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1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1234 Trick Spells
1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1234 Trick Spells
  1. Undo
  2. The Purpose & Power of a Witches Hat
  3. Mind Breaker
  4. Witches Besom
  5. Fairy Sight
  6. Telepathic Location Spell
  7. See through a Box
  8. Teleportation
  9. Moon Water
  10. Lightning Bolt

#1011 - Undo

Ever wanna rewind time and erase the dumb stuff you do? Then here's your spell!
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say you spill a drink on yourself in front of your date, well here's the spell to fix it. Say "An embarrassing moment occurs now and then. Put it in rewind and relive it again".

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    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1012 - The Purpose & Power of a Witches Hat

    Ever wanted to know whats the purpose of the Pointed Witches Hat?
    You may need:

  • Tall, Pointed Witches Hat
  • avalible at Costume Stores,Around the House ect.
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    You may need:

  • Tall, Pointed Witches Hat
  • avalible at Costume Stores,Around the House ect.
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    The Witches Hat is a very useful tool in Spell Craft & Rituals....
    It acts like a antenna, attracting and channeling a Witches Power!

    How to wear the Hat: Whilst doing Spells AND/OR Rituals wear the hat pointed straight up and pointed

    If you are not, bend the point stopping the Channeling of Power

    I would invest in a Witches Hat if you dont have one already

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    #1013 - Mind Breaker

    Get into someones head.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    This spell works better if the victim is relaxed. All you need to do is reach into your energy and connect it with their mind. This is similar to telepathy except this is not for communication. If this person is strong minded or pagan you may have trouble getting in their thoughts. When your thoughts change or pictures appear in your mind that is what the person. Even if they are not pagan their bodies energy might defend itself so it is best to learn mind defense first. A persons thoughts are private so only use this spell if necessary.

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    #1014 - Witches Besom

    Will tell you what to make your Besom out of and a verse for flight.
    You may need:

  • Birch Twigs
  • A Branch from an Ash wood tree
  • Shoots of Willow
  • Aconite
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    You may need:

  • Birch Twigs
  • A Branch from an Ash wood tree
  • Shoots of Willow
  • Aconite
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    Find a branch from an Ash wood tree, make sure its big enough to be a handle, compare it o a normal brooms handle. Attach the Birch twigs to one end by tying it on with the Willow shoots. Once the shoots are tied tightly, make sure the twigs won't fall out, get rather long twigs so it won't look odd and your done.

    I'm going to include a flight part on this spell but as I mentioned before it is old folklore and am unaware if it will work. I can't try it myself cause I do not have the materials here in my country.

    What you do is take this Aconite (other wise known as monkshood, wolfsbane, leopard's bane, women's bane, Devil's helmet or blue rocket). Mount your broom and say: 'Horse and hattock! Away! Away! Hear me! Hear me! Horse and hattock! Away! Away!' now apparently you should fel the broom give a little hop, if this happens run and chant the words I typed above then jump and see what happens! Please provide me with feedback if you do try the second part of the broom.


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    #1015 - Fairy Sight

    Gives one the sight to see a fairy.
    You may need:

  • A Hollyhocks bud
  • A Marigold bud
  • A wild-thyme bud
  • Some young hazel buds (qI rocomend
  • Grass from an ant hill
  • Oil (Of your choice, I sujest Olive Oil)
  • A small Container
  • A Hawthorn Tree
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    You may need:

  • A Hollyhocks bud
  • A Marigold bud
  • A wild-thyme bud
  • Some young hazel buds (qI rocomend
  • Grass from an ant hill
  • Oil (Of your choice, I sujest Olive Oil)
  • A small Container
  • A Hawthorn Tree
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    What you do is put all the buds together in a mortar and crush them, after they have been crushed add the grass and crush some more until it is all mixed. Then place the bud an grass mixture in the container add enough oil so the mixture floats. Close the container and shake it then leave it in the sun for three days.

    Then at twilight (Fairy Time) get the mixture (after its three days in the sun) and rub yours eyes with it. Then say firmly and clearly:

    ''Here I be, Under the Hawthorn tree. Come out from the hill and let me see''

    Just becareul as fairys tend to get agrivated from being summond.

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    #1016 - Telepathic Location Spell

    This spell is very useful, it helps you locate things you cant find through telepathy. It's a spell I created, and have used many times with uncanny accuracy.
    You may need:

  • A lost item
  • Experience with chi (I'll elaborate in the instructions)
  • calm mind
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    You may need:

  • A lost item
  • Experience with chi (I'll elaborate in the instructions)
  • calm mind
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    This is a telepathic spell. If your thinking right now: ''Oh no I'm not telepathic... I guess I can't use this then'', your wrong. If your not naturally telepathic (which if you were you really wouldn't need to read this anyway) you can still learn to use the powers of telepathy and it's not that hard, you just need the right instructions. To use the telepathic abilities that you have locked away inside you, you must first practice a Taoist meditation which unlocks your chi:

    When first practicing this meditation you must sit down in a quiet relaxing area with no distractions. Sit down in an upright position and clear your mind. Hold your hand in front of you as if you were holding a ball. Think of the air floating around between your hands. After a minute or two imagine the air between your hands being in a balloon. Then after a minute imagine that the balloon is now a beach ball. After another minute or two imagine it is now a basketball. After that a Tire and even after that imagine a really high pressure tire. When you've reached that point, give your hands a slight push and you should feel a pressure. This is your chi. Breathe in and out slowly. When you breathe in you should feel a pull and when you breathe out you should feel a push.

    After you've practiced this meditation to the point where you can feel you chi with the slightest effort (You will come to notice that you can only do it once or twice a day at first). Then start taking one of your hands and holding over something else. Try to feel the same pressure you felt doing it with both hands. When you get that down to a simplicity you are ready to perform the spell.

    What you practice in the last paragraph is establishing a direct connection with the chi of the object you hold your hand over. It can be done at any distance by concentrating on the object with your eyes. The same can be done by concentrating on an object with your minds eye.

    To do the spell you must clear your mind and think of the object you are missing (only that object). Hold out your hand and feel around for the object, when you feel a push, your hand is facing the direction of the object you are thinking of.

    --Important information--

    When casting it would be wise to be against a wall because it only works 180 degrees (meaning the object could be behind you rather than in front of you), it really narrows it down.
    Also when you practice the spell don't practice as if you were looking for an object, because knowing where the object is, will cause major confusion and make you mess up. Practice using the meditations I taught you above... the spell will work when you need it.

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    #1017 - See through a Box

    Use this spell to see through an object like a box.
    You may need:

  • Wand or staff (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Wand or staff (optional)
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    Look at the object you want to see. Touch it with your finger, wand or staff. Chant: "I want to see through this (box). Through this (box) I want to see. So mote it be". Fill in the name of the object you want to see through.

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    #1018 - Teleportation

    This will get you from A to B.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Visualize where you wish to go, then chant: "I see it, I need it. Take me to it. I need to do it. Teleport me in". Close your eyes and when you open them, your physical body should have moved.

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    #1019 - Moon Water

    When the moon is full, make this special water for other spells, and rituals.
    You may need:

  • 1 Clear cup
  • 1 Cup clear water
  • Night shade flower or leaf
  • Yourself
  • Full moon
  • Bottle with stopper
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    You may need:

  • 1 Clear cup
  • 1 Cup clear water
  • Night shade flower or leaf
  • Yourself
  • Full moon
  • Bottle with stopper
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    Set the clear cup on the windowsill the night before the full moon. On the night of the full moon, put water in cup and stir with the nightshade leaf or flower 10 times, then dispose of flower or leaf say:

    "Moon shine your pale light, upon this container."

    Let sit all night. in the morning put all the water in the bottle.
    Warning: Do not use water for drinking or eating purposes nightshade can be harmful even deadly.

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    #1020 - Lightning Bolt

    Creates a lightning bolt out your wand. Haven't tested.
    You may need:

  • Wand
  • Electric energy
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    You may need:

  • Wand
  • Electric energy
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    Charge wand with your electric energy then wave it and yell:

    "Zapus pasus."

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    Last edited on Aug 01, 2016
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    1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters