Make your enemy lay flat on the ground. Place the candle in the bowl, set it on there back and chant "From the lord of holy fire burn this soul as thy desire." Blow out the candle then they will be dead
Give yourself a magickal perk-up and shine with the energy of fire.
You may need:
Red candle
Glass of red wine
Cinnamon (powdered)
You may need:
Red candle
Glass of red wine
Cinnamon (powdered)
You can use non-alcoholic wine or even juice if you prefer, but the spell is stronger if you use the real stuff. Pour your wine into a nice glass, and add a small sprinkle of cinnamon to it. Dip your finger into the wine and give it a little stir.
Run your wet fingertip around the rim of the glass until you hear a ringing tone. Watch the candle flame and visualize it shining out from within yourself.
Drink the glass of wine and feel its warmth flow through you. Place the empty glass next to the candle, and let it burn down.
Bind a wind of your choice into a easily releasable form.
You may need:
21 7-inch white pieces of string.
Optional silver glitter
You may need:
21 7-inch white pieces of string.
Optional silver glitter
On a windy day, go outdoors and cast a circle
Braid the 21 strings into seven braids
As you do, imagine a type of wind (e.g. dry, cold, ect.) rushing through each braid.
Mark the strings so that you remember which string is for each wind.
Use the glitter as a focus if you need it, and cast a gust of Magyic (and glitter) over the braids.
Proclaim: So mote it be
To summon a wind:
Undo a braid and throw the strings in the air. A wind will be summoned, probably of the type you requested (Not always, sometimes the winds are busy elsewhere).
Draw a big pentegram then the one who's doing have to be in the center of the pentegram the others have to be in each corner of the pentegram then you first chant: goddess of the sky let it rain everyday i command then all of you say it
Light the candle imaging this is your enemey then chant "domine exaudi oratioem elementum ventus prede enemes dico vos volo ut fiat semper". Now blow out the candle and give it to your enemy.
A very power full latin rain spell you can do it any time.
You may need:
1 candle(blue),consintration,need to be outside
You may need:
1 candle(blue),consintration,need to be outside
First go out and light the candle and chant ''et fac orationem meam quae elemetum tanta est ut pluat fiat semper a me et inimicos meos deparecari'' 3 times with consintration the let the candle melt and gather the wax and burn it.
Fire. Air. Water. Earth.
Those are the four main elements, and each sorcerer/sorceress has a strong one. Do this and you will find your own element.
You may need:
Fire-Lit Candle
Bowl of Water
Bowl of Soil
You may need:
Fire-Lit Candle
Bowl of Water
Bowl of Soil
Concentrate on the candle flame. If this is your element, you should see pictures and memories of your life in the flame.
Concentrate on the water. If this is your element, you should be able to hear, feel, and even smell the water.
Concentrate on the soil. Dig your hands deep in it and think how badly you want to stay clean. If this is your element, your hands should come out clean.
Take a deep breath of air. If you smell something pleasant, like cinnamon, and the area around is relatively odor source free, air is your element.
This spell calls on the wind from the shadow land and works best on full moons.
You may need:
Ritual clothing if you have them at all
Shadow pentaghram amulet
You may need:
Ritual clothing if you have them at all
Shadow pentaghram amulet
Put on the amulet and the ritual clothing if you have them.
Then find a good spot were there is nothing above you and if there are trees near by this spell works better especially on full moons but once you have found the place you will do the spell look up and spread out your arms and face north and Chant from the north of the shadow land. I trade some of my energy in return for your wind to come to earth.
Then face the south and say from the south of the shadow land I trade some of my energy in return for your wind to come to earth.
Then face east and chant from the east of the shadow land I trade some of my energy in return for your wind to come to earth.
Then face the west and chant from the west of the shadow land I trade some of my energy in return for your wind to come to earth.