987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Call for a Windy Day
- Spell to Halt a Storm
- Fire
- Call the Fire Bats
- Loki's Fire
- Blazing Seal
- Thunder of Ares
- The Wind Spell
- Fatal Rain
- Continuous Rain
#901 - Call for a Windy Day
Chant: "May the god of wind hear my cry. May the wind fly fast across the sky. I cast this spell for mother Earth. May my cry be heard in death and birth".
#902 - Spell to Halt a Storm
Take some frankincense and a hematite stone, place them on a pentacle you've
drawn on the ground (with your sword or wand). Place the tool of your choice in
the middle of the pentacle and while holding the stone in your hand say:
"Morrigan goddess of the storm I ask for your help in every form, turn it back into
the sea, absorb it into the rock into the tree, send this storm far from me.
And if my Goddess does agree than manifest please make it be!"
Then take the silver or deep blue glitter and sprinkle it around the perimeter of the
pentacle and let some fall off of your hand into the wind. Leave the stone as an
offering to the elements and the Goddess.
#903 - Fire
Simply light the fire, look into the flames and think about what you want to say to the Gods, or what you would ask of them. Think about it deeply and let the flames hypnotise you.
With a small fire in a bowl, the flames will burn out soon enough, and then you have glowing embers. It is at that point you add the herbs, and it is then that the smoke will begin to rise powerfully, and that's when you state your intent or say your prayer.
You could say, for example:
"Hear me, wise ones, old ones, those who dwell above;
Hear my call and hear my voice, hear my prayer:
Send to me the blessings of fire".
If you wanted to, you could add an offering to the powers that be as a sign of respect and gratitude, such as burning some special herbs such as tobacco; some people like to burn a bank note but I'm really not in favour of that, personally; some people add a gift of a few drops of rose oil, frankincense or even liquor for the offering.
#904 - Call the Fire Bats
Build up the energy inside of you get you sick, wand, or use you hand and chant:
"Fire bats come to me, fire bats, so mote it be."
#905 - Loki's Fire
2: With your left hand form the hand-sign of the rune Nauthiz/Naudr while you hold your staff with the other hand.
3: Inscribe around you these Norse runes in a counterclockwise rotation: Chaos, Binding (reversed), Destruction, War, Aesir (reversed), Thorn (reversed). This would be, in terms of the rune names: Kenaz/Kaen, Nauthiz/Naudr (reversed), Hagalaz/Hagall, Tiwaz/Tyr, Ansuz/Os (reversed), Thurisaz/Thuris (reversed). Red dye should be used.
4: Touch the runes in turn with your staff and activate their powers.
5: Speak the incantation aloud: Great Loki, Child of Chaos, I invoke thy name to further the cause of destruction. Through these sacred runes I summon forth thy fury, and dispell Muspell's fires to ravage the Earth. Fly forth and destroy!
6: As you speak the final part of the incantation, slam your staff point-first into the Earth and release the binding rune you have been using to control the energies of the spell.
The spell should emnate outwards as a pulse of fire, incinerating all in its path.
#906 - Blazing Seal
Now touch the center of the item with your staff, and perform the following incantation:
Zas'Kavai Xararas K'Ven D'Shiao Vas Ne'gaia Ul'Xanao
(Translation: By the flames of Surtr, Primordial of Fire, I protect thee)
Note: This spell is in Aeonith, but it can be translated. I just prefer this language.
Now, when te object is disturbed, it should superheat and burn the offender.
#907 - Thunder of Ares
Form around you on the ground a masculitity symbol in the red ink, with the circle surrounding you and the arrow pointing towards your target.
Ceremonially burn the sacrifice, preferably some sort of weapon, armor, magic artifact or food. Burn the incense along with the offering, then make the following incantation.
εÏιβληÏÎ¹ÎºÏ Î¸ÎµÎ¿Ï ÏÎ¿Ï ÏολÎÎ¼Î¿Ï , ÏÎ¬Î¿Ï ÎºÎ±Î¹ Ïην καÏαÏÏÏοÏή, θα ÏÏ Î³ÎºÎµÎ½ÏÏÏÏÎ¿Ï Î½ οÏίζονÏαι αÏÏ ÏÏιÏν Ïλα Ïον καÏαÏÏÏεÏÏική δÏναμη. βÏοÏή Ïον Wrath καÏÏÏιν οÏÏ Ïείο ÏÏ Î½ÎµÏγάζονÏαι και αÏÎ®Î½Î¿Ï Î½ Ïο αιμαÏοκÏλιÏμα ÏÏι αÏοÏελεί Ïον δικαίÏμα.
(O Ares, mighty god of war, chaos and destruction, I summon forth from thee all thy destructive power. Rain thy wrath upon mine foes and wreak the carnage that is thy birthright.)
If you performed the incantation properly and your offering has been accepted, a single, powerful bolt of red lightning should blast down from the sky onto your intended target.
Note: this spell/ritual works better when treated with respect. Make sure your offering is worthy. Also, for me, better results were achieved when I wore red ceremonial robes for the spell's casting.
#908 - The Wind Spell
1. Get outside.
2. First make sure it's sort of hot.
3. Chant this:
"Wind, snow, Earth, and fire. I call upon the wind that I desire. Wind, snow, Earth, and fire. I call upon the wind that I desire. I am a free bird listen to every word. I just wanna be freeeee. So take me awaaaay. Don't let nobody say. I say, I wanna blow away."
It's really long, but it works! Windy wishes.
#909 - Fatal Rain
While you are inside, focus on something outside. Then say: "Rain, rain, come back to the sky. Make it black out all the time". To reverse it repeat the the spell but add on the end "I banish this spell".
#910 - Continuous Rain
''Take this sky of clouds and rain,
And keep it above my domain.
So mote it be.''
Then, visualize a chain made of Psi going from just below your ribs, all the way into the clouds, and keeping the clouds attached to you with it. Every two days or so, to keep the spell stable, just imagine the chain to be weak, maybe rusted. Then, imagine your Psi coating it with more layers of Psi, making it stronger.
I used this spell earlier, and so far all this week it has been raining. If this spell doesn't work, please tell me and I may try to make it work better.