1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- How To Turn Into A Dog
- To Become A Dog
- Generate Smoke
- Spell to become more powerful!!!
- Create A Spell!!!
- Control Nature
- Become a witch/wizard/warlock!!!
- Get any superpower you want!!
- The Seers Scrying Bowl
So you wear like black clothes first and shoes
then you paint lips black with lip liner completely black
then you use lip liner around eyelids and around eyes and smudge it out even with faded edges.
Then you say to a mirror,
"HAIL SATAN AND OCCULT WORLD passcode 12345" but you have to be devoted in your heart
then you say
"teleport me to [then say location]" stuff like that, it teleports you
Then, look at a car mirror or any pocket mirror, or THINK about this spell and say "take me back," out loud or in mind, or if in danger it will teleport you back or auto teleport you to safety. Thinking about locations from then out takes you to new locations safely (takes a while though to kick in cause puts a portal in your room). MUST WRITE DOWN AND KEEP WITH YOU WHEN TRAVELING. Phone home if stranded rule, and please dont try anything stupid. takes a while to kick in, then from there keep talking with mind to mirror and it will tell you like updates on the spell.
so long as you dont do evil it will work it was made by mexican rainforest shaman
#22 - How To Turn Into A Dog
Determine the type of dog and say 'upon ah-toom I wish and pray that I become a ____ in every way.' Use this as a mantra. Replace the ' ____' with the type/breed of dog you want to become. Imagine the dog's form enveloping your body. Perceive yourself beginning to change until you feel like your bending. Continue to bend and change until you become a dog instantly and in a quick snap. To make it easier think good/positive thoughts, be pure/obedient like a dog inwardly and let the mind/imagination do all the work of visualization all in it's own so that the transformation comes with ease. If at first you don't succeed try and try again, it will become more potent every time, doing it before going to bed or while lying down is very effective. Enjoy.
#23 - To Become A Dog
To turn into a dog by spirit's way, repeat the following spell day by day:
Ah soo ah oo ah soo nah, ah soo ney, ah nee mah, ah soo ney
From the depths hear my cry, before the world veiled by sky, upon the bough, the herb and tree, make an animal out of me.
From spirit, to life, to the light in me, turn me into a dog, I want to be free.
O spirit of life, enter me bright, make me a dog with your rays of light.
For glowing cloud and beautiful day, for golden sun and the hearts pure rays, for joy and tear and falling rain, upon thy peaceful spirit I wish and pray that I become a dog in every way.
So light, so cloud, so word, so seed, O spirits of light please hear me.
#24 - Generate Smoke
Repeat this phrase: "To mend air bend"
Smoke is healthy for body, covers up odors, and cleans space.
#25 - Spell to become more powerful!!!
To become more powerful say the following:
"Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, I call upon you to make me more powerful so mote it be."
#26 - Create A Spell!!!
Type or Write up the spells title, incantation, ingredients, and instructions
Then say,
"All Gods and Goddesses,
hear my plea,
I wish for my spell called ________________
to work,
that's my plea so mote it be"
Note: ________________ is where you say your spells name
#27 - Control Nature
Go outside and stand in the sunlight and say the following
"Gaia, Gaia I'm on fire
I wish to be like you
Protecting nature
Doing what's best
Would I be able to
That's my plea
So mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 26, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#28 - Become a witch/wizard/warlock!!!
Sit down in a room and say 3 times:
"Gods and Goddesses hear my plea, I come upon you to ask in your favour to make me a _________
that's my plea so mote it be"
note: _________ is where you say what you want be!!!
#29 - Get any superpower you want!!
Get your cup of water and sit it in front of you and say:
"Gods and Goddesses hear my plea
I come upon you to ask for ____________
that's my plea so mote it be"
Then drink the cup of water
note: ___________ is where you say the superpower you want.
#30 - The Seers Scrying Bowl
Before entering this space, you must first create it. Refer to this article to learn how to create an astral space:
1. Meditate on stillness and emptiness to allow for the expansion of creation to take place.
2. Once you get to a good still space where you feel active in your ability to visualize and create this space, imagine a dark, even black space where the light is dim, but a softly glowing pedestal with a black scrying bowl sits atop it. In this black scrying bowl resides the water-element that will allow you to wander into visions. It could be a watery-smokey looking substance that represents energy. It could be water in complete stillness that has unending depths. It's up to you.
3. Imagine yourself approaching this pedestal. Is there a stepping stool? Stairs leading up it? Stand there and observe this space. What does it look like? Are there any other channels of water in this space? Waterfalls, fountains, ponds?
Now that you've created the visualization of this space within your psyche, it's important to develop your connection to, and relation with it. If you have physical materials to work with, set them up, and feel free to touch and interact with them as you see fit.
When you enter this space, imagine yourself stepping up to the pedestal, and connecting to the calm darkness, and spaciousness of the energy in this space. Establishing and reaffirming any astral boundaries and rules you have for the energy and conciousness that is allowed within this space.
Once you've established and connected to the energy of this space, look into the scrying bowl just as you would in physical. look past the object, and allow the images and wisdom to come to you as you clear your mind through connecting with this astral tool.
Your conciousness should be more receptive and connected to your intuition and clair-senses, and if you wish to use this as a tool to transition into visions, it will help to make them more vivid, clear, and powerful.