928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters
- "This fire brings my desires"
- New Moon Manifestation
- Calling back your Power
- Storm Thoughts
- Third Eye Fire
- Find Path
- Good Luck Job Interview Spell Bag
- Get Hired Spell
- Get Hired Spell
- Get Hired Spell
#1 - "This fire brings my desires"
First, start by cleansing your area and materials.
Next, take your bay leaf and write what you desire onto them. Set aside.
Take your candle and anoint it with the protection oil. Roll the candle into the basil, mint, and rosemary. Place into its holder next to your cauldron
As you light your candle chant 3x "this fire brings my desire!"
One by one burn you bayleaf. When doing so say I manifest ___ (whatever each bay leaf says)
When you are finished burning the bayleaf chant again "this fire brings my desire!: 3x and add "this is my will. So mote it be!"
Let your candle burn all the way out, if possible.
And that's it. Good luck! And blessed be!
#2 - New Moon Manifestation
-First I use my incense to cleanse my space and all my supplies. I chose positive vibes for this one.
-Next I take my candle and rub it between my hands. I thought about how it's time for me to start a new chapter and make what I want come true. Focus on how you will be successfull. It will be so! I spent about a minute doing so and felt a vibration between my chest and the candle
-place your candle in the holder. I chose to anoint it with protection oil but this isn't necessary.
-take your cauldron. Add the sage, rosemary, basil, yarrow and citronella.
-write what you want to manifest for yourself on your bayleaves. Make it personal, make it deep! Put your emotions into this.
Next light your candle. While lighting it state your intentions. There is no chant or proper words here. I chose to say." This new moon I'm taking action. Everything I need will be mine. I make it happen"
-make sure your herbs are starting to smolder quite a bit. Smoke should be rising.
-burn your bayleaf. Each time say what you are manifesting "I manifest new opportunities" add it to the cauldron.
When your done let your candle and your cauldron contents burn for a whlile. Mine burnt for 10 minutes. Offer a closing statement like "this is what I manifest. Everything will come to me. This is my will and so mote it be!
-bonus keep incense ass and your bayleaf and herbs and you can put it in black salt!
Thank you! Let me know how this works for you!
Blessed be!
Last edited on Jan 30, 2025
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3 - Calling back your Power
Start by cleansing you area and supplies.
Next take your candle and rub it between your hands. Think about what you'd like this spell to do for you. This is charging your candle.
Get your bayleaf and write "my power". Use your twine and tie it to your candle. Up and down works best. Place the candle standing up on your plate or in your dish.
Next if you choose too you can anoint your candle with protection oil. I do.
Add your salt, rosemary, chili powder And cinnamon.
When you are ready light your candle and state your intention "with this spell I take back my power! I am in control!"
Let the candle burn all the way down. Your bayleaf will burn as well. While watching it burn mediate and think about what you need and how this is going to ŵork for you.
And that's it. Seems complicated but it's simple.
Let me know how it works for you.
Blessed be!
Last edited on Jan 30, 2025
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4 - Storm Thoughts
Through tried bestow of riches a strong tide imparts impressive maelstrom of interned delicacies and attainment of fortune destines desires stop port from portraying entitled doctrines of endeavors usurp detainment implies forest harvest
#5 - Third Eye Fire
Tall made born assembly through ambiguous disruption develops ambitious atom separate entropically satire devise
#6 - Find Path
Use the correlating words: “Starting turning time to let might burn tide strong timber fell story door tremble obvious sentiment forlorn storage actually forearm forgetful anticipating art stream” then you imagine entering a stream and as you move along your future self is beckoning you to continue.
#7 - Good Luck Job Interview Spell Bag
1) put some money drawing oil on your hands, and rub your hands against the incense stick while saying to the stick of incense: "Your job is to dispel any negative, unwanted and stagnant energy and attract and bring in energy of good fortune and luck" then light the incense, cleanse and bless items and area.
2) add the cinnamon sticks into the bag while telling it it's job is to bring you good luck for your job interview and also protect you and keep bad luck away from you
3) add chamomile and tell the chamomile it's job is to bring you luck and success regarding your job interview, repeat with nutmeg
4) add a little bit over a pinch of thyme and tell it that it's job is to make it so the spell works quickly
5) add open roads oil (or dill if you have no open roads oil, you can look up a recipe online for open roads oil) while telling the oil it's job is to open your roads to new opportunities with this job interview, and also to let the good luck in
6) add money drawing oil (or sugar, again there are money drawing oil recipes available) and tell the oil that it's job is to attract energy of money, luck, fortune, success etc
7) dress the cord/string in open roads oil, if you have no oil then just hold it and speak affirmations into it using the energy of your hands and words. Speak to the cord/string telling it to give you success for your job interview
8) tie multiple knots to close the bag, as you are tying the knots speak to the knots telling them to bind success in your job interview to you.
9) bless the spell bag once it's done, you can do this however you want, I just prayed over it with a rosary. Bring this with you on your persons when attending job interviews, but also it will give you results if you bring it with you while applying to jobs as well as it brings opportunities to you. You can always recharge it by praying over it or saying spell affirmations into it and using the energy in your hands to recharge it's magical energy.
#8 - Get Hired Spell
Write the company’s name that you had an interview with on the piece of paper with a green pen. Fold the paper TOWARDS you three (3) times. Then hold the tiger’s eye in your dominant hand and chant three (3) times: “I need this job now, show me the way how, to be hired on the spot, thank you a lot. So mote it be.” put both the tiger’s eye and the folded paper in your wallet or somewhere where you can carry it with you.
#9 - Get Hired Spell
Write the company’s name that you had an interview with on the piece of paper with a green pen. Fold the paper TOWARDS you three (3) times. Then hold the tiger’s eye in your dominant hand and chant three (3) times: “I need this job now, show me the way how, to be hired on the spot, thank you a lot. So mote it be.” put both the tiger’s eye and the folded paper in your wallet or somewhere where you can carry it with you.
#10 - Get Hired Spell
Write the company’s name that you had an interview with on the piece of paper with a green pen. Fold the paper TOWARDS you three (3) times. Then hold the tiger’s eye in your dominant hand and chant three (3) times: “I need this job now, show me the way how, to be hired on the spot, thank you a lot. So mote it be.” put both the tiger’s eye and the folded paper in your wallet or somewhere where you can carry it with you.