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928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters

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928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 928 Wealth Spells
  1. Bed Making Blessing
  2. Luck Sigil
  3. Visualisation, chant and prayer 3-in-1 for your team to win
  4. Crystal Luck
  5. How To Make Powerful Moon Water
  6. Success spell jar
  7. To Have Any Wish Granted
  8. Between-Dream Manifestations
  10. Best Money and Abundance Spell (Ancient Egyptian)
#11 - #20
#31 - #40
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#11 - Bed Making Blessing

This is a blessing to complete as you make your bed. It will give you good fortune and luck.
You may need:

  • Your visage
  • Makings of a soul
  • An apparition
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    You may need:

  • Your visage
  • Makings of a soul
  • An apparition
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    Apparently oblivious into delirious sentiment a barnyard settling steward disassemble decision impromptu fasting the same apparition set may porous at moment impartial rectification impassable progress imperceptible imperium devising summer starting storm break sumptuous decisive perilous.

    Visualize seams coming to a crossing enveloping a prompt for further retrospect. Focus on the goal even if your bed is not in your house but on the beach. You will trace the borders with your fingers. Proper care establishes pertinent barrel toward goal. The lines should match where they meet.

    Added to on Sep 17, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #12 - Luck Sigil

    just a simple luck sigil
    You may need:

  • Marker
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    You may need:

  • Marker
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    draw a circle

    draw a line through on the inside of it until its 2 half's

    the draw a line through it starting on the inside and end on the outside so it has a "tail"

    its should be a circle in 4ths with a line on the outside

    and your done you may feel a little drained so don't write them every where unless you wanna drain your energy

    Added to on Jun 23, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #13 - Visualisation, chant and prayer 3-in-1 for your team to win

    If you do this spell well prior to a game your favourite team/s (like the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins, Revolution, Cannons LC etc) may take the victory in the game.
    You may need:

  • Printed image of your team's logo
  • Visualise the outcome
  • Fire
  • Sunday
  • 4 red candles
  • Bay leaf wreath
  • Circle cast
  • Centred
  • Hope your team will win
  • Victory spell mix
  • Green ink
  • Victory oil
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    You may need:

  • Printed image of your team's logo
  • Visualise the outcome
  • Fire
  • Sunday
  • 4 red candles
  • Bay leaf wreath
  • Circle cast
  • Centred
  • Hope your team will win
  • Victory spell mix
  • Green ink
  • Victory oil
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    First, cast the circle, build a fire in your chosen source, print off the picture of your team's logo, get centred and set up your candles.
    Then, light the candle and light the fire, draw 4 victory sigils of your choice on the page with the team's logo inside the logo in the victory oil, and say a quick chant to charge it.
    Next, place the wick of ONE candle at a time up to ONE corner at a time of the sheet with the team's logo on it.
    After, draw 7 victory sigils of your choice inside the logo in the green ink, say another quick blessing, and fold the paper 7 times.
    Lastly, draw another victory sigil on the paper in the green ink on one side and the victory oil on the other side, crumble the bay leaf crown up, sprinkle it onto the folded sheet, sprinkle the victory mix onto it and place it into the fire while visualising the outcome of the game and put the candles in, with the remains of the crumbled bay leaf crown and spell mix while saying your prayer and say a quick chant to reinforce your intention.
    The spell is done.

    Added to on Mar 31, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #14 - Crystal Luck

    A spell for good luck using crystals.
    You may need:

  • A jade crystal
  • Focus
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    You may need:

  • A jade crystal
  • Focus
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    Put the jade gently in your palm. Focus only on the crystal and your breathing for about 1 minute. Then, say the incantation out loud or in your head 3 times

    "Jade crystal, bring forth luck, so that tomorrow I can fell confident in what I do"

    You may replace "Confident" with another word.

    This spell cannot be cast on others.

    Added to on Feb 07, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #15 - How To Make Powerful Moon Water

    My former friend told me that if you pray to the goddess Nyx, then the moon water will be more powerful. You can do anything with moon water. Hex, use it in spells, curse, and more.
    You may need:

  • Water
  • Water
  • Bowl
  • 30 minutes
  • Full Moon
  • Night
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • Water
  • Bowl
  • 30 minutes
  • Full Moon
  • Night
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    During a full moon, but a glass bowl of water outside, or a place where the moonlight will shine on the water. Pray to Nyxe for 30 minutes, then leave and go to bed, but leave the bowl of water where it is. Overnight it will become moonwater. But YOU MUST take the bowl of water ( now moon water), and take it away before sunlight shines on it, or IT WILL NOT WORK, and then put a lid on the bowl and label it Moon Water. Glass cups work too.


    It can hex, how to make money, used in spells, and more. My former friend told me this. You might find that spells using moon water has a higher chance of working.

    Added to on Jan 17, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #16 - Success spell jar

    This spell jar will give you luck
    You may need:

  • Lemon balm
  • Bergamot
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Tigers eye
  • Pyrite
  • Citrine
  • Gold sealing wax
  • Glass bottle (with cork)
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    You may need:

  • Lemon balm
  • Bergamot
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Tigers eye
  • Pyrite
  • Citrine
  • Gold sealing wax
  • Glass bottle (with cork)
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    Add the lemon balm,bergamot,cinnamon,ginger,tigers eye,pyrite and citrine into the jar and add the cork. Seal with the gold wax and put wherever.

    Added to on Jan 06, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #17 - To Have Any Wish Granted

    A powerful wish spell, which may bring about nearly any desire one may have. Be warned: This spell, though requiring nothing but one's own voice, is very long.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    To have any wish granted, first remain pure for the space of seven days. In this time, eat nothing, drink only water, have no sexual intercourse, and speak neither insult nor sarcasm to any. On the seventh day, do not speak to anyone until twilight. At this time, speak the following incantation, all the while visualizing what it is you desire:

    "My heart is burdened with great desires. I, NN, whose mother is NN, call upon the divine powers to grant my wish. I bind all nature to my bidding, by the eternal and ineffable names YAHAWAHA, YAHAWAHE, YAHAWAHI, YAHAWAHO, YAHAWAHU. Let the wind refuse to blow until my desires are fulfilled, almighty YAHAWEHA, YAHAWEHE, YAHAWEHI, YAHAWEHO, YAHAWEHU. Let the fire grow cold until my wish is granted, only-begotten YAHAWIHA, YAHAWIHE, YAHAWIHI, YAHAWIHO, YAHAWIHU. Let the earth refuse to hold until this thing is done, most blessed YAHAWOHA, YAHAWOHE, YAHAWOHI, YAHAWOHO, YAHAWOHU. Let the oceans go dry until my will is done, unfathomable YAHAWUHA, YAHAWUHE, YAHAWUHI, YAHAWUHO, YAHAWUHU."

    Here, speak your wish, clearly and concisely, then continue.

    "In the holy names of YAHEWAHA, YAHEWAHE, YAHEWAHI, YAHEWAHO, YAHEWAHU, I bind the sphere of the Moon to my service. May the tides not move until my wish is granted, by the almighty names YAHEWEHA, YAHEWEHE, YAHEWEHI, YAHEWEHO, YAHEWEHU. Likewise, in the holy names of YAHEWIHA, YAHEWIHE, YAHEWIHI, YAHEWIHO, YAHEWIHU, I bind the sphere of Mercury to my service. May neither speech nor trade occur in all the human race until my wish is granted, by the almighty names YAHEWOHA, YAHEWOHE, YAHEWOHI, YAHEWOHO, YAHEWOHU. Likewise, in the holy names of YAHEWUHA, YAHEWUHE, YAHEWUHI, YAHEWUHO, YAHEWUHU, I bind the sphere of Venus to my service. Let no love spring forth from the hearts of men nor women nor animal until my wish is granted."

    Speak again your wish, clearly and concisely, before continuing.

    "Likewise, in the holy names of YAHIWAHA, YAHIWAHE, YAHIWAHI, YAHIWAHO, YAHIWAHU, I bind the sphere of the Sun to my service. Let no light shine on the earth until my wish is fulfilled, by the almighty names YAHIWEHA, YAHIWEHE, YAHIWEHI, YAHIWEHO, YAHIWEHU. Likewise, in the holy names of YAHIWIHA, YAHIWIHE, YAHIWIHI, YAHIWIHO, YAHIWIHU, I bind the sphere of Mars to my service. May no acts of courage or conflict occur until my wish has been fulfilled, by the almighty names YAHIWOHA, YAHIWOHE, YAHIWOHI, YAHIWOHO, YAHIWOHU. Likewise, in the holy names YAHIWUHA, YAHIWUHE, YAHIWUHI, YAHIWUHO, YAHIWUHU, I bind the sphere of Jupiter to my service. Halt the actions of kings and rulers until my wish has been fulfilled, by the almighty names YAHOWAHA, YAHOWAHE, YAHOWAHI, YAHOWAHO, YAHOWAHU. Likewise, in holy names YAHOWEHA, YAHOWEHE, YAHOWEHI, YAHOWEHO, YAHOWEHU, I bind the sphere of Saturn to my service. Let neither saint nor sinner pray or worship until my wish has been fulfilled, by the almighty names YAHOWIHA, YAHOWIHE, YAHOWIHI, YAHOWIHO, YAHOWIHU. Indeed, let it be true and very true, by the foremost names YAHOWOHA, YAHOWOHE, YAHOWOHI, YAHOWOHO, YAHOWOHU, that the spheres will not influence the earth, nor the lives of men, until this desire has come to pass, for such is the will of YAHOWUHA, YAHOWUHE, YAHOWUHI, YAHOWUHO, YAHOWUHU."

    Speak once more your desire, clearly and concisely, making certain to visualize what you desire.

    "Thus I have spoken, and thus shall it be, by the immortal and ineffable names YAHUWAHA, YAHUWAHE, YAHUWAHI, YAHUWAHO, YAHUWAHU, by the ineffable and infallible names YAHUWEHA, YAHUWEHE, YAHUWEHI, YAHUWEHO, YAHUWEHU, by the infallible and most blessed names YAHUWIHA, YAHUWIHE, YAHUWIHI, YAHUWIHO, YAHUWIHU, by the most blessed and righteous names YAHUWOHA, YAHUWOHE, YAHUWOHI, YAHUWOHO, YAHUWOHU, by the righteous and sacred names YAHUWOHA, YAHUWOHE, YAHUWOHI, YAHUWOHO, YAHUWOHU, by the sacred and almighty names YAHUWUHA, YAHUWUHE, YAHUWUHI, YAHUWUHO, YAHUWUHU, and by the almighty names of ADONAI TZEBAOTH, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, God of Gods, and Foremost of All Creation. Indeed, by these names my wish is granted, for I am NN, whose mother is NN. Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, and Amen."

    When this is done, go to bed without speaking to anyone, though you may speak prayers.

    Additional Notes:

      This spell is done via manipulation of the vowels of the Tetragrammaton, the ineffable Name of God, using the five vowels of Hebrew between each letter. As one can observe, the first vowel (A) never changes; this is because A is the chief and foremost of letters. However, I do suppose one could - if sufficiently desiring - repeat the spell using every permutation of the Tetragrammaton (YEHAWAHA, YEHAWAHE, etc.), but - if I were to put it casually - you can do that. As it stands, this spell is long enough.

    Added to on Dec 08, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #18 - Between-Dream Manifestations

    This is a simple way to add manifestation and connecting to your higher self/wisdom into your daily routine, while also giving yourself a focus to put your mind into to help aid in deeper restfulness so you can fall asleep. This can come as a way to affirm your goals and dreams on a daily basis with no extra time needed for it.
    You may need:

  • Comfortable Space to sleep
  • Visualization
  • Black Sage (Or other dream protective herbs/incense to burn)
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    You may need:

  • Comfortable Space to sleep
  • Visualization
  • Black Sage (Or other dream protective herbs/incense to burn)
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    If you have a sleep ritual with any teas, affirmations, or tools to prepare, complete all that needs to get done so you can comfortably move into sleep.

    Light your herbs with the intention of energetic protection before you open yourself and lean into your dreamworld.

    Once you're done, come to your bed and focus on your breath. Allow it to slow down and feel your energy as you become more aware of yourself. Visualize a space of protection and empowerment around you, both physically and astrally/energetically. As you build your energy, close your eyes and imagine you're right there with your higher self like a friend. Communicate with them what you wish to bring into your life or become more of, the things you want to embody more of leading forward. Allow yourself to drift into an imaginative experience of being and seeing this play out, as you are actively showing it to your higher self. Talk it through, let them give you wisdom and empowerment so that you are more prepared to reach these goals and understand yourself through them. Let yourself keep focused on this communication and connection all the way until you fall asleep and drift off into your rest.

    Resources & Spells for support:

    For using smoke for protection:

    Creating an Astral Space to find your higher self in:

    Added to on Dec 03, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.


    Makes you own a nightclubs. Must be underground.
    You may need:

  • nothing
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    You may need:

  • nothing
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    Say: "Nightclub," then say, "activate."

    Added to on Nov 03, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #20 - Best Money and Abundance Spell (Ancient Egyptian)

    Powerful spell to manifest your wish, be it money or material wealth.
    You may need:

  • Large Green Candle
  • Ankh made of paper
  • A Nice looking Bowl
  • Scisors
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    You may need:

  • Large Green Candle
  • Ankh made of paper
  • A Nice looking Bowl
  • Scisors
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    Prepare all items, and then:

    Sit and meditate, try to concentrate your willpower into paper ankh, imagine your wish down to detail.

    Burn up the candle before you, separate the T looking part of ankh from O atop of it with scissors and repeatedly "stab" T part trough O part while your read this out loud:

    "Kha ta heneket, kha ka-u apedju, kha shes menekhet, kha hetep jefa! A thousand of bread and beer, a thousand of cattle and birds, a thousand of alabaster and clothes!"

    Then while T part of paper ankh is still inside O part, set it aflame and leave it inside your bowl. Leave ashes in bowl, dont throw them out, and as you repeat this ritual, bowl will fill with more and more ashes. When bowl is almost half full, put one simple feather on top of the ashes, and say:

    "Akhet peret shemu!" (which means "flood growing harvest!")

    Then fill the bowl with pure water. If feather floats, your desires are of benovelent intentions and will come true, if feather sinks well, then contact me i will tell you what to do!

    Added to on Oct 25, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters