.
Drive the cone down below your house and deep into the earth and let all the little nasty creatures out there, once you are sure nothing is clinging take the cone back up into your house and go through the process again, a little bit stronger and more determined this time, so as any smart little things can be washed out in the rinse cycle (lol).
Empty them deep into the earth again and let the cone rise out of your house and disperse - Relax and feel the positive energy and the lack of negativity in your house. Focus on these thoughts and keep the negative thoughts far from your head or they will feed on it and possibly come back.
#6903 - Banish an Un-Welcome Entity
Speak directly to the entity, or in the room most affected, saying:
"It is time to leave here; all is well.
There is nothing here for you now,
You must be gone go now, Go (complete your passing),
Go, and with our blessing fare well. Farewell."
Remove everything of the previous occupant ~ writing and photos in particular. If there is anything you wish to keep, purify it with salt or incense, saying:
"With this I purify you of the past of hurt and memories Keeping only Love."
#6904 - Charm of the Beast Spell
Add a few drops of the oil onto the cloth. Then say: ''He who is strong, he who is mighty Lend thine power to this charm
Demons turn on your heels and run''.
Draw over it a pentagram and the charms of banishment.
Burn the mixture to drive away the spirits that ail you.
Burn it in your home or room you wish to exorcise. Bury it before your doorstep and no demon shall touch you nor enter. Wear the charm or hide it in the roof to ensure safety against any ills.
#6905 - To Get Rid of an Ex
Write her name on paper and place in an ice tray with one rusty nail and three peppercorns. Cover with water and as you put it in the freezer to freeze say:
"Be gone from our life, so there is no strife." - he/she will stay away.
#6906 - Astral Travel Powder
Notes on using Powders:
Be sure to finely grind up the herbs used in the powders.
Starting in the East sprinkle the powder around you in a clockwise motion and then sit within the circle to absorb the energy from the powder. Sprinkle the powder around a candle before burning to increase the candles energy. You can sprinkle the powder on your altar before spellwork. Use the appropriate powder for the ritual. This can be done randomly or can be done in specific shapes associated with that ritual.
Remember that some powders especially those containing Dragon's Blood will stain carpets, clothing, bedding etc. so use with caution.
#6907 - Power Multiplication Spell
Place the blue candles on you sides light them (left 2 right)
and say:
"Take my power blessed be, multiply my strenghs by three."
Then blow out the candles(right to left)
after blowing out the candles you should feel a surge of
electrical energy.
#6908 - Call on Celestial Aid
Recite this spell:
"Angels hear our voices sound,
all the way down from the ground,
help us in our time of need,
stop the ones who pay no heed."
#6909 - Break a Harmful Spell
Recite and let the dark spell give into the light:
"The time has come to bring forth peace,
these works of evil will now cease,
this reign of darkness is now gone,
and good will flourish evil is done."
#6910 - Foil a Villanous Group
Visualize blue fire surrounding you in a circle then say:
"Power come down from the sky, wondorous strenghs from up on high
shield me with thy great embrace, foil the villians face to face."
Say three times for best results.
After saying the spell visualize more blu fire raining down from the sky colliding with your circle of flame and going in the direction of your intended target.