1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- Mind Control
- Time Passes x 15
- Wings Spell Paper
- Wing "Potion"
- How to Start Using Teleknesis
- How to Tell if They're Lying
- Avian/Wing Prayer
- Time Gap
- Wonderland Spell
- Summon Wind to Fly
#441 - Mind Control
This is based of a spell that disappeared for some reason.
I don't know why they took it down.
What you need to do first is clear your mind of all the stuff that might get in the way for example :
* Trauma Event's.
* Thing's that cross your mind.
* Thing's you still want to talk about that means it effect's your concentration.
* Thing's that are are bothering you Past or Present or about things in the Future .
You need to talk about these thing's to yourself whether be just thinking them or no . But just realize when you do it , it has to be ones that you know are on your mind you just can be unsure about them.
Talking will help them disappear from your mind but you have to make sure you do this where ever feels private for you . Whether it be in a a room , a place , outside with a pet or by yourself.
You just need to make you the main thing's you need to talk about them internally or out loud . You need to do this whenever you have time. For it I recommend 3 to 4 hours of talking , then maybe the imaging that this is possible for maybe a hour or more or thirty minutes.
I did it for about a good 6 to 7 or more hours .
With this ability you can control animals , and bigger ones , till it reaches humans. But start out like with a bat or bird something small first .
With the talking part after your done you need to meditate with a image of what I tell you that you can do.
* Talk for 4 hours or less about things on your mind , every single day you don't have to talk aloud . Then meditate that a blue line is coming from your hand , and attaching to the small animal . Or connecting to them to control and imagine the line connecting and sense it feel it . And continue this for however long you feel the need to .
* Continuously do this for the next few day's , and month's or year .
This ability requires patience.
*Notice that you have to give the blue line a Intention of what you want them to do . Do not abuse it .
*When you finally , feel as thought you got it you will feel away of your surroundings you'll find who your aiming for and will try to connect to them .
Note Warnimg: Do not use this ability all the time bad point the ability.
Also as I said you need to put intention into your blue line towards that animal if not you will kill them slowly , or quickly They way to disconnect is to toss them into something like the wall into a wall , window , car that's parked something that doesn't cause harm but bumps their head if you can't figure out how to disconnect. Not literally make them like run into something like near by like running not literally but hitting their face pretty good , I know it sounds wrong but it's the only way I know how to do it. If successful you'll feel a snap in your body and mind.
The ability itself is RECKLESS to use just randomly it puts you at risk for possession .
By a Unnatural Entity , In life We see them in the exorcist or stuff like that hell no these , entity's will haunt you or try to take over your body for however long they have to do it .
If you possess a animal you not at risk , When you do it to a Human you at risk .
They will not leave you alone at all they will know that you are capable of that and will stay and haunt you.
The reason it puts you at risk for possession , it's because when done on a human or human shaped body . You have your own body your soul jumps out slightly out of your body . With a animal you soul cannot go into that body because remember their body is shaped differently . You don't fit. When using the ability it's the slang pretty much for possessing another living creature.
I don't know why this ability exist but hearing about possessions it makes it possible if the dead are able to do it .
Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#442 - Time Passes x 15
Then say in your mind the following once:
Within the time I've held in here
I shield this watch the times not clear
Among thy time i add fifteen
Its Fifteen past the number I'd seen
Wait it out for around what feels like 3 minutes to you and tap the watch with the finger you tapped it with in the beginning another 3 times, then slowly pull your sleeve away from the watch to see the magic
#443 - Wings Spell Paper
First, get a paper, pencil, and coloring materials out. Make sure your paper is landscape (horizontal). Draw a pentagram (star with circle around it) in the very middle of the paper. Draw your wings in the middle of the paper around the pentagram. In the ancient language (optional) write, on the top of the paper, Color, kind, wings
Next, fold it so that the two wings are now touching each other. Make sure that you cannot see the wings on the outside of the paper.
Now, write down all of the characteristics on this side of the paper. I want red dragon wings, and this is the stuff I wrote for characteristics; Red Webbed Dragon Wings, Black Bones through wings, A yellow talon on top of the wings, very strong, Can fold into back and come out with ease, Each wing is 15 feet long, Cannot rip through a sweatshirt when on, are indestructible, can light on fire, without hurting host, by host yelling ''Brisingr!''
Now, fold paper so the bottom of the page goes to the top, and draw a pentagram. In the middle of the star, write Brisingr, or the color of wings you want. I wrote Brisingr because my wigs can light on fire, and fire in the ancient language is brisingr.
Now, fold so that the bottom of that little section is at the top.
Now, write, ''Gods and Goddesses of the air, My wings shall be (color) and (ft.) long, By the Power of three, MOTE IT BE''
Lastly, fold the bottom of that section to the top. Draw a mini version of the wings you drew at first, but only one of the wings. Do not color this wing! Turn to the other side, and write your name, or a nickname you go by. Put the paper in a hiding place. Now every night for a week, chant this before bed:
''God, please grant me the wings on a piece of paper hidden in this room. Send down your angels who are best at granting wings to me. I will never cause harm with my wings. I promise. Mote it be!''
In a week, your wings will start to grow.
Last edited on Aug 03, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#444 - Wing "Potion"
First, put all of the ingredients into the cup. Use a spoon to stir all of the ingredients.
Next, take your shirt off. Get the feather, and dip 1/4 of the feather into the mixture. Rub the mixture on the feather onto your right shoulder blade. Dip the feather into the mixture again. Rub that onto your left shoulder blade.
Now, drink the rest of the potion. Now, get into the shower/bath and recite this,
"Gods and Goddesses,
I have a potion in my body,
And on my back,
Could you make that potion give me wings?
Mote it be!"
Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#445 - How to Start Using Teleknesis
2: Pick up the pen. Examine it and focus on it until you feel like it it is a part of you.
3: Make Psi balls. To make a psi ball, all you need to do is put your hands together. Press them on each other. Now, keep your eyes open! Imagine that energy is flowing from your core to your hands. Now gather that energy into a ball, and slowly seperate your hands until it is like the energy is in between, and you are holding it, or making it hover. Concentrate on taking energy from the sun, the wind, the earth, anything around you. Focus until you fell like it's real. Psi balls can be used to manipulate objects around you. Try throwing it at something tall, like a lamp or tree, and see what happens. Usually nothing will happen unless you practice for a while.
4: Now that you've mastered Psi balls, make one and use it on the pen as a shield. Imagine making a tunnel from your mind and sight straight to the pen. Block everything else out. Take energy from the sun, the wind, the earth (just like psi balls) and transfer it to the pen. Make it clear where you want the pen to move. Up, down, left right. Make sure you are concentrating and focusing. Practice amy take a while, even years, but most people have more mental capacity than that. Don't Overwork yourself. Stop if you feel mentally or physically tired.
5: Meditation: Sit or lie down in a comfotable pose. Think of emotions, things that happened, or just drift off and don't think. This will help with your mental wellbeing and contribut to your telekinesis.
#446 - How to Tell if They're Lying
When you are in the situation of not knowing whether to believe someone or not, look at their auras by focusing on this person. Focus on them. Imagine crackling energy building up around them.
Pay attention to this energy. What color do you see in it? If their aura is blue, white, purple, or light red, they are most likely telling the truth or just very happy. If it is black, dark red, or dark green, they are half and half. They may be uncertain themselves if you see these colors. If it is light green, yellow, brown, or orange, they're probably lying to you.
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#447 - Avian/Wing Prayer
When one of our alters was alive, he was an avian. Thanks to the rest of us prying it out of him, here is how he got said wings: Hold the feather and envision having your wings, flying with them, soaring, ect.
"I want to fly and reach the sky,
Fly so high my feathers die,
Wings of ____ and pearly down,
To carry my weight up from the ground.
For if I wish and force this may,
Wings will I grow today
So must/mote it be"
According to him, make sure you say it at least say it once every day, so you keep the energy alive. They should start growing after your next meal. If you use a power charm, be sure to keep it on you at all times except when you need to shower or anything that could damage it.
Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#448 - Time Gap
Place 12 candles like you would numbers on the watch that represent hours. Light them and sit in the middle. Put a little bit of dirt (earth) in every flame, but dont kill the flame. Turn the arrows in the pocket watch as many times as you like and then leave them pointing at exact hour or minute you want to go back to. Make sure then hours and arrows on the watch are in a line with the candles.
Place the watch in the center and draw time runes next to every candle. Close your eyes and focus your energy and memory on the moment you want to go back to. Dont stay too long... Once you are done use water to take out the candle flame and wipe off the runes before you get up and leave the circle. Good luck.
Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#449 - Wonderland Spell
2). Draw each on a separate sheet of paper( loose leaf or notebook), and color each in.
3). With every sheet include a:
4). Write a story including you, the people, places, and thing you found, how you got to Wonderland, what you did, and how you got home.
5). Roll up the story and character sheets and bound it with string or a rubber band.
6). Keep this scroll under your pillow and chant for one night:
In a world of my own, I can be most anyone...
Instead of being lonely, I talk to _______.
There is/are one_______ every year, but there is/are 354 _______ a year.
I can call this place home... In a world of my own, where I can be most anyone.
When I'm in Wonderland, seconds in the real world are hours in wonderland.
Anything brought out of Wonderland will look like it came from this world, and visa versa.
I CANNOT DIE IN WONDERLAND NOR WILL I OR ANYONE OR ANYTHING BE HURT OR INJURED. NO ONE IN WONDERLAND WILL ATTEMT TO HURT ANYBODY. What I write in my story is not relevant, I may do any activity written in my story in any order and i can stay as long as I want, any time. How I get there and leave is the only thing that happens exactly as I write it. Everyone/thing speaks english. Nothing in Wonderland exists unless I write about it. I may add people places and things at any time. My Wonderland does not collide with anyone else's. Nobody may enter my Wonderland unless I willingly bring them to my domain.
7). Add any other details to the chant that you think are important.
8). This spell works best if you try to dream about your trip, or make your entrance/exit realistic
* This Is The First Spell I've Posted So Thank You So Much For Reading I Wish You Luck And Good Intensions!*
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#450 - Summon Wind to Fly
You take your wand and hold it high, you take some magic, and say:
"Wind, I summon thee! Take me high, into the sky, please let me fly!"
If it does not work try it again, and it might not work if you are a beginner.
Last edited on Jul 20, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.