1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- Avian Wing
- Telepathy Over Distance
- Shape Shift Into Animal
- Help You Sleep
- ALO Wings
- Your Own World
- True Invisible
- Become an Angel
- Distraction
- A+ Telekinesis Techniques
#371 - Avian Wing
First go into a room with no distractions and meditate on what your wings will look like.
Hold the feather and say this: "Lord, I ask of you to give me wings. I claim my right to have this desire fulfilled by the blood of Jesus. I ask you to send your angels to make this creation. Have them come in 4 weeks time. In Jesus name Amen."
Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#372 - Telepathy Over Distance
Contact the person of choice via IM, text, etc. They must be open to you reading their thoughts or it will be very hard and make you tired. Now imagine purple smoke (or any color) surrounding you and filling you. Let it seep into your skin. Imagine the same happening to your partner. Write down any thoughts that come into mind. Ask your partner if these thoughts are correct. Keep practicing until you're tired.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#373 - Shape Shift Into Animal
Find a quiet place to stand or lie down where not many people can see you. For this you dont need to be able to M (mind) shift but if you can do that first. Stay still, close your eyes and imagine the animal you want to become now think hard about all its detail.
You should feel tingling and a strange shrinking/growing sensation and slight nausea but do not open your eyes. When everything stops dont open your eyes picture in your mind looking through the animals eyes. after that then you can open your eyes.
Side effects:
- nausea
- tingling
- skittishness
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#374 - Help You Sleep
Lay in bed or where ever your going to sleep. If you could clear your mind that would be best and try not to think about anything. Now close your eyes and breath in 1, out 2, in 3, out 4 , in 5 , out 6 , in 7, out 8, in 9, out 10 and then say/whisper (your choice)
"Oh gods and godesses help me tonight, help me sleep, oh gods and godesses close my eyes and put me to sleep"
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#375 - ALO Wings
Get you notecard out and write the following on it: "Wings, wings, flying start. The more you fly the faster you get. Wings, wings, so mote it be"
On the blank backside draw what you want your wings to look like, the fold in half by picking up the left side and moving it towards the right and creasing. The words should now be hidden.
Last edited on Feb 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#376 - Your Own World
You start off by imagining the world you want as your own. Draw it out believe this is a real place.
After you draw it out make sure you have everything you want and need there, like food and wifi and laptops and a home. Now, youre going to put a physical wall all around that place you can decide who gets to be there and who doesnt, but people being there other than you will only last a little while. Now that youve created the whole realm, light four candles and put them on every corner of the paper.
Imagine yourself walking around in your world, imagine your self walking around, feeling your feet hitting the ground. Smell the air, and describe it to yourself. Did it just rain? Is the ground wet? Is there wind? Do you hear something falling off the trees? Are there trees?
This is called your focus site. Everything should become vivid for you.
You have to go lay down in your bed, but don't turn off the candls.
Leave the paper you drew your map of your world with the candles still lit and lay on your bed. Make your body straight.
Now take one of your fingers and rub circles right in-between your eyebrows
continue for 50 seconds after you do that, youre supposed to feel an energy still doing the soft circles.
Your eyes are supposed to be closed if you didn't know.
Now tilt your eyes to the energy and make it stronger.
Take one deep breathe and imagine your body is leaning upward and standing up. Try making your other body walk around. With this other body make a tunnel somewhere in your room with your mind.
You have to believe this will work.
Make a tunnel and make your other body walk through it and to your realm. Make the tunnel close behind you, so nothing can come in with you.
You have just entered another world.
Now that you've entered another world make sure when youre doing this that you aren't going to be bothered.
This will take away your concentration, also make sure no one is going to blow out the candles.
Like I said make sure you close up the tunnel. Time moves differently there.
Have fun doing whatever in your world. If you summon any wild animals there
you have to be careful.
Now to go back to our world.
All you have to do is open the tunnel once again from where you came from.
If you dont remember where it was that you came from just do it anywhere but you'll probably end up in like the drawer of your room.
Then just imagine your other body going back into your real body and youre safe.
But if you get any scratches or bruises in the other world, then theyre going to show in this world and thats about it you might want to make two maps of your world so you don't get lost.
*Make sure when youre drawing your map of your world you make a fence or walls around where youre going.*
*You can't die there because your physical body is here in this world like I said you're sending your other body.*
*You can also take on any form you want; vampire, mermaid, werewolf, etc.*
Last edited on Aug 29, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#377 - True Invisible
Okay, take a leaf and go to the newly grave, turn back to the grave, put your hand's back in asking possition. Don't do protection spell, otherwise it's not gonna work. Now concentrate in what ur going to do, with full energy chant loudly: "Oh spirit of this dead, I ask you with all my heart, give me the power to be invisible, give it now, i need it for my soul."
Wait for a while breath with close eyes and continue chanting in your mind until your hands feel cold like you've touch an ice, when you feel it, grab it and imagine it as a gift of invisivility and let it flow through your hands to your whole body. You're done.
Story begins, don't look back cause other bad spirits are on their way, now run with a smile to the house enter house through the door's put down two two leaf's on the floor of every door, run until you reach the seventh door, don't forget to put the leaves down.
When you're done with the door's , run to the bushes of thorn's, stay quiet and rest your soul there for atleast 30 minutes. Now come out and go to your room.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#378 - Become an Angel
If you have the other 2 candles, line them up in this order: dark green, white, light blue. Light them. If only the white, just place it on its own and light it. Wave the feather above the candle, high enough so the flame doesn't make it warm. While waving the feather, say this spell:
Grant me your form,
The pure talons,
The white feathers,
I will to be an angel,
So mote it be"
Side effects:
- Wanting to eat demons
- Obsession on swooping down on things and grabbing them
- Longer, sharper, talon-like toenails
- Growing feathers
- Lips are sharper and harder like a beak
- Eye colour changing
Changing from an angel back to a human: To change into an angel when you think it's worked, say "My angel form, awaken, for I need it now". To change back, claw the ground 5 times.
Last edited on Sep 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#379 - Distraction
While keeping a clear picture of whoever you want to be distracted from you chant "Invisible I shall be to those I wish not to see me"
Now depending on your element do what your element says while chanting
- Air: circle your hands around in a ball making a ball shape out of the spell once done chanting blow the ball out into the air *be outside or near an open window
- Earth: Chant while pressing your hands into the ground imagining your words flowing through the earth
- Fire: Chant into or near a heat source*fire, heater, or the suns rays
- Water: Chant while in or touching water, imaging your words being carried through the water
Afterwards~ Once you want to be noticed again simply do the same as stated above but instead chanting "See me now I decree see me now mote it be"
Notes ~The spell will not work if cast with an element that is not yours, if you have more than one element use the one you feel is best. Another note the spell will not work of you do things to attract attention to yourself * stealing, being loud , making eye contact, etc
Last edited on Dec 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#380 - A+ Telekinesis Techniques
Tips for Telekinesis
- Touch-feel your object
- Energize-give the object power
- Listen and let go
- Eat healthy foods to keep your mind from wandering
- Keep your mind sharp every day
Intent- what are you trying to do?
Last edited on Sep 16, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.