A job spell that works in nine days, but is aided if caster looks for work as well.
You may need:
1 stick of Cinnamon
1 High John the Conqueror root
1 green or gold thread
1 three kings oil Frankincense, Myrrh and Spikenard
1 red drawstring bag
You may need:
1 stick of Cinnamon
1 High John the Conqueror root
1 green or gold thread
1 three kings oil Frankincense, Myrrh and Spikenard
1 red drawstring bag
First, tie cinnamon stick an high john the conqueror root with thread. Then anoint with Three Kings Oil and place in drawstring bag. Every morning before searching for work, add a little more Three Kings Oil.
This spell will bring luck, love or money when you wear the amulet.
You may need:
Luck oil
You may need:
Luck oil
Draw a pentagram on the paper then place your amulet in the center of the pentagram while sprinkling luck oil around the pentagram. Sprinkle some on the amulet while chanting: "da mihi amare pecuniam fortuna diis placet" then place the amulet on. Make sure no one touches it all luck will be gone.
Choose a small unlined bound book. Light a white candle. By its flame,draw a pentagram on the first page. On this page, beneath the pentagram, add the date of the spell you created, your mundane name, and the moon phase. Now hold it up before the candle and say these or similar words:
"O stars, O sun
O moon so bright,
Bless now this spell,
I've made tonight"
Raise the paper/book to the north, east, south,and west. Copy one of your spells that you want to work.
At some time in the evening, take a show. After dressing in clean and comfortable clothes, stand near a window where you can see the sky. Sprinkle seven cloves around you in a clockwise direction, forming a circle. Then with your arms above your head, repeat this incantation:
"I am greatful, oh Universe, for this body and mind. As I breathe in cosmic forces, I shall focus with confiende and knowledge".
Breathe deeply for a few minutes until you feel empowered and strong. Put the cloves in a pouch and take them with you. Repeat as needed.
Lets you win one with these simple words. It drains more power than a regular good luck spell, but it does work better than the average good luck spell.
You may need:
You may need:
"I want to win,and this may be a sin, but create victory for me, so mote it be."
With this spell you can charge a crystal ball with special energies that will help you see in to the past or future.
You may need:
A crystal ball
Your own altar
3 white candles
You may need:
A crystal ball
Your own altar
3 white candles
Place the crystal ball on your altar between the candles and say, "Crystal ball, let the power of the future and the past enter and embrace you, so mote it be".
This spell is a divination spell for beginers, and even for advanced wizards. Do not take the answer so literaly, though. Employ your wisdom here. P.S.- This spell has worked on many occations.
You may need:
1 Die.
Your sense of rhythm.
Phsycic abilities. (optional)
You may need:
1 Die.
Your sense of rhythm.
Phsycic abilities. (optional)
Just recite all of the following, then roll the die. Sing:
1 is good.
2 is bad.
3 is happy.
4 issad.
5 finds love and
6 is a random trait.
This die shall decide your fate!
Gambino Fatum!
The results are based on the number that's on the top of the die when it comes to rest.