This will make a beautiful fire for you and your family.
You may need:
Cold night
Your family
5 candles
And a Match
You may need:
Cold night
Your family
5 candles
And a Match
You must chant this 3 times:
''Oh fitre of light,
Fire oh might. Come
to my family and bring
us a gift of happiness,
love,and peace. We can
all work together as one,
all for 1 and 1 of all.''
Light the two candles and put the three pieces of paper in the middle space of the candles, then write these words on the paper: "Water. Rain. Storms". Burn the paper in the candles. Place the ashes in the water.
Chant: "Please come, oh faithful god! Pour down over this field of dust! We need the rain, and thunder and storm! Please! oh mote it be!"
1) Go outside on a nice night (however you define nice night) between 10:00pm and 2:30am
2) Face the sky and light the candle if you choose to use one
3) Say the following words
Ro ilie vala feene co meere
Meer arma zhepdu ganore
Zhrgam keer gilio ne va
E avia mazhe
Nen hario marane
Zhrgam keer gilio ne va
Ro turryl ne vensol nemal zhrgam keer
Kelarnie ma vela brezo zherndo galeer
Zhrgam keer gilio ne va
(Note* Anare ma vela u ro arn dour ro nai a uila sootone lara clea dour cala co coe lara doxtone dour nelam leno ro naio dour rejo a venirie zherndo. I zheme ratu eir mas neyo.)
Call upon the energy of the sun before doing a spell.
You may need:
You may need:
Before doing a spell: Go outside into the sun. Make sure this is during the day and during clear weather where maximum sun is available.Raise both hands up towards the sky and chant, "Power of the sun, unite as one". Continue to chant as you envision energy from the sun being drawn down through your hands and into you.
Make a fire ball in your hands out of your hatred.
You may need:
You may need:
First put your hands together, and focus your energy there. Once you feel as if you put in enough put in your rage and hatred (could be from your childhood or towards someone you hate, anything that makes you so angry you feel as if you can explode). picture the fire in your hand, and then force the energy out of your hands and into a ball of fire.
Uses molded energy to burn the energy system of the target.
You may need:
Tools to aid concentration (optional)
You may need:
Tools to aid concentration (optional)
This spell has to be done with the target within sight.
Gather as much energy as you can given the circumstances. Take the energy gathered and change it so that it behaves like fire. A useful visualization for this is to imagine the energy burning without hurting you.
Now that the energy is shaped to be a spiritual fire, you need to infuse it with the desire to harm. This is easiest to do by focusing on your hatred or dislike of anything, as the energy tends to react quickly to such intent.
The energy is now prepped to be used as an attack. You can either just ''throw'' the energy at the target in a blast, or you can shape it further into a shape to allow you to control it as it attacks the target. Ex, a snake to coil around them and burn as it squeezes their energy system.
A spell to make it go from pouring rain to bright sunshine.
You may need:
You may need:
Look out the window while it is raining and say, "Clouds have brought the cold to stay. Make it a warm and sunny day". Repeat at least three more times.