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987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 987 Weather Spells
987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 987 Weather Spells
  1. Stop The Rain
  2. Summon Thunderstrom
  3. Ice Powers
  4. Summon Rain/storm
  5. Rain and a Storm
  6. Rainstorm
  7. Control Fire
  8. Safe Flight
  9. Control the Wind
  10. Summon Forth Rain

#191 - Stop The Rain

This is a spell to stop rain from coming to a town right before it falls. When it starts getting dark, chant this with lots of feeling
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Gods of power, Gods of might,I bid you now, stop this plight,Stop the rain, we need no more,Let it fall, nevermore." Put a lot of feeling in stopping rain from falling from the clouds and it will not fall, it will simply move to a area away from where you are and then fall.

    Added to on Sep 10, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #192 - Summon Thunderstrom

    Summons a thunderstorm.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Go outside and think/ say aloud as many times as you want:

    "Storm storm, come and pour.
    Thunder, lightning, rain cover me.
    I wish for a storm
    So mote it be"

    Added to on Aug 13, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 22, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #193 - Ice Powers

    A spell to get ice powers.
    You may need:

  • Cup of water
  • One ice cube
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    You may need:

  • Cup of water
  • One ice cube
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    Put the ice cube in the water and drink it after you say this spell three times:

    "Gods and goddesses
    Elements of ice
    Give me powers of coldness
    I shall (how you want your powers to work)
    I shall even make snow
    I shall make everything cold
    Give me this power
    Ice and coldness shall blast out of my hands
    to freeze everything in my path
    I can show my powers to
    (Who can see your powers/everyone/no one)
    Gods and godesses
    Elements of ice
    Grant me this power in () days/hours
    Power of cold and ice
    So mote it be

    For the "how you want your powers to work" part, put how you want to despense ice/cold. Ex: everything you touch, everything you point at, etc.

    For the "who can see your powers" part put, well, who can see your powers. You could put everyone, no one, just one person, a few people, etc.

    For the "grant me this power in () days/hours put a number 2-5 and then pick days or hours. Why would you want to pick days, you might ask? Because it has a higher chance of working. If it doesn't work with hours, do it again with days. Good luck!

    Added to on Aug 06, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 03, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #194 - Summon Rain/storm

    This is a rain spell to call upon the rain with Zeus' Power.
    You may need:

  • 1 Blank paper
  • A pencil/pen
  • Candle/lighter/matchstick on fire
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    You may need:

  • 1 Blank paper
  • A pencil/pen
  • Candle/lighter/matchstick on fire
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    Get a pen/pencil and paper and write "Bring a storm, Zeus" after that bless the candle/lighter and go outside burn the paper while chanting "Oh great God Zeus hear my plea" and let the paper burn to ashes and let the wind blow it away.

    It started raining a day after i did the spell. I do not advise you to do this if you are of the Norse pantheon... just my intuition. When it rains make sure to thank Zeus.

    Added to on Aug 06, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #195 - Rain and a Storm

    To make a storm it really works.
    You may need:

  • A sprig of broom
  • Sea salt
  • Water
  • Wooden spoon
  • A red candle
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    You may need:

  • A sprig of broom
  • Sea salt
  • Water
  • Wooden spoon
  • A red candle
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    Now, for this spell you need a piece of the broom plant, NOT an actual broom you sweep with. You may have to check herb suppliers, florists or plants shops to find it. There really isn't a substitute for broom in a weather spell.

    Light the red candle and pour water into the bowl while you say:
    "Rain that brings a land's rebirth
    Time to weep upon the earth."

    Use the spoon to stir up the water, then dip the piece of broom in. Repeat:
    "Winds shall follow, you shall see
    Blowing wildly through the tree"

    Envision a storm growing in strength and power. Let a few drops of hot wax from the candle fall into the water, and say:
    "Lightning quick, lightning long
    Make it last, make it strong"

    Add in the salt to seal the spell and stir again. Give it one last stir, and take it immediately outside and toss it all into the air (you can hold on to the bowl). Don't let the water settle down before you throw it. Now you can expect a storm to start brewing on the horizon within a few days.

    Added to on Jul 29, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #196 - Rainstorm

    A spell to make it rain. More effective it it's already overcast.
    You may need:

  • Overcast skies (optional, but makes it a ton easier)
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    You may need:

  • Overcast skies (optional, but makes it a ton easier)
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    Stand by an open window or outside.

    Chant the following:
    "The ground is far too dry
    So let water fall from the sky
    The sun has made it way too warm
    So please let there be a rain storm"

    Close your eyes and picture it raining, repeating the chant

    Added to on Jul 19, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 16, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #197 - Control Fire

    How to control fire and breathe life into your hidden power.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Calming place: Your bed, a chair, by a lake, etc. Any place in which you can feel at peace while either standing or sitting.

    Close you eyes and enhale through your nose while exhaling through your mouth. Get yourself to a relaxed state before continuing. Start to visual your inner body *chest*. Everyone has a spark of fire whether it is their element or not. Some burn brighter while others barely burn at all. Visualise the one inside yourself. Feel as it burns more while you breathe in visualize how it slowly goes down as you breath out.

    After you can easily do the first part now you take it a step further. Visualize the connections that intertwine all through your inner body that extend to every part. The Spark of fire is the heart in a sense it slowly gives energy to all parts equally. Visualize the energy being drawn and distributed along every strand

    Now after you can visualize everything it is time to control the fire. Visualize the energy flowing solely to your dominant hand disrupting the balance forcing it to explode into one area. Concentrate and continue visualizing it. Feel the heat within your hand slowly rise. Visualize the fire coming into being in the air slightly above your palm. It will start small but continue larger upon more work.

    These 5 steps will guarantee the control of 5. For 3 days devote time to this and you will reap the rewards you are owed.

    Added to on Jul 15, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 16, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #198 - Safe Flight

    A spell to ensure a safe and timely airplane flight for you or someone you care about.
    You may need:

  • Candles (yellow for air and blue for water)
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    You may need:

  • Candles (yellow for air and blue for water)
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    Cast a circle if you wish. Light your yellow and blue candles. Focus on whoever your subject is safe and protected from harm. Picture the skies as clear and calm and envision everything going smoothly.

    Say this as many times as you feel necessary (Recommend at least 3)
    "Gods of weather, gods of air,
    Transport (*name*) safely there.
    Let minds be clear and focus high,
    So to have a timely flight."

    Burn spell if you desire. Blow out your candles and close your circle.

    Added to on Jul 12, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 10, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #199 - Control the Wind

    I am sure many of you have dreams of being able to control wind. Use this spell to make it so!
    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 1 feather
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    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 1 feather
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    Cast you circle as you normally would. Light the candle and concentrate on the feather. As you concentrate on the repeat the incantation "Move by Wind". You need completely focus as you try to move the object by when. Don't concentrate on levitating the feather. That is not the correct type of energy manipulation. What you want do is focus on calling the wind to move the feather. This spell is best done in a closed off area free of any wind drafts.

    People have been known to snuff out their own candles with their minds! Don't! Focus on moving the feather if you affect the flame of the candle then you are misdirecting your energy.

    You can also can also practice this method outside. Find a quiet place outside and focus on calling the wind to you. It is harder to distinguish from what you are doing and what is coming naturally. During this meditation the goal is to become one with the wind.

    Added to on Jul 10, 2016
    Last edited on Aug 09, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #200 - Summon Forth Rain

    Spell to make it rain. It worked wonders for me.
    You may need:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 lava stone
  • Some hazel
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    You may need:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 lava stone
  • Some hazel
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    Go outside with your items and look to the sky. Hold the lava stone in the palm of your dominant or power hand. If you are left handed use your left hand if you are right handed use your right hand. NOTE: In rare occasions your power hand might be the opposite hand you write with. Do what feels the most comfortable to you.

    While meditating silently, call upon the sky, water, air, and clouds to bring rain to you. Hold the lava stone up as an offering and chant the following: "Skies above. Rain down on me now, please sky release your tears and banish this drought now"

    Chant this until you notice the wind picking up. When the wind is strong enough take a pinch of the hazel and throw it to the wind. Leave rest of the hazel in a small dish or container as a offering release the wish of rain to the universe and delve upon it no longer! The rain should come immediately, but may only last for a few moments. If the rain doesnt come immediately just leave the offering and let it go

    Added to on Jul 10, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 10, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters