The name explains it. Create a storm using this spell.
You may need:
You may need:
Look at the sky and chant: "Skies above me, give me a sign". Now wait for the wind to blow or the clouds to get darker and continue: "Please sky, rain down on me".
Everyone has fire within them and if you wish to controll the fire around you you must connect with the fire within you.
You may need:
3 Matches
You may need:
3 Matches
Chant the fallowing three times with a different match in hand each time: ''Fire, fire, fire, by the power of three, give fire control to me,Fire show the light, Don't let me see the night,
Let me use my fire, the fire is my desire,
Bring me my buring light. Don't hurt my friends,
don't hurt me. Start a flame within me.
This is my will, so mote it be!
This teaches you to control wind one direction only.
You may need:
You may need:
Go to an open area. Lie down and watch the sky. Lay so that the cloud are flying from up and down in your perspective. Feel your position on the ground as you watch.
Think "I am one with the earth. I move with the earth as the clouds do". You should feel something while you move with the earth. Change your position to the opposite and repeat this again.
Now stand. You might be dizzy at first. Focus on what you feel: the wind blowing on you, touching your skin, moving your hair. Think about controlling the wind using the power of earth. Combine your feelings with the wind till you can physically alter it.
This spell will summon rain, hence the name, within one day (usually less), but be sure that your intentions are clean. This spell has no reversion, so there is no fear of miss-casting.
Good luck!
You may need:
a pencil (doesn't have to be a blessed one)
pipe water or Elemental (Blessed) Water
You may need:
a pencil (doesn't have to be a blessed one)
pipe water or Elemental (Blessed) Water
Write down on the paper:
I call the Element that rests in the West
And waves with blue up to the sky
I call the Element that is the home to the guest
And it will never die
I call for need of help
Will you come? Oh, come, I yelp!
Spill your waters over me
Rain forever blessed be!
Read it once, or as many times you want, and then sprinkle the paper with water.
Fold the paper four times and on every fold draw a Pentagram. On the last fold draw also a chalice with waters around it.
After the folding chant this while holding the drawing of the Pentagram on your forehead:
Great Goddess, I take your every blessing
Great Goddess, this place needs a resting.
Great God, of Forests you are King
Great God, oh, grant me of this thing.
If you can, visualize a raining day, clouds over your head and wind on your cheeks (you don't have to be outside to visualize). Sense the Element's core shifting towards you, listening you.
To end the spell and combine your wishes with the Element, chant this:
I wish upon Thee-
So mote it be!
Note: You can adjust this spell to yourself, as your intentions control the spell, alongside the Element.
Good luck with casting!
Write the persons name on the paper. Do a hotdog fold. Then write what the person is guilty about.( murder, kidnaping, ect.)now light the candle and burn the paper thinking about them and what there guilty of. They will not die they will just be burnt by things until they realize they're guilty and they're wrong for lieing.
To make a decision (east wind)
If you are faced with many choices,
write each down on small slips of paper.
Fold each twice and place them on a table which is standing free (i.e., it is not pushed up against a wall), in a place where a gentle wind is blowing. The wind should make the papers move around on the table top, and them fall to the ground. The last paper remaining on the table (or the last to fall if you don't catch it soon enough) is your choice, should you decide to follow it.