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1230 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

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1230 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1230 Trick Spells
  1. How to Start Using Teleknesis
  2. How to Tell if They're Lying
  3. Avian/Wing Prayer
  4. Time Gap
  5. Wonderland Spell
  6. Summon Wind to Fly
  7. Mind Control
  8. The Hooded Man
  9. Doors to the Mind
  10. The Elevator to Another World

#441 - How to Start Using Teleknesis

Telekinesis is something that everyone wants, but most people say it is impossible. Telekinesis is the art of moving things without your hands. You simply use your mental state to manipulate the anergy surrounding the thing you want to use. This info is for beginners.
You may need:

  • 1 SMALL item (like a pen)
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    You may need:

  • 1 SMALL item (like a pen)
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    1: Clear your mind. Some people think that you have to be thinking of nothing, but that's a misconception. Focus on concentrating on the small item,(let's say we use a pen) and imagine that it is alive.

    2: Pick up the pen. Examine it and focus on it until you feel like it it is a part of you.

    3: Make Psi balls. To make a psi ball, all you need to do is put your hands together. Press them on each other. Now, keep your eyes open! Imagine that energy is flowing from your core to your hands. Now gather that energy into a ball, and slowly seperate your hands until it is like the energy is in between, and you are holding it, or making it hover. Concentrate on taking energy from the sun, the wind, the earth, anything around you. Focus until you fell like it's real. Psi balls can be used to manipulate objects around you. Try throwing it at something tall, like a lamp or tree, and see what happens. Usually nothing will happen unless you practice for a while.

    4: Now that you've mastered Psi balls, make one and use it on the pen as a shield. Imagine making a tunnel from your mind and sight straight to the pen. Block everything else out. Take energy from the sun, the wind, the earth (just like psi balls) and transfer it to the pen. Make it clear where you want the pen to move. Up, down, left right. Make sure you are concentrating and focusing. Practice amy take a while, even years, but most people have more mental capacity than that. Don't Overwork yourself. Stop if you feel mentally or physically tired.

    5: Meditation: Sit or lie down in a comfotable pose. Think of emotions, things that happened, or just drift off and don't think. This will help with your mental wellbeing and contribut to your telekinesis.

    Added to on Apr 08, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #442 - How to Tell if They're Lying

    These types of spells usually have a lot to do with this person's Aura. Their aura is the atmospheric energy surrounding this person. The aura is usually a color, such as green, blue, black white, etc. Certain ones have certain meanings in their nature at that moment, and this will tell you what colors to look out for and how to see auras.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    When you are in the situation of not knowing whether to believe someone or not, look at their auras by focusing on this person. Focus on them. Imagine crackling energy building up around them.

    Pay attention to this energy. What color do you see in it? If their aura is blue, white, purple, or light red, they are most likely telling the truth or just very happy. If it is black, dark red, or dark green, they are half and half. They may be uncertain themselves if you see these colors. If it is light green, yellow, brown, or orange, they're probably lying to you.

    Added to on Apr 07, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #443 - Avian/Wing Prayer

    A prayer to help/cause physical wing growth.
    You may need:

  • Power Charm (optional)
  • Feather
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    You may need:

  • Power Charm (optional)
  • Feather
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    When one of our alters was alive, he was an avian. Thanks to the rest of us prying it out of him, here is how he got said wings: Hold the feather and envision having your wings, flying with them, soaring, ect.

    "I want to fly and reach the sky,
    Fly so high my feathers die,
    Wings of ____ and pearly down,
    To carry my weight up from the ground.
    For if I wish and force this may,
    Wings will I grow today
    So must/mote it be"

    According to him, make sure you say it at least say it once every day, so you keep the energy alive. They should start growing after your next meal. If you use a power charm, be sure to keep it on you at all times except when you need to shower or anything that could damage it.

    Added to on Apr 06, 2015
    Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #444 - Time Gap

    Very demanding spell to perform. Be careful when you try it and if you are not sure about it, ask me. Beginers at magic are advised not to try this spell.
    You may need:

  • 12 candles
  • 1 pocket watch
  • Time runes
  • 1 time lock seal
  • Water
  • Earth
  • A protecting spell or charm (will come in handy)
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    You may need:

  • 12 candles
  • 1 pocket watch
  • Time runes
  • 1 time lock seal
  • Water
  • Earth
  • A protecting spell or charm (will come in handy)
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    Place 12 candles like you would numbers on the watch that represent hours. Light them and sit in the middle. Put a little bit of dirt (earth) in every flame, but dont kill the flame. Turn the arrows in the pocket watch as many times as you like and then leave them pointing at exact hour or minute you want to go back to. Make sure then hours and arrows on the watch are in a line with the candles.

    Place the watch in the center and draw time runes next to every candle. Close your eyes and focus your energy and memory on the moment you want to go back to. Dont stay too long... Once you are done use water to take out the candle flame and wipe off the runes before you get up and leave the circle. Good luck.

    Added to on Apr 06, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #445 - Wonderland Spell

    This is a spell that could take you to your own personal wonderland... I've yet to test it but it's worth the shot, because when you truly believe in magic you can accomplish most anything.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Coloring Supplies
  • True Belief in Magic
  • Imagination
  • Voice
  • Knowledge of Alice in Wonderland
  • Pencil
  • Dreams
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Coloring Supplies
  • True Belief in Magic
  • Imagination
  • Voice
  • Knowledge of Alice in Wonderland
  • Pencil
  • Dreams
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    1). Imagine every person, place, and thing you will come across in Wonderland.
    2). Draw each on a separate sheet of paper( loose leaf or notebook), and color each in.
    3). With every sheet include a:
    4). Write a story including you, the people, places, and thing you found, how you got to Wonderland, what you did, and how you got home.
    5). Roll up the story and character sheets and bound it with string or a rubber band.
    6). Keep this scroll under your pillow and chant for one night:
    In a world of my own, I can be most anyone...
    Instead of being lonely, I talk to _______.
    There is/are one_______ every year, but there is/are 354 _______ a year.
    I can call this place home... In a world of my own, where I can be most anyone.
    When I'm in Wonderland, seconds in the real world are hours in wonderland.
    Anything brought out of Wonderland will look like it came from this world, and visa versa.
    I CANNOT DIE IN WONDERLAND NOR WILL I OR ANYONE OR ANYTHING BE HURT OR INJURED. NO ONE IN WONDERLAND WILL ATTEMT TO HURT ANYBODY. What I write in my story is not relevant, I may do any activity written in my story in any order and i can stay as long as I want, any time. How I get there and leave is the only thing that happens exactly as I write it. Everyone/thing speaks english. Nothing in Wonderland exists unless I write about it. I may add people places and things at any time. My Wonderland does not collide with anyone else's. Nobody may enter my Wonderland unless I willingly bring them to my domain.
    7). Add any other details to the chant that you think are important.
    8). This spell works best if you try to dream about your trip, or make your entrance/exit realistic
    * This Is The First Spell I've Posted So Thank You So Much For Reading I Wish You Luck And Good Intensions!*

    Added to on Apr 04, 2015
    Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #446 - Summon Wind to Fly

    You can summon the wind and have it fly you up, you can try to control it and fly.
    You may need:

  • Wand
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    You may need:

  • Wand
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    You take your wand and hold it high, you take some magic, and say:

    "Wind, I summon thee! Take me high, into the sky, please let me fly!"

    If it does not work try it again, and it might not work if you are a beginner.

    Added to on Apr 02, 2015
    Last edited on Jul 20, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #447 - Mind Control

    A simple spell to read someone's mind.
    You may need:

  • A picture of the person
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    You may need:

  • A picture of the person
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    Look at the picture of the person that you want to control and say this "your mind is mine and I am your master and lord".

    Added to on Mar 30, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #448 - The Hooded Man

    The Hooded Man Ritual appeared on the NoSleep subreddit in November of 2014. According to its submitter, nickybutler123, it has surfaced on other sites in the past; I’ve been unable to locate these other sites, however, so it’s possible that this claim is meant to deepen a newer story’s sense of history.
    In this ritual you go to another world in a taxi cab. It's not very dangerous, but better to be careful.
    This ritual should NOT be attempted in a state of agitation, nervousness, or fear.
    You may need:

  • Two black cords or ropes measuring half a meter in length each.
  • A telephone. If you have access to an old-fashioned rotary phone, it is suggested you use it, as it will provide the greatest effect. A modern touch-tone phone will also work, although it is recommended that it be of a corded variety. Cordless or cellular phones may present some difficulties and are not recommended.
  • Matches or a lighter.
  • A watch.
  • Salt.
  • One principal.
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    You may need:

  • Two black cords or ropes measuring half a meter in length each.
  • A telephone. If you have access to an old-fashioned rotary phone, it is suggested you use it, as it will provide the greatest effect. A modern touch-tone phone will also work, although it is recommended that it be of a corded variety. Cordless or cellular phones may present some difficulties and are not recommended.
  • Matches or a lighter.
  • A watch.
  • Salt.
  • One principal.
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    The Prelude: 1.Prior to beginning, perform a cleansing ritual in the location in which you plan to perform the Hooded Man Ritual. Burning a sage smudge stick and spreading salt or ash before the front door are recommended; for more detailed instructions, see here. 2.Shut all the doors, close all the windows, and draw all the curtains. 3.Turn off the lights, as well as all electronic devices. Set the two black cords, as well as the matches or lighter, near the phone. 4.Empty your pockets of any power or protection items, but keep the watch on your person. Calling the Cab: 1.Begin at night. 2.Sit down before the telephone and count to the number 13. Then, leaving the phone on the hook, dial the following number: 20496888. 3.Tie one black cord securely to the telephone’s handset. Lift the handset by holding the cord only; then dial the following number: 25515823. 4.Count to 13 and set the handset down, but do not hang it back on the cradle. Speak the following words into the receiver: “Hello? I need a cab.” 5.Untie the first black cord from the handset and replace it with the second one, making sure to secure it tightly. Burn the first cord immediately if possible; if it is not possible to do it immediately, burn it as soon as you have completed the ritual. 6.Open the curtains and look out. If you have completed steps one through five correctly, you will see a black taxi cab parked outside. Exit the building, locking the door behind you, and climb into the cab’s empty back seat. 7.Lock the cab door and go to sleep. During the Ride: 1.When you awaken, use your watch to check the time. 2.If your watch reads anytime other than 3:30am: Exit the cab and reenter your home within two minutes. Proceed to “The Ending – Step 1.” 3.If your watch reads 3:30am: Go back to sleep. 4.When you awaken for the second time, you will find the cab to be driving on a highway with a man wearing a hood at the wheel. Do NOT do any of the following: ◾Panic. ◾Attempt to get out of the cab while it is moving. ◾Speak to any other passengers the cab may pick up. 5.When you are ready to end your ride, lean close to the hooded man’s ear and say the following words, slowly and deliberately: “I have reached my destination.” You will fall asleep one last time; when you awaken, you will have returned to your starting location. The Ending: 1.Once you have returned to your starting location, seat yourself before the telephone once more and dial the following number: 200082. 2.Use the black cord to lift the handset, set it down, and recite the following words into the receiver: “Thank you for the ride.” 3.Untie the black cord from the handset. Burn it; then bury the ashes of both it and the first cord in the ground. Scatter salt over the top of the burial site. 4.Perform a cleansing ritual. Additional Notes: Sage, salt, or other items of protection may be used during the cleansing rituals performed before and after the Hooded Man Ritual itself; however, these items should NOT be carried with you while you are performing the Hooded Man Ritual. Should you feel threatened, followed, stalked, or otherwise unsafe at any point during the ritual, do NOT proceed. If you have not yet gotten in the back of the cab, do not enter it; if you have, perform step five of “During the Ride.” Panicking, attempting to exit the moving vehicle, or speaking to other passengers may result in dire or fatal consequences. Do NOT, under ANY circumstances, perform those actions. Concerning the Length of the Cab Ride: You may allow the cab ride to continue on as long as you desire; however, it should be noted that the longer the ride, the more difficult it is to emerge from the landscapes through which the cab passes. Should you wish to return to the same world you left, it is recommended that you do not allow the cab ride to go on for undue amounts of time. It is unknown what happens when the cab stops. If you are feeling adventurous, you may attempt to find out… …But don’t count on being able to return home again once you get there.

    Added to on Mar 26, 2015
    Last edited on Apr 18, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #449 - Doors to the Mind

    This game is also sometimes referred to as "Doors to the Mind," although it shouldn't be confused with the creepypasta "Gateway of the Mind." According to redditor u/brickell, it's not nearly as dangerous as many of these sorts of rituals tend to be; it's still best to proceed with caution, though. After all, you never know what might be lurking in the corners of your own head.
    You may need:

  • 1 principal.
  • 1 partner.
  • A quiet room.
  • A few candles.
  • Matches or a lighter.
  • An alarm clock.
  • A pillow (optional).
  • A recording device (optional).
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    You may need:

  • 1 principal.
  • 1 partner.
  • A quiet room.
  • A few candles.
  • Matches or a lighter.
  • An alarm clock.
  • A pillow (optional).
  • A recording device (optional).
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    Although The Doors of Your Mind has been reposted in a number of places, I'm pretty sure it first appeared on the r/ThreeKings subreddit roughly two years ago. Shortly after The Three Kings game itself took r/NoSleep on by storm, a spin-off sub devoted solely to recipes and experiences for similar games was created. It played host to a huge flurry of activities right after its creation; since then, it's slowed down somewhat, with new posts being fewer and arriving further between. It's still an interesting place to visit, though, so check it out if you haven't already.

    The Prelude:

    1.Begin whenever you feel most relaxed.

    2.Find a quiet room, dim the lights, and set up your candles. Use the matches or lighter to light the candles, being mindful of fire hazards as you do so. If you would like to record your experience, set up your chosen device and begin recording.

    3.Set the alarm clock to go off one hour from the time you begin.

    4.Have your partner sit on the floor; you yourself should lie down with your head in your partner's lap, facing up. You may use your pillow if you like. Close your eyes.

    5.Have your partner begin rubbing your temples in slow, circular motions. The tempo should be steady, and the overall feeling relaxing. Keep your eyes closed.

    6.Your partner will function as your guide for this next portion. Have them speak the following words to you: 'You are at one end of a very long corridor. There are numerous doors on both sides of this corridor, spanning the entire length. I want you to explore these doors and the rooms behind them. Describe to me what you can see, hear, touch, and feel with great detail.'

    The Exploration:

    1.At this point, you should find yourself in the corridor. Traverse it, exploring the doors that line it and the rooms kept behind the doors; as you go, describe each and every thing you encounter. There are no rules as to how best to explore the corridor and its rooms.

    You may, however, find the following tips helpful:

    • Pay as much attention to yourself as to your surroundings. What are you wearing? What's in your pockets? Do you have anything meaningful about your person? Whatever you find, it might be useful.
    • Take a good look (and feel, and so on) of each door before you open it. What color is it? What size and shape is it? What does the handle look like? Is the handle an unusual temperature? These details and more might provide hints about what waits behind the door itself.
    • You do not have to open every door. Trust your instincts: If you feel it would be unwise to enter one, don't open it. The Return: 1.When the alarm goes off, your partner should guide you back to the real world. The exact words spoken to do so are up to your partner, but in all cases, the corridor should recede and any doors that have been opened should be closed by the end.

    2.Once you have returned, blow out the candles and turn off the recording device (if using). You may listen to your recording at your leisure; or, you may choose never to listen to it. It's entirely up to you.

    Additional Notes:

    • This game may be played as many times as you desire. After you have played it enough times, you may no longer require the alarm clock; your partner should be able to determine when you are ready to make your way back.
    • If you enter a room filled with clocks, do not touch any of the clocks and leave the room immediately.
    • If you encounter an old woman, do not speak to her and leave the room immediately.
    • If you encounter a man in a suit, particularly one who inspires feelings of unease or dread, describe him immediately to your partner. Your partner should then end the session, regardless as to whether the alarm has gone off. If your partner is unable to end the session, do not speak to him and leave the room immediately.
    • Some doors may be locked, blocked, or otherwise barred. Check your person to see if you have a key; if you don't, however, do not worry, you may simply not be ready to deal with whatever is behind it yet. Leave the door closed and move on.
    • It is not unheard of personages encountered in specific rooms to lock you inside. One player recounted an instance in which his partner, in this case, his sister, was required to shake him violently in order to pull him back into reality.

    A Word of Advice:

    Tread carefully. Your mind is not always your friend.

    Added to on Mar 26, 2015
    Last edited on Jan 21, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #450 - The Elevator to Another World

    Introduction:This is a ritual from Korea. By performing this ritual you are supposed to get to "a different world." According to people that have successfully completed the game, it looks the same as the town/ building that you are from, but all the lights are off and you can only see a red cross in the distance. There are no other living things there except yourself. Some say electronics like phones, cameras, etc. don't work, while some say they do. Also, some say that getting back to the real world is harder for some reason.
    You get disorientated and forget the elevator you came on, or somehow the elevator seems to get further and further away as you walk towards it.
    You may need:

  • 10+ story building.
  • Only you.
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    You may need:

  • 10+ story building.
  • Only you.
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    You must be in a 10+ story building and in the elevator alone. If someone is in the elevator with you, it won't work.
    1. Get on the elevator on the 1st floor.
    2. Press 4 and when you reach the 4th floor, don't get out and press 2.
    3. When you reach 2nd floor, press 6.
    4. When you reach 6th floor, press 2.
    5. When you reach 2nd floor, press 10.
    6. When you reach 10th floor, press 5.
    7. When you reach the 5th floor, a girl will come in. That woman is not human. Don't talk or look at the girl. If you do, she'll take you away.
    8. Press 1, and if the elevator instead starts going up to the 10th floor, then you have succeeded. You will have reached another world where there is no one except you.
    9. If you get off at the 10th floor, the girl will ask, ''Where are you going?'' But don't answer.

    How to return:

    1. If the woman doesn't get on AND if you don't get off at the 10th floor.

    2. If you don't get off at the 10th floor, then press 1. If it doesn't press, keep on pressing until it works.

    To return after you get off:

    1. You must use the same elevator to go back.

    2. Do the 4-2-6-2-10-5 combo again.

    3. After you reach the 5th floor, press 1.

    4. As you're going up the 10th floor, press some other number to cancel.

    5. After you reach the 1st floor, check your surroundings.

    When you return to your house after you faint:

    If you were to faint in the process and wake up to find yourself in your own house, there's a high chance that you'll be taken back to the world again.

    Added to on Mar 26, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1230 Trick Spells from Spell Casters