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928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 928 Wealth Spells
928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 928 Wealth Spells
  1. Better Music
  2. Riches for Riches
  3. Fame spell (invoke Apollo)
  4. Find the target
  5. Success In Investing
  6. Winning In Gambling
  7. Infinite wealth spell
  8. Birthday Candles for Good Luck
  9. 1 Bad luck curse
  10. Attract money

#81 - Better Music

This spell will improve your music. Whether you play an instrument or it's your voice it will improve.
You may need:

You may need:



”My music is good,

but it can improve.

I cast this spell,

to make it true.

So mote it be."

Added to on Aug 09, 2020
Last edited on May 09, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.

#82 - Riches for Riches

The saying goes "you have to spend money to make money". And for the most part, I believe that to be true. But have you ever thought about making yourself rich by making others rich?
You may need:

  • An altar space or place in your home you can dedicate a wealth shrine to
  • A job or allowance, as this will require money on at least a weekly basis
  • Statues/pictures/depictions of your deities (if you have them)
  • A large metal bowl, preferably somewhat ornate, but go with what feels right
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    You may need:

  • An altar space or place in your home you can dedicate a wealth shrine to
  • A job or allowance, as this will require money on at least a weekly basis
  • Statues/pictures/depictions of your deities (if you have them)
  • A large metal bowl, preferably somewhat ornate, but go with what feels right
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    Set up your shrine as fits yourself, but be sure to place the bowl near the front, as this will be for your offerings to your deities/the universe. And once you have your shrine set up, it's time to take your wallet into town.

    Go to someone and ask if you can trade your dollar for a single coin. This is so you are redistributing your wealth. You're making someone else richer. They may look at you quizically, because normally people wouldn't ask such a thing. Just come up with an excuse, but DO NOT get full change back. The point is to receive less than you gave them. A single dollar for a coin is fine. It's not about the amount you're giving, it's the fact you are. Double points if you trade with someone not as well off as you.

    Return home and offer the coin to your dieties/the universe. Show them/it that if you were to strike it rich, you would not be the only person to benefit. Pray as you see fit, meditate to ease your thoughts, and forget about it.

    Collect a coin this way at least once a week, always offering it up, praying, and returning next time. You should receive results in the future. You can do so as often as every single day or more, as you wish. Don't hurt yourself in the process, though.

    **A NOTE: NEVER take coins out of the offering bowl, as this would be stealing, as you've given it to your dieties/the universe. This could lead to the opposite results intended, and I wouldn't want to see you beautiful people struggling.**

    Added to on Jul 17, 2020
    Last edited on Jul 19, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #83 - Fame spell (invoke Apollo)

    Invokes the God Apollo to make you a Rich and Famous person for your desired reason
    You may need:

  • Belief in the spell
  • Daytime
  • Belief in the Greek God Apollo
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    You may need:

  • Belief in the spell
  • Daytime
  • Belief in the Greek God Apollo
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    Say this seven times during the day " oh great God Apollo I invoke you to make me a Rich and Famous (Desired reason here) and to be the most well known (desired reason here) across the world this has been my dream since I was little and I would like to have it come true instantly so if you allow it let it be for this is my will so mote it be."

    Added to on May 21, 2020
    Last edited on May 22, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #84 - Find the target

    This is a spell that will aid you when using a pendulum to find a lost object.
    You may need:

  • -Pendulum (any type)
  • -A clear Target
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    You may need:

  • -Pendulum (any type)
  • -A clear Target
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    First, take your Pendulum and cleanse it.
    Second, Envision your target think of its appearance and its value to you.
    Once you have done both of these things chant "Pendulum swing towards my ____ open up my eyes to the item that I prize."

    Then allow your pendulum to swing and follow the way the pendulum swings more prominently. If you find that you haven't found your object or your pendulum seems to stop showing you where it may be, repeat the spell chant and re-focus on your object.

    Added to on May 15, 2020
    Last edited on May 03, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #85 - Success In Investing

    This is my own original spell. This is a spell for investment success.
    You may need:

  • two green candles
  • one gold candle
  • pork lard
  • altar
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    You may need:

  • two green candles
  • one gold candle
  • pork lard
  • altar
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    Place the three candles in a triangle formation in front of you on the altar; the gold candle is to be at the top of the triangle. Anoint each of the candles with pork lard. Cast a circle, light the green candles and gold candle, meditate, and then chant the following, eight times,

    “Bring me investing help and guidance that I should trust,

    And not fraud and misguidance that the foolish would trust;

    Make me succeed in investing and a winner,

    And not fail in investing and a loser."

    Warning: Do not take restless investment risks even if you have cast this spell.

    Added to on May 15, 2020
    Last edited on May 18, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #86 - Winning In Gambling

    This is my own original spell. You can cast this spell to win bets and win money and other things in gambling.
    You may need:

  • three green candles
  • things you use for gambling
  • altar
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    You may need:

  • three green candles
  • things you use for gambling
  • altar
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    On an altar in front of you, place your wagering implements. Place in front of the gambling implements, three green candles in a triangle formation. Light each of the candles. Chant, twenty-one times,

    “Triangle of fire, make me a winner in my every wager."

    Warning: Do not take reckless risks in gambling even if you have cast this spell.

    Added to on May 11, 2020
    Last edited on May 15, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #87 - Infinite wealth spell

    Invokes the Greek God Hades who was not only the God of the dead but also the God of wealth too.
    You may need:

  • Night
  • Belief in Hades
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    You may need:

  • Night
  • Belief in Hades
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    Say this 6 times at night. "Oh great god Hades I humbly I ask you for the blessing of Infinite wealth. So if you allow it let it be for this is my will so mote it be. "

    Added to on Apr 25, 2020
    Last edited on May 03, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #88 - Birthday Candles for Good Luck

    This is a very common and popular type of magic. You do it on your birthday.
    You may need:

  • cake
  • green glitter birthday candles
  • lighter or matches
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    You may need:

  • cake
  • green glitter birthday candles
  • lighter or matches
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    Put the birthday candles in the cake. Please make sure the number of birthday candles in the cake add up to how old your turning on your birthday, and an extra one for good luck. For example, if you're turning 15 there would need to be 16 birthday candles.

    Now light the candles.

    After they sing happy birthday close your eyes, say a wish in your mind, open your eyes back up, take a deep breath in through your mouth and try your hardest to blow out all the birthday candles in one breath.

    If you succeed, your supposed to get your wish and have good luck until your next birthday-for one year. Please don't tell your wish until after it comes true. Enjoy!

    Added to on Mar 27, 2020
    Last edited on May 10, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #89 - 1 Bad luck curse

    Do you wish to curse someone with bad luck? Yes? If so, this is the spell for you.
    You may need:

  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Concentration
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    Hold out your hands and move them in a motion as of you were forming a clay ball.

    If you can feel a tingling sensation between your hands that's good! If you can't feel it then concentrate!

    Chant the persons name that you want to curse 5 times.

    Added to on Mar 01, 2020
    Last edited on May 10, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #90 - Attract money

    This spell will help attract money towards your household.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Green pen
  • 3 shiny coins
  • Cinnamon
  • Basil
  • Paprika or Cayenne pepper
  • Candle of chosen colour
  • Mortar and pestle or bowl and wooden spoon
  • String
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Green pen
  • 3 shiny coins
  • Cinnamon
  • Basil
  • Paprika or Cayenne pepper
  • Candle of chosen colour
  • Mortar and pestle or bowl and wooden spoon
  • String
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    First write the initials of who this spell is for on the paper (in the green pen).

    Then turn the paper clockwise and write ' money is near, money is here' three times on top of the name(s).

    Underneath the names and the command write a money symbol such as £,$,€.

    Next, add the herbs into your mortar and pestle and blend in a clockwise motion while focusing on your intent.

    Rub the herb mixture onto the different coins and place them in the middle of the paper (any extra herb mix can be rubbed on the paper).

    Fold the paper towards you until you have a small pouch and use the sting to tie it up.

    Keep the pouch near a candle and light it (the candle) as much as possible.

    If you try this spell please contact me and tell me your results.

    Love and light always x

    Added to on Feb 20, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters