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987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 987 Weather Spells
987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 987 Weather Spells
  1. Ultimate Mage Spells Part 2
  2. Song of Storms
  3. Advanced Aerokenisis
  4. Fire Ring- Fire Based Spell
  5. Harness your elemental magic
  6. Fire Ball- Fire Based Spell
  7. Avian Spell
  8. Sunny Day Spell
  9. Warmth- Fire based spell
  10. Let it pour (TESTED)

#131 - Ultimate Mage Spells Part 2

These spells are very dangerous so be careful.
You may need:

  • Visualization
  • Willpower
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    You may need:

  • Visualization
  • Willpower
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    Weather Magic: Cloud Creation: Will that a cloud will be made in the sky. You can also will it to move and disappear. Storm/Rainstorm Creation: Will that a storm cloud will be made in the sky. You can also will it to move and disappear. Hailstorm Creation: Will that a hailstorm cloud will be made in the sky. You can also will it to move and disappear. Supercell Creation: Will that a supercell will be made in the sky. You can also will it to move and disappear. Tornado Creation F1 Creation: Will that a f1 will be made in the place that you want it to be made. F2 Tornado Creation: Will that a f2 will be made in the place that you want it to be made. F3 Tornado Creation: Will that a f3 will be made in the place that you want it to be made. F4 Tornado Creation: Will that a f4 will be made in the place that you want it to be made. F5 Tornado Creation: Will that a f5 will be made in the place that you want it to be made. (I didn't mention the control thing cuz i'm lazy. You can will the Tornadoes to move and disappear.) Tropical Depression: Will the place that you want to make a tropical depression at. You can control the Tropical Depression. You can will it to go to places, make it become stronger, and will it to disappear. Tropical Storm: Will that the Tropical Depression will turn into a tropical storm. You can control the Tropical Storm. (You can will it to go to places, make it become stronger and will it to disappear.) Hurricane Category 1: Will that the tropical storm will turn into a Hurricane Category 1. You can control the Hurricane. (You can will it to go to places, make it become stronger, and will it to disappear.) Hurricane Category 2: Will that the Hurricane Category 1 will turn into a Hurricane Category 2. You can control the Hurricane. (You can will it to go to places and will it to disappear.) Hurricane Category 3: Will that the Hurricane Category 2 will turn into a Hurricane Category 3. (You can control the Hurricane. You can will it to go to places, make it become stronger, and will it to disappear.) Hurricane Category 4: Will that the Hurricane Category 3 will turn into a Hurricane Category 4. You can control the Hurricane. (You can will it to go to places, make it become stronger and will it to disappear.) Hurricane Category 5: Will that the Hurricane Category 5. You can control the Hurricane. (You can will it to become stronger, will it to go to places, and will it to disappear.) Hurricane Superstorm: Will that the Hurricane Category 5 will turn into a Superstorm. You can control the Hurricane Superstorm. (You can will it to become stronger, will it to go to places, and will it to disappear.)

    Added to on Apr 16, 2017
    Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #132 - Song of Storms

    This spell will make it rain with a song.
    You may need:

  • A necklace
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    You may need:

  • A necklace
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    Go outside on a cloudy day put on the necklace you have chosen. Whenever you wear it, you will be able to do this whenever you want. Now you must have a song in mind. I used this one.
    "Falling sky, gone the sun, melody has just begun. Music from the sky, as the sun dies. Close your eyes, spin around, dance as heaven crashes down, this is my song, or storms."

    Added to on Apr 12, 2017
    Last edited on Aug 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #133 - Advanced Aerokenisis

    Following on from my beginners spell
    You may need:

  • Hand
  • Belief
  • Concentration
  • Sheet(bed)
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    You may need:

  • Hand
  • Belief
  • Concentration
  • Sheet(bed)
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    Hang a sheet up on your washing line and concentrate on it. Flex your fingers and thrust your palm forward. If you hear a clicking sound, you should see a doctor. Just kidding, it means your doing it! And you should master it, and before you know it, you have it!

    Added to on Apr 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #134 - Fire Ring- Fire Based Spell

    This spell enables you to create a ring of fire, either floating or on the ground.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    This is a very common spell for it is easy and very effective. In this spell I will also provide several ways to protect yourself against a fire ring in a wizarding duel.

    1. Create a ball of fire, grab it between your two hands or your mind (which many strong wizards decide to do), and twist it like a rag and little ashes like water droplets will hit the ground.

    2. After about the 10th water droplet that hits the ground, take the very thin twirled fire string, (Can be used as whip but several more steps can transform it to be stronger and more sturdy), bend it with your mind (envision it) and now you have a ring. You must be careful with what you envision because it could be dangerous.

    3. This particular ring for beginners is meant to be moved physically rather than with your mind. It also goes away once used. There are many other fire rings which more experienced wizards can use, but if you are a beginner, I recommend sticking with this one. If you insist, in the future, I will create another fire ring under the title: Fire Ring:Fire based spell-Expert

    4. Two ways you can deflect a fire ring spiraling towards you, (to do this, just bend it using your hands as a guide), is using another fire ring to deflect it, and maybe even attack your opponent at the same time if you use blue fire. (Search up blue fire and use the same precautions in making a fire ball and ring). Secondly, you could jump through the ring by using a water skin spell and tackle/attack your opponent, all the while, extinguishing the fire ring. If the second attack is used on you, have a wind gush or another air spell prepared to block their tackle or water attack.

    Added to on Apr 04, 2017
    Last edited on May 22, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #135 - Harness your elemental magic

    This technique will connect you to the element fire and help you grow your energy.
    You may need:

  • one candle
  • lighter/matches
  • concentration
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    You may need:

  • one candle
  • lighter/matches
  • concentration
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    light a candle and close your eyes.
    feel your energy touch the flame.
    (be respectful, most cant control elements because they think its a dumb flame or some water or a pile of dirt, but it has immense energy. if you dont treat it as such it will block your efforts.)
    try to let yourself relax and flow with the flame
    open your eyes and calmly tell it to raise higher

    Added to on Apr 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #136 - Fire Ball- Fire Based Spell

    This spell enables you to create a fire ball. It takes massive amounts of energy, but after MUCH practice, you could create several without wasting a breath! There are many different versions, many which are stronger, but this is best for beginners.
    You may need:

  • Energy (VERY important!)
  • A friend
  • Experience with magical fire
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    You may need:

  • Energy (VERY important!)
  • A friend
  • Experience with magical fire
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    (The reason I included magical fire in the ingredients is because it is quite different and usually used for attacks and defenses rather than warmth. If you wish for warmth, please click my history box to see my first spell on warmth)

    1. Sit or stand with your friend by your side. It is always good to have a friend during practice in case all your energy is taken from you.
    2. Next, focus on your hand. Envision it so that every crease and hair on your hand is memorized beneath your eyelids. (This is the part in which is not always necessary after many months of practice.)
    3. Gather the warmth at the tips of your fingers and mutter the following words:
    Let fire warm my hand
    And that of the ice in my opponents land
    Let his soul burn in grief
    As he withers like a leaf
    4. The part above can be spoken out loud, in your mind, or envisioned in your head: The most common choice is envisioning the words for it is faster.
    5. This is when your friend comes in handy. All energy and bloods attention is focused on the building heat and soon will take form. The more energy and belief, the better. If it does not work, do not panic. Just repeat the verse a couple more times. If you are a very beginner, I recommend patience. I have still not mastered this spell, but after months of practice I have created one or two.
    6. (Optional) To create many, you simply envision just as many hands.
    If you want six balls, you have six hands, one an exact copy of the other. It takes no less time but A LOT of energy.
    7. Stay safe and have fun!
    8. Finally, to take it away, you blow hard unless you have already used it, for example; In a duel.

    Added to on Apr 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #137 - Avian Spell

    This spell will make you an avian with retractable wings. You will have these on any other forms that you attain. This spell is compatible with: Shapeshifter spells, maybe vampire spells.
    You may need:

  • White tealight
  • Natural area
  • Feather
  • Mental image of your wings
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    You may need:

  • White tealight
  • Natural area
  • Feather
  • Mental image of your wings
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    Light the candle on the ground in a fully natural area (away from flammable things), and hold a feather to the skies. Say this chant ten times:

    ''Desideration of avigation
    Fabricate the fabrication
    Calamus and calamitous
    Bring my body's re-creation
    Bring my wings to their creation.''

    Now turn away from the candle and imagine your wings unfurling over the candle. Make sure you have a good mental image or you could end up with the wrong wings, or worse. Now imagine the wings closing upon your back. Walk away without looking back. If the spell was worked, a gentle breeze will blow by after you turn away. If it is definitely working, a strong wind will blow, but any wind is a good sign.

    Added to on Apr 02, 2017
    Last edited on Feb 24, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #138 - Sunny Day Spell

    A spell to make tomorrow sunny.

    What else?
    You may need:

  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Belief
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    Say the following thrice

    Oh Aeolus, go of the weather, wind and sky,
    May I please have a wish granted to me?
    May the day be as pleasant and clear,
    This is a wish I hold dear.
    So mote it be.

    This should take effect by noon of the next day.

    Added to on Mar 31, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #139 - Warmth- Fire based spell

    Following these instructions, you will learn how to provide yourself warmth. This takes many times to fully master but is one of the simplest spells you can do as a fire beginner.
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Practice
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Practice
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    IMAGINE being a red blood cell. You are in a stuffy red tube but you are not alone. You are surrounded by your friends. They are laughing and some are reaching out to you. You take their hand and you feel a tingling sensation. Suddenly your hand begins to vibrate and golden radiation comes from your enclosed hands like a pulse. Golden rays shoot out and with every pulse, cracks form within the tube. Your friend smiles and squeezes harder. They tell you to smile and you do. Suddenly, the tube bursts open and you are in a field. The flowers brush against your now pale leg and the sun shares her warmth. You are a part of her soul and now you should feel dizzy. DONT open your eyes but instead repeat the story but this time, before you smile, the tube opens and you join everyone you know and thousands to millions of people you have seen on the street. Think about the woman crying. Imagine she went home to see her baby boy back safe and sound. Remember the boy you helped his homework with? His parents finally hugged him and your warmth now should be fiercer than the warmth of the boys parents. Soon after you had repeated this many times, you could create variations or simply stick with the same story. After practicing MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY times, you will not even need a story and it would come naturally or on instinct. The warmth spell will DEFINITELY not work the first time but if it does you have amazing skills and must proceed to a higher level. Probably around the 6th, 7th time, you will feel a fast pulse of warmth. It will be quick, small, warm, but it will be magic, not coincidence. If you give up before then or do not believe, I recommend searching believing in magic or starting with air which is determination. Air also works because attacks are forces rather than physical objects.

    Added to on Mar 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #140 - Let it pour (TESTED)

    Have you ever wanted to summon even a small bit of rain? Well this spell is your one. I have tested this and it works, most of the time.
    You may need:

  • Belief (Important)
  • A voice
  • A cloudy sky
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    You may need:

  • Belief (Important)
  • A voice
  • A cloudy sky
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    For this rain spell, like many other spells, you need belief. I know, you may think this is cliche? but it is very important, believe me. All you need is a chant and a cloudy sky, you need a cloudy sky, without it it will barely work. After checking the sky and about to chant, what I do is I call upon the Aztec god of rain, Tlaltoc (Pronounced Tla-Loke), then I chant these words (make sure to visualise the storm you want while chanting. Try to do it in order. First a cloudy sky, next it becomes windy, and than comes the rain. Add or remove parts as you want): Make it rain, make it rain, make it rain The fate is sealed Make it rain, make it rain, make it rain The fate is sealed Make it rain, make it rain, make it rain The fate is sealed So mote it be __________________ Then its done. Just so you know, the first time I tried this, only a few raindrops came down. I felt the first drip on my chin. The second time I didn't ask Tlaltoc for help, and it never worked. I would advise to ask him for help. I understand if it doesn't work the first time, you might not believe, but try it again. It took me lots of tries to get it and the truth is I am still practicing it. It may only rain above you This spell was made by me. And remember: "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"

    Added to on Mar 28, 2017
    Last edited on Dec 13, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters