'Visualize' and feel a ball of air consuming you IN FIRST PERSON!!
If you want, try to control this ball. At first, it will be difficult, but like everything in life, it will get easier and eventually you will be able to conjure the element just by thinking about it.
There is no 'spell' for this.
This is the easiest element to control IN MY OPINION. Try visualizing the other elements, but you may have to be near [Insert element] for it to work.
This is not 100% percent proven and has only been tested on a candle. It does not work for me every time, but that might be because I’m new to magic, and I can only get it to flicker and stop flickering. Tell me if you can get it to work on a bigger fire, can do more than flicker or if it doesn’t work at all.
You may need:
Your Hair
You may need:
Your Hair
Light the candle and burn your hair in it then ask it to flicker and stop flickering(I’ve had best results when I say “Please”), then tell it to stop or calm down.
A powerful sphere that's so powerful that it shines into the infinite darkness itself...
You may need:
Powerful concentration(optional)
Powerful Magick(Optional)
You may need:
Powerful concentration(optional)
Powerful Magick(Optional)
WARNING:I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT EVER HAPPENS! First imagine a sphere in your hand (a round object like a ball) and then imagine the aura(outline) of the sphere is fire. Not a color but fire. Then imagine it burning but not hurting you in your hands and fill it with your hate and kindness(because if they both mix the two elements will battle out unless you make them stop by will) and then imagine it glowing with hate and your positive or kind energy. Now you don't need to be powerful in magick and you don't even need good concentration neither hate nor kindness. If you believe that's what matters. The first attempt you might feel something but it will not fully form into something physical but spiritual which is as much power as physical but all spiritual forms are physical just not the right way... You can throw it if you can keep up the concentration and you can mix it up a little bit to even create it into a blade or a different shape. Hope you enjoyed! Message me if it worked ut for you well. I use this technique a lot of times.
Inhale a loud of air through your mouth and hold it in for a few seconds. Then cup a hand over your mouth and squeeze. Then release the air through your nose.
This Spell is an I AM Affirmation, that will gift you wings of the type perfect for and intended by your being.
You may need:
Stillness of Mind
Clarity of Mind
You may need:
Stillness of Mind
Clarity of Mind
First Clear your mind finding a stillness and clarity. From the stillness and clarity of mind give your intentions life through focus while saying the words below. Repeat The Saying 3 times...
''By the power of Not I AM now gifted wings perfectly suited for my being, I AM Not without wings''
NOTE: for this to work, you must pour life from your aura into the saying of the spell!!!
this spell gifts the caster retractable wings that perfectly match the casters inner intent, even if they do not see it perfectly clearly, the wings can be of any type, angel, bird, elemental, dragon, demon, etc...
You may need:
Clear Mind
Intention of Type of Wings
You may need:
Clear Mind
Intention of Type of Wings
Say spell below 3, 6, 7, or 9 times depending upon personal preference
Mikhielon, please pass this prayer on to the clear, please give me my perfect wings, perfect for me, perfect to suit my needs, retractable into my back, please do this in accordance with inputs 47 and 36, this is my wish so mote it be.
This spells effects are noticeable instantly, however wings can take between half an hour and months to grow in, depending upon the level of the caster!
Side Effects
- Back ache, Back pressure, Back pain, Headache, momentary disorientation