This spell achieves the same things burning off carbs naturally would do for you.
You may need:
You may need:
Take your dominant hand and put it against your stomach (or wherever your fat is that you want to burn off). Feel intense heat moving between your hand and the area it is touching. Use your other hand to take a "bite" out of the flame. Soon enough, you'll begin to burn fat in that area.
An extremely expierienced mages spell to cause a tornado.
You may need:
Fast spinning top
You may need:
Fast spinning top
Spin the top. Use levitation so that it does not come down nor stop spinning. Now chant: "Winds, hot and cold, come together forever. Your power is sold to me".
This spell calls upon the element of Fire to grant a wish. Use carefully.
You may need:
1 bottle of a flammable liquid
Cauldron/ Pot
Parchment Paper
Quartz Crystal
You may need:
1 bottle of a flammable liquid
Cauldron/ Pot
Parchment Paper
Quartz Crystal
Pour a little it of the flammable liquid into the pot and place the Quartz Crystal in the very center of the pot. Light a match and throw into the pot while saying a Power Chant. Pour more of the liquid in until the flame is about 9 inches high and glowing bright. When the flame is big throw the paper with your wish written on it into the fire. As you watch it burn, say the following spell:
"This Well of Fire brings desires,
The smoke will take my magick higher.
Grant to me that which I seek,
That will and wish at last shall meet.
Willed with passion, wished with care,
Send my spell now through the Air.
Now I name the need so dire,
Now I feed it to the fire.
By the power of three times three,
As I will it, so shall it be."
Its a special type of wind almost as strong as black wind but not as dangerous.
You may need:
You may need:
Now focus as hard as you can make a wind movement like a light wind blow. Then focus turn it green this shall make it stronger and has the advantage aginst fire based attacks.
You will learn how to make your fire claw go to absolute zero temperature.
You may need:
40% Concentration
You may need:
40% Concentration
Hold your hand out and make a fire claw, If you didn't learn how to do it yet; put your hand out. Imagine your nails are growing bigger with fire then think about cold stuff and make its temperature go to absolute zero so that then its cold fire witch. This can match any water spells.
This spell will help you learn how to shoot fireballs from your fists.
You may need:
You may need:
Close your eyes and imagine a small fireball in the middle of your body.Imagine that fire going through your arms and then to your hands. When that's over imagine your self shooting a fireball from your fists.Then shoot a fireball from your fists while thrusting your hand in front of you. Remember, when imagining you have to close your eyes.
This is a spell I created when my body was aching for days. Simply say the chant as many timed you feel is needed.
You may need:
You may need:
Chant the following: "Healing rain. Mend with might. Take away the pain, make it rain. Let water fall, absorbed within me. Healing my wounds of lethargy. Restore my energy".