984 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Instant Heat
- Copper Combs for Rainstorms
- Fire and Water Wish Spell
- To Create and Manipulate Fire
- Stop Flooding
- Summon The Wind (Really works!)
- Body Switch
- Rain
- Temperature resistance ( actually works!)
- Fire Manipuluation
#41 - Instant Heat
Put your index finger and your thumb close to each other, but not touching. Feel the heat between your fingers, then trace along your body (not touching) where you are cold. While doing this, imagine you are creating a hot bar of steel in the path of which you are tracing.
Wait a second after you are done, and you should start to feel heat in that area. As long as you are focusing, the heat should be there.
Last edited on Nov 05, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#42 - Copper Combs for Rainstorms
The first thing you need to do is get your coven together and put them in the right mood. (As in, fill them and yourself with the power of the Great Mother) This is where the food comes in.
1. Have each member of your coven eat one basil leaf, one almond, and one candied rose petal.
2. They should also each take one sip of the red wine.
3. Have them plait their hair.
The next part is where you’ll harness the power you’re now filled with.
1. Stand in a circle someplace indoors, unless you want to get drenched.
2. Pass out the copper combs and instruct everyone to let down their hair.
3. Violently comb your hair, throwing the combs to each other and working every last snarl out.
4. Toss your hair around.
5. Heavy wind and rain storms should arrive within the hour. If they don’t, try adding more people or doing an extra ritual to call upon the Great Mother.
Be careful! My wishes for your success in defeating your enemies!
#43 - Fire and Water Wish Spell
Please note: The burned hair will give off a strong smell. The tea tree oil helps a bit, but if you live with someone or are still a closet-witch, this spell may not be for you. Also, please be careful when burning things. Put your hair back and be safe!
On the small paper or leaf (I used a paper about 1-inch x 1-inch in size), write down your wish. In my example, I wrote:
"I have a job interview."
Write it down as if it already happened!
Fold the paper (preferably three times, but any amount is OK). Then, take several strands (note: hair that has already fallen out. For example, I used a bulk of hair from my hairbrush) and wrap it around the paper.
Next (and Be Careful!) burn the hair and the paper (or leaf) in the fire-safe bowl. You can use incense to help burn it, too, a match, etc.
Add a drop or couple drops of oil. Be careful, as this will make the fire burn higher/stronger.
When it burns enough (follow your instincts), pour a small amount of water (approx a cup or less).
Add a pinch or two of ashes.
Add flower petals, soil, etc you want to add (optional).
Add some candle wax to "seal". I used a black candle, but you can use any candle or a color associated with your wish. For example, if your wish is related to money, you can use a green candle.
Stir by moving the bowl around, chanting your wish several times.
When you are done, pour it on the ground outside. For me, I did this right outside my bedroom window.
Important factors to consider:
1. Make sure that you are still doing things to help with the spell. For example, if your wish is to have a job interview, apply to jobs! If your wish is for your crush to notice you, wear a nice outfit! If your wish is to get stronger physically, work out.
2. Keep doing the spell until you get the desired results.
My results:
I did this spell about four nights in a row until I got a job interview at the company I wanted! At first, I kept getting job interviews after job interviews at places that turned out to be a wrong fit or farther than I expected. If you don't get your desired results, keep trying! For me, that meant I had to keep applying to jobs and keep spell-casting, even when I was REALLY tired of the smell of burned hair.
However, the spell works amazing for me, so I kept doing it!
Want to add an extra boost?
Throughout the day, keep repeating your wish. For example, I would repeat the words, "I have a job interview" quietly no matter where I was, throughout the day.
Sometimes, I would light a candle, say it, then blow it out.
Persistence is key!
If you have any questions, feel free to message me. I'll try to answer as fast as possible, but I'm not always on here.
You can also message me via my blog:
Happy spell-casting!
Last edited on Nov 07, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#44 - To Create and Manipulate Fire
Before you begin, find a place where there are little to no flammable things around. While you should theoretically be able to control the flame... better safe than sorry. Also, you shouldn’t cast this spell unless you are an experienced sorcerer/sorceress. If you are inexperienced in the practice of magic, you are more likely to accidentally let your emotions get in the way of your control over the magic. If that happens, the effects could be disastrous.
While wearing your piece of jewellery or holding the stone (if you’re using a ring, bracelet, or holding a stone, have it on or in your non-power hand - this creates balance in the magic), chant the following spell:
“Fire burn, embers rise; ash and smoke, fill the skies.”
Once you have created the flame, concentrate on making it into the shape you wish, or making it act in the way you wish. If you are having trouble, try reciting the following:
”Flame of mine, will of mine, become the same and intertwine.”
Have fun, but BE CAREFUL!!
WARNING: If you intentionally hurt someone with this spell, because the fire isn’t natural, the victim’s soul will most likely be destroyed and when they die, they will become a malevolent spirit - in other words, hell bent on revenge against you and everyone you love.
Last edited on Jan 12, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#45 - Stop Flooding
Light the blue candle and hold your hands around it. Stare into the flame for a good 30 seconds before saying the prayer. After 30 seconds, chant:
"Poseidon, god of the sea, I pray to you to not allow flooding of my home or any other. This is my plea, so mote it be."
Last edited on Sep 20, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#46 - Summon The Wind (Really works!)
Getting Ready:
Make sure that you are ready to cast the spell. Make sure that you are concentrating and you're outdoors.
Casting the Spell:
Say, "I call the wind thee, I call the wind thee. I call the wind upon thee. I call the wind thee."
Say it as many times as you want. The more you say it, the more wind will come! Remember, it only works outdoors with concentration.
Last edited on Sep 09, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#47 - Body Switch
It obtains a clear mind, confident and relax from a struggle.
It chant this body was switched, a mindset helped themselves a chant in both hands.
A chanting in 'I call upon a traditional and, a receivable in wolf comes a body yet,'
I believe in clothes and perfect with a time in calling upon a moment.
It leaves arise a moon and half, switch this body comes off in a dawn.
#48 - Rain
"Almighty Rain, descend from the darkest minds.
Bring forth the flood of salvation and wash away thy sadness.
So mote it be."
Last edited on Jul 23, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#49 - Temperature resistance ( actually works!)
1) Gather ingredients.
2) Light the two candles and set them on the north and the south of you.then take the shell and put water into it, with your blood and the little tree branch to stir.
I have heat and flame, water and pain accept this gift o goddesses of me, this is my will, so mote it be.
Say this 3 times then dip the candles in the water at the same time.
Hold your crystal and drink the water; letting some energy flow from the crystal to you and back.
Side Effects:
- sore arms
- headaches
- insomnia
- random trees talking to you.
Last edited on Jun 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#50 - Fire Manipuluation
Aloer ignis tearis flammisix duor oren Fyr- To light something on fire
To extinguish the fire chant:
Drocan acwealce thael byarblyse ignos
Last edited on May 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.