1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- The Curse of Intelligence
- Wings In 2-4 Days
- Summon Ghost
- Dream Jump Spell
- Safe Travel
- Influencing Emotions
- Teleport Objects
- Grow Wings Spell
- Summon a Book Character
- Wind Spell
#301 - The Curse of Intelligence
I have a question for all of you.
Why do we exist?
Why do we have to suffer through our lives if we know we are going to die?
And do we have a purpose?
These are all questions I have been asking myself now, but whenever I tried to ask people these questions, they either blew me off or thought I was suicidal, but never actually understood what I was saying, and I think I have finally figured out why. They aren't intelligent enough to comprehend these questions. I do not proclaim myself to be the most intelligent person there is, I am just stating a fact. In all honesty, I would rather be in their shoes, living life happy and normal. But I am to intelligent to live that type of life. I know that there are other people like me. That is why it is called the curse of intelligence. I may sound naive, but I think that if we banded together, we would be able to actually figure out those things and finally break this curse of knowing that everything we do is meaningless.
#302 - Wings In 2-4 Days
First, go into a quiet room with no one else in it. Then, say this spell ONLY once
in a normal voice or louder(dose not work in a whisper):
"Gods and goddesses of
the air, listen now and hear my prayer, let me soar with wings of flight, speed right through the cold of the night, my wings are (colour). They can stretch to be (# feet)
long.(Names/Everyone) can see them, gods and goddesses of the sky, let me now
fly, fly, fly!"
Last edited on Apr 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#303 - Summon Ghost
Write the name of the ghost you want to summon in blood 3 times. Do not use your own blood. If you do, you will probably die because very few people can lose that much blood and still live. Even if you survive, you will probably make a paradox therefore destroying the universe.
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#304 - Dream Jump Spell
Make sure your dreaming then think the following:
"I shall hop from dream to dream, like bugs do hop from tree to tree, by the power of 3 mote it be."
Now you have the ability to jump from dream to dream easily it isnt hard.
PROTIP: If you dont want to have a headache when you wake up dont stay in other dreams to long.
Last edited on Jul 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#305 - Safe Travel
Light all the candles up and put them in a circle.Put the photo or article of the person the spell is for in the middle.
"Hail mother of the world! Nanna, Isis, Astarte, Selene, Holy,
See me, look upon me! 3x
Protect me and my people tonight!
Send your white light around me,
Send your protective light around that may be protected.
As they travel and as they dream,
Send only good and lucid energies their way.
Thank you!3x"
You can either let the candles burn out by themselves,or snuff them in reverse order and let them burn a little each night if the person will be on an extended trip.On the last night of the trip let the candle burn out on its own
Don't blow out the candles of pinch them out or it'll bring bad luck on the trip!
Last edited on Apr 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#306 - Influencing Emotions
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any misuse of this spell.
So first I'm going to use this example say you want to make someone confident.
Sit across from that person and hold their hand (recommended if you haven't done psychic spells before.
This won't work if you yourself don't have that particular emotion.
Example-to make someone happy you have to feel happy.
Next you focus on that emotion channel it some people find it easier when they give that emotion a color.
(If touching) Imagine a line connecting you and the other person next picture that emotion or energy flowing out of you and into that person, but don't push it too hard there is a high risk that you could wind up being unable to feel this emotion contact me if this happens.
(if not touching) it's the same principal you have to channel your energy mentally into the other person. you could imagine it flowing out of your third eye and surrounding/entering the other person.
That's it results may vary sometimes it can be as big as the person feeling as if he or she can win a race against usain bolt (it's a thing.)
Little smaller like being brave enough to confess to the girl/guy you have a crush on.
This even works with negative emotions but again I'm NOT responsible but you can contact me with problems and I'll see if I can help.
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#307 - Teleport Objects
Picture the object exactly where it is, exactly what it looks like. Now create a fake memory of putting that object somewhere near you. When you open your eyes there it should be.
Last edited on Apr 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#308 - Grow Wings Spell
Take both feathers and stitch them together with three stitches or for a better, easier
flight, stitch them to your back. If you choose the latter I reccomend using a friend's
help and being asleep. Pour water on the feathers and the necklace.
put on the necklace and light the candle. lay the feathers on your lap if you chose the first choice. Say this spell 3x:
"God of birds and god of sky
listen god, please make me fly
god of moon and god of night
grow me wings with holy light."
Keep the candle burning for exactly 10 minutes before blowing out the flame.
I found this spell in a Russian spell book belonging to a coven of witches called the Spellbound Misstress. It definetly works. Please message me after casting with any results or side effects .
Last edited on Apr 06, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#309 - Summon a Book Character
So read about your favorite character then say this 'I wish the name of character is here'.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#310 - Wind Spell
"Wind wind oh how you flow. Follow my hand where ever I go flow flow. Follow my hand flow flow and you will see, so mote it be!"
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.