987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Fast Wing Spell
- Sun Light Spear
- Snow Storm
- Chakra Water
- Summon Fire
- Elemental Control
- Make the School day go Faster
- Pair of Wings
- Pair of Wings
- End a Drought
#231 - Fast Wing Spell
Say this 5 times:
"Gods and goddess' of the air hear me now and answer my prayer. I wish to soar with wings of might give me the power of flight. Lend me wings with the colours of ........ (colour you want your wings to be) and my wings to be big enough to carry my body high above the clouds."
Once done wait 4 days.
Side affects:
Back pains
Go outside a lot
Dreams and fantasies about you flying with your wings.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#232 - Sun Light Spear
In direct sunlight imagine a spear of light forming. Build up the energy and release on target.
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#233 - Snow Storm
Get a piece of your paper. Make a circle about the size of your hand. Write EARTH in the circle with the pencil. Write freezing in the circle with your highlighter, and write sticking in the middle with the red pen. Cut or tear the remaining paper until they look like snowflakes, and sprinkle them on your earth. Enjoy your snow day (or 3)!
Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#234 - Chakra Water
To distill water, heat it up in an oven for anywhere from 1-1.5 hours. After you have the water, place your crystals in your water (note: some crystals may upset your digestive system, please know what kind of crystals you own, please do your research, if you fear upsetting your stomach, feel that it is unsafe to digest, or have a weak stomach, please do not try this, you can mail me for alternate methods), after placing them in the water, meditate and fill the bottle with happy emotions, leave the bottle out side in the light of the sun/moon, leave it outside for as long as you want (no more the 4 days). After drinking the water, thank your crystals, the earth, and the sun/moon( not doing this will cause bad luck).
The idea for this came from "spirit science"-It is NOT 100% mine.
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#235 - Summon Fire
In an open space where there is no body to hear you summon fire and with a good voice, wand is used to control the fire. Please try it far from humans.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#236 - Elemental Control
Chant this 3 times:
"(element) My friend, (element) My partner, all I want is a little control."
When Chanting be sure to have your hands in your element.
With fire, you dont need your hands in it just near it.
Replace (element) with:
Water, needs water.
Fire, needs lit candle.
Earth, needs dirt.
Wind, needs nothing.
Nature, needs Herbs.
Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#237 - Make the School day go Faster
All you need is to whisper this 1 time and point is look at something that tells time say:
"O dear god and godess of time please make school fly by (amount) times faster do not let me die of boardem and sit here all day please make this school day (amount) times faster, so mote it to be."
Last edited on Jan 31, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#238 - Pair of Wings
Take your bowl/mug of hot water and prick your finger, letting one, only one drop of blood fall into the water. Don't mix. Now take the picture and fold it three ways, put a drop of blood on it, burn it, and drop it in the water before it burns you. Tear the feathery stuff on the feather off and drop it in the water. Now hold the other feather to your heart and recite this once:
"God and/or goddess, I call out to you, give me the wings in which have been filled with my blood and burned. Give me the power to soar high with others. Let me retract my wings when they are not to be seen, and open them when I wish to be free. I hold this feather to my heart to show my undying wish for wings. Hear my plea and set me free".
Last edited on Jun 06, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#239 - Pair of Wings
Take your bowl/mug of hot water and prick your finger, letting one, only ONE drop of blood fall into the water. Don't mix.
Take the picture and fold it three ways, put a drop of blood on it, burn it, and drop it in the water before it burns you.
Tear the feathery stuff on the feather off and drop it in the water.
Hold the other feather to your heart.
Recite this once:
"God and/or goddess, I call out to you, give me the wings in which have been filled with my blood and burned. Give me the power to soar high with others. Let me retract my wings when they are not to be seen, and open them when I wish to be free. I hold this feather to my heart to show my undying wish for wings. Hear my plea and set me free."
Last edited on Jan 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#240 - End a Drought
- Sit underneath a old tree at least 20 years old.
- Face the Sun
- Place your hands on the dry ground around you.
- Say the following incantation three times over:
"I call upon the ancient power to hear my cry and hear my plea grant me the blessing that I seek. I call upon the forceful wind and deadly water to make clouds gather here within my own quarter and send down rain at speeds untold and sent this drought now to hell. I call upon the steady earth to open your arms and ly in wait as water falls now you wake. Finally I call upon the ultimate fire to find a spot within the wind and send down some thunder to stop all else in their tracks."
The storm will arrive a week after the spell was invoked.
Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.