928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters
- Leprechaun Luck Spell
- Stolen Leaf Clover
- Winternyt Prosperity Spell
- Enchant a Laser Pen
- Bills to Pay
- Genie in a Bottle
- Purple Light Spell
- Abundancy Summer Wreath
- Bowynn Garland of Blessed Abundance
- Abundance Balm
#501 - Leprechaun Luck Spell
2: Take a fresh piece of hair and put it in as you say:
''Leprechaun's luck as good as gold. Bring bad luck here no more.''
Say it about three times.
3: Either drink, or pour out around your house for full effect.
#502 - Stolen Leaf Clover
First you draw a leaf clover on a background with a sun, clouds, ground with grass, and the 4 leaf clover. Then you draw an x on the stem like it was broken then you draw an arrow pointing up above it.
After its all drawn with of course the blessed pen rub it with your thumb. Now imagine luck flowing into your life then fold it. Think "my luck was drained on (say what you did to take away your good luck)" then fold it again then just think of 4 leaf clovers. Fold it again then think "I shall get luck now from a 4 leaf clover"
Now just fold it one more time.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#503 - Winternyt Prosperity Spell
''Winternyt o' joyous night,
I fill this candle to burn so bright.
Let joy and harmony fill our life
From this hour to next Winternyt.''
Place the candle on a special place in your celebration area or on your altar. Now take time to meditate on the holiday and all the joys and happiness it can bring. Dwell not on the negative. When ready light the candle and say:
''Winter winds blow this night,
show us your power and might.
Starry sky glow and shine,
Make the moon luminous everthine.
Winter Oldman, as you travel on your way,
Pass not my house before winterday.
Knock on my floor and leave your sign,
Letting me know prosperity is mine.
Mother Moon bless my home,
as through the sky you roam.
Lady Winter bring your gifts onto me,
My family, my friends for all to see.
Bring joy and happiness, laughter to me,
New friends, new loves and new family.
And if these gifts are not for me to own
Give them to someone who I know.
Silver and gold, drink and food
Deliver to me all that's good.
This I pray on the Winternyt
With my heart, with all my might.''
Let the candle burn completely out on its own. Now go and celebrate the holiday.
Great Winternyt to all!
#504 - Enchant a Laser Pen
Open your circle and place your laser pointer in the center of the room, then say something that would be considered an incantation, this must come from heart, I will give an example(this specific example will enchant the pointer with the element of water, it's good to charge objects like laser pointers before an elemental ritual etc.)
"Elements of water, I call upon you to infuse your magick into the comfort of this material object, to bring it great advantages. I ask permission from a majority of the great goddesses, Fae, Atremis, Demeter, Cerridwen, Freya. Allow me to bless the object before me with this element I have chosen, water. It is my will, so mote it be."
Note: Your incantation must always end with "So mote it be." and if you are in a group have the people you are with say "So mote it be" as well.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#505 - Bills to Pay
Chant: "Money money come to me, come and help set me free, of this bill I have to pay, for it is due on this day. (say the day it is due). Come and set my mind at ease, and with that said, I do say please. Thank You Juno Moneta".
Light the candle and gently wave money in the amount of the bill over top the flame as you recite. Not to close you don't want to lose money. Let the candle burn 15 minutes then blow it out. Do this for 3 days.
Last edited on May 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#506 - Genie in a Bottle
2) Wrap it in tissue or wrapping paper. (I used a piece of purple plastic that is used for wrapping flowers) Then, tie it with a ribbon (optional) of your choice.
3) While holding it above your head, chant:
''King/queen of the genies, here my plea,
Grant me wishes, a little more than three.''
4) Stare into the container of genie sugar you've made. Then, say this in your head (or out loud):
''King/queen of the genies, here my request,
Please grant me (amount of wishes), if that's best.''
5) Hide the Genie bottle you made in a safe, private place. Pray for your wishes every morning, noon, and night. On the third day, your genie sugar will turn into your genie
If it works, let me know.
Blessed be!
#507 - Purple Light Spell
As you light the candle, repeat:
''This light is burning to help me gain and achieve (wish).
It's protest is small but holds great power.
For only it can push this power up into the Loving Hands of the Goddess.
I am, like this candle, small, but my intentions and ambitions are big,
and with perseverance, I will get there.
Goddess, help me achieve this. So mote it be''
Focus your energy on the flame. Think of all your ambitions and dreams. Imagine
the flame being pushed up into the hands of the Goddess. Visualize the Goddess
receiving all your energy. Imagine you can see your energy being pulled into the
flame. As your energy is soaked into the flame, imagine it turning purple. The
more energy soaked in the deeper and stronger the purple gets. Imagine a long
purple ribbon flowing out of the flame and into the hands of the Goddess.
#508 - Abundancy Summer Wreath
Set up your altar outside and have it face the east where the sun comes up. Invoke the gods of your faith that deal with abundance and summer. Give first prayers and your offering.
Hold your hand other the wheat stalks and empower them with golden abundant light and energy and say the following chant 3 times:
''God/Goddess of summer magic, help me bless these reeds,
God/Goddess of abundant life, help me bless these reeds.''
Light the candle. and speak 9 times over it:
''Abundant light bring your might
Energy radiant with abundant sight''
Gather long wheat shafts to braid with the gold or yellow candle. (you may fave to soak the wheat shafts some if they are too brittle and will break when you weave them.)
Braid the grass as you speak this verse:
''Summer fairies prancing in the meadow,
Spirits in the corn wheat;
Green Man is flourishing everywhere
On this summer sunrise morn.
Grains begin to ripen,
All things bear fruit.
Summer glistens with possibility,
Blossoms take root.
Fairies whisper secrets,
Powerful blessings to see.
Cycles move and all around,
they share their gifts with me.
Air to fire, Fire to water,
Water to earth, Earth to air.
Elements feed spirit,
And the circle glows.
At Summer, day and night,
We witness Nature's awesome might.
Growing full And blessing all,
'Tis Earth's celebration Before the chill of fall.
Now braiding this grass,
I mark this day Protect my hearth,
With the abundance of grain.
The blessings of the Goddess come again;
Place the braid above my door.
Hunger be banished now and then.
Blessings be drawn to this place,
Summer's energy fill this space.
Air, fire, water, earth unite,
And bless us all this day.''
When done braiding the wheat, decorate it as you want and hang it somewhere in your house or on the front door to invite abundance into your home.
Last edited on Sep 18, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#509 - Bowynn Garland of Blessed Abundance
Give your first prayers and then offerings as you wish.
Lay the branchs of apple upon your altar and light the three green candles in front of it. Hold your hands over the branches and speak the following:
''Goddess of the sweet orchard I ask of thee
may that which I craft here bring abundance to me.
Blessing to the home that this bough hang within.
Bless those that pass under it and reside within.''
As you gaze at the branch and the candles send into the branches and apples green energy of abundance. Think of all the positive aspects of your life. Visualize these blessings as blossoms on an apple tree. Feel the warm abundance energy from the candle flames illuminating your life. See the branch's blossoms as proof that life's abundance is always renewing itself. See the apples as the fruit to nurture abundance in your life.
Now take the apples and cut them up into disks and poke two holes in the center. Use the green and and yellow ribbon and start tie together the branches so you get a nice long garland, long enough to decorate the main archway of your house. As you do chant or sing the following:
''Baul O aead ad Alaway nod urst.
Baul O aead tau bront em jerst.''
(This is a bowynn traditional hymn. If you are uncomfortable with it, feel free to substitute it with something of your liking)
Now use more ribbon to attach the apple disks and decorate the garland.
When done take the garland up in your hands and say:
''To the gods and goddess of my love
I offer to thee that garland
And hang it from a place of honor above.
I bless and sanctify the garland gifts
and may those that pass under it
this bough their hearts do lift.''
Hang the garland ritually in the main archway of your home or inside your front door. Then hang the small toys and/or prayer ties to it. Leave the garland up as long as you can. When totally dead and dried out, take the garland down and either burn it or bury it.
#510 - Abundance Balm
First off remember that abundance is not just financial. Abundance covers a huge range of aspects; food, friends, family, objects and even an plethora of emotions if one thinks of it.
Assuming your are working this at your altar, set up your altar as you see fit and invoke the gods of your pantheon. Perform first prayers and gift your offerings. (If you are doing this at a kitchen counter or table, you may wish to cleanse and sanctify the area first and then still call your your gods.)
Add all the ingredients above in the glass bowl and with your magical spoon mix vibrantly until well mixed evenly. Remember to stir clockwise for increase and positive energy. As you are stirring chant the following as often as you need to:
"Gods of my forefathers and myself,
To thee I call and ask of you;
No more to chance is my life,
I evoke and beseech this of the gods
The power of abundance now come to me!"
Visualize your needs being met and send the green energy through your hands, through the spoon and into your mixture.
When done place the mixture in the small jar and close it tight. Place in a cool dry place for a day or so. Use this cream on areas of chakra points
Last edited on Apr 30, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.