987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Summon Thunder
- Fire Claws
- Fire Wings
- Pyromancy
- Thunder Spell
- Air Curve
- Tree Energy Elixir
- Control Wind
- Night Vision
- Basic Wind Spell
#211 - Summon Thunder
Just chant:
"Thunder my anger,
Lightning my might,
Bring me clouds,
Black as night."
Remember be careful.
Last edited on May 26, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#212 - Fire Claws
Sit beneath the dream catcher, close your eyes, and imagine claws coming out of each fingertip. Feel your claws catch on fire, and then open your eyes.
Last edited on May 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#213 - Fire Wings
Look out of the window or go outside and whisper:
"Night into day,
Day into night,
Look at me now.
A girl/boy/woman/man suffering,
From the people against me.
My own powers are even joining them
But I cannot hide from it anymore
I must reach out beyond my human feelings
Because right now.
Fire soars through my body
Let it go now,
Let the wings burn,
Let my will control this fire,
(Now talk normally)
Let me fly on fiery wings."
Side effects:
Eyes glowing
Back 'burning'
Less cold in winter (permanent effect)
More warm in summer (and water won't help, it will just take away your wings. Also permanent)
Last edited on May 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#214 - Pyromancy
Once the entity/item has burned to ashes, raise your left hand. As you raise your left hand, the smoke should dissipate. After you are left with the ashes and only the ashes, lower your hands. As you do so, you should see the ashes begin to blow away. As soon as you bring both of your hands back to knee-height, chant:
''As the fire inside me burns strong,
My anger will no longer belong.
Because even though (name of entity/item) is still real,
It shall never again make me feel.
And I can now enforce that truth,
As the enemy I knew is no longer aloof.''
After you have completed the chant, you should feel all hatred towards the entity/item go away, and replaced with a different fire. A true fire
Last edited on Sep 17, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#215 - Thunder Spell
"Thunderstorm thunder power lightning flashes greatest power until you feel satisfied."
Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#216 - Air Curve
First, you have to be calm and in a quiet room.(With practice you can do it in different environments.)
Second, clear your mind(take as long as you need for this step), and focus only on the object you are trying to move(preferably something that isn't already moving(With practice you can do it with different circumstances).
This will be tricky to explain but, I will try to keep it simple. Put your hands together where your finger tips are in the up position, fingers together not spread out.
Next, you slide your hands the closer one to you clockwise, the farther one counter clockwise(so finger tips should be opposite of each other. Than swiftly curl your fingers in to each other so the top ligament should be under the other hands ligament. The very top bend point on each finger. It should look like one big fist.
Next, extend the pointer finger of each hand and extend it outwards while still in the big fist. Tap your wrists once. Then, you rotate the hand closest to you counter-clock wise and the farther hand clock-wise/
Note your thumbs should be next to each other and your pointer fingers should be touching each other finger print touching fingerprints. The other fingers are kind of mixed and matched in the back of the pointer fingers and the thumbs.
After, If you are left handed make your thumbs touch while the pointers are still touching. then spin your left hand clock-wise and extend your thumbs. So your hands finger tips should be pointing away from each other. If you are a righty than spin your right hand counter clock-wise.
The final part. after the thumb extension you simultaneously take your dominate hand and curve it towards your target than with your non-dominant hand you curve it away from your target. your finger tips should be close when the hands are curving. So it should look like your hands are spinning a tornado. note your thumbs separate during the spin movement.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#217 - Tree Energy Elixir
First, pour the water into the jar. Second, gently drop the moss agate into the jar. Third, put the lid on the jar. Fourth, put the jar at the base of the tree in sun or moon light. Fifth, leave it there for 3-6 hours, then your done.
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#218 - Control Wind
#219 - Night Vision
"Give me sight
To see at night
so I can fly repeatedly."
Then blink a couple times.
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#220 - Basic Wind Spell
"Element of Air, I call upon you on this day so calm and quiet. I summon your winds to ruffle the feathers of birds, shuffle the leaves of trees, and embrace me with your power.
Last edited on May 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.