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987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 987 Weather Spells
987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 987 Weather Spells
  1. Rain Spell
  2. The Secert to Fire Manipulation
  3. Wind Away
  4. Call The Kifune Dragon God Of Water
  5. Wind & Air Call
  6. Fire Scrying
  7. Out With The Old, In With The New
  8. Fire Circle
  9. Lazy Bum Arsonists
  10. Fire Protection

#951 - Rain Spell

To make it rain.
You may need:

  • focus
  • voice
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    You may need:

  • focus
  • voice
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    You need to picture the clouds gathering in the sky over head. Feel the air getting heavier with moisture.

    Elements of fire and earth
    I call upon your counter parts
    Elements of air and water
    I summon thee by ancient art
    Let waters pour from clouds above
    Feed the land until its done

    Draw a pentagram in the air and say So mote it be

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    #952 - The Secert to Fire Manipulation

    Practice your Fire Manipulation.
    You may need:

  • Open Third Eye
  • Patience
  • Lite Candle
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Open Third Eye
  • Patience
  • Lite Candle
  • Voice
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    Yes, yes! You want to be ''Avatario'', or whatever. Listen, Fire Manipulation takes time and you cant just say ALAKAZAM! So, listen up kids and HEY this is a 18 YEARS and up Practice!! Dont want you little Kiddies burning down houses, OKAY?

    *So You Want to know the Secert? Controling the AIR around the Fire!*

    Okay start with a Lite Candle. Get in a comfortable position by the candle. Like sit in a chair with the Candle being on the table, or What ever...I think you got it. GOOD.

    Focus on the the air in the room and around the flame with your Third Eye. Helps if you close your two other eyes...The Number One and Two, Moron.

    Now Chant your meditation Hmmm, If you dont got one. STOP!!! Get One, Leason stops right hear Little Chickies! Your Meditatation Hmmmm, will find you...WHATS MINE? Get your Own. Im not going to answer that question for you. Thats something you need to find for yourselfs.

    Now your chanting, right? Well Start!! Okay now focus all the air coming together, into one tight ball of energy. Alright, Now were Getting Somewhere!

    Okay, Practice moving the orb around, Then try useing it around the flame. You can use your hands for this if you like, But Dont Touch The Flame!! God, think how stupid youd feel if you had to go to the emergency room because you burnt yourself by touching FIRE!! Stupid!

    *ALRIGHT thats it. Any Questions Plesea contact me. AGIAN this takes ALOT of PRACTICE and TIME. It took me 45 times before I could even form a orb of air... and I touched the fire, it burnt ME!! YOUR NOT SUPERHUMAN!!! FROM: Family Spell Book, Reworded.*

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    Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
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    #953 - Wind Away

    This spell will make wind die down.
    You may need:

  • A wand
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    You may need:

  • A wand
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    First draw a pentacle with your wand (the legs of the pentacle or the bottom must be facing in front of you) then draw a circle around it. Stand in the middle of the pentacle when you draw the circle. Then lift your hands so that they are in line with your shoulders, tilt your head back so you are looking at the sky. Then point your wand towards the sky while it's still in line with your shoulders. Then say: "Ooh mighty god/goddesses (depends if you believe in a god or goddesses that controls the wind) I summon thee to let the wind die, die, die, and let the wind die, die, die. I command thee!" That’s all there is to it. It seems complicated but it's not only when learning it.

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    #954 - Call The Kifune Dragon God Of Water

    Call The God Of Water And Exorcise The Spirits
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Just Chant This And Do As It Say once, Stand Up By The Way:

    ''God Of Mount Kifune,

    God Of Water,

    Descend From The Heavens Above,

    And Bring Water To This Place,

    (point north with the whole right hand so as arm at shoulder level, palms face down same with the others)Water Of The North, Tenpo!

    (point east)Water Of The East, Saicho!

    (point south)Water Of The South, Tsuki!

    (point west by placing hand in front of you)Water Of The West, Kumori!

    (create a star shape like in shonen onmyoji if you watch the anime, then clap your hand together once)Together We Will Vanquish These Spirits From Destruction!''

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    #955 - Wind & Air Call

    Call the wind and air.
    You may need:

  • Small bell
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    You may need:

  • Small bell
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    Stand outside. Wait till there is no blowing of the wind, and the air feels calm. Chant the following three times:

    "God of wind (ring bell), I call you. I need you. I will call your name, so that you hear me clear: Seiryu! (Ring bell again). Summon the wind I need. A mighty wind. So mote it be. Seiryu! (Ring the bell one last time)"

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    #956 - Fire Scrying

    Divination through fire magick
    You may need:

    You may need:

    Sit before a fire and still your consciousness. Look directly into the flame and breathe deeply. Whisper:
    ''Blazing fire, as you dance,
    Give me now the secret glance.
    Call upon my second sight,
    Make me psychic with your light.
    Blazing fire shining bright,
    Give me now the second sight.''
    Repeat. Divine the future within the fire's restless flames.

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    #957 - Out With The Old, In With The New

    This spell utilizes the transformative powers of fire for personal change.
    You may need:

  • Candle
  • Fire Proof Container
  • Paper
  • Pencil
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    You may need:

  • Candle
  • Fire Proof Container
  • Paper
  • Pencil
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    Relax. Light the candle. Sit down and write down ALL the things you want to change about yourself. Make sure they are things you truly wish to change. When you are done catch the paper on fire and when it first lights say to the paper:

    ''I BANISH THIS!''

    Place the paper in fire proof container and gaze into the burning flames. Say:

    ''Transformation I call to me,
    Blessed Fire answer my plea.
    Banish the old and bring in the new,
    Clear the way for what's healthy and true.''

    Keep saying it until the flames die down to nothing. Make a concerted effort to change your ways/habits/thoughts and fire will help you achieve success.

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    #958 - Fire Circle

    This spell utilizes the powerful protection of fire.
    You may need:

  • 8 Candles
  • Fire proof container
  • Piece of paper
  • Pencil
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    You may need:

  • 8 Candles
  • Fire proof container
  • Piece of paper
  • Pencil
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    Set up the 8 candles in a circle. One to the North, one to the North East and so on. Make the circle about a foot in diameter. Light the candles. Rip the paper into 9 pieces. Write your name on the first piece of paper. Place it in the center of the circle of candles. On the next 8 write "harm". Place each of the 8 by the candle on the outside of the circle. Now start at the top candle and take up the piece of paper that says "harm" on it.

    Catch it on fire and quickly put it in the fire proof container while saying this:"Fire burns and fire turns all evil and harm away from me.” Repeat this for each of the remaining 8 pieces of papers that say "harm" on them. When all papers have been burned, look at your name and say this three times with confidence: "Fires power and fires might. Protects me every day and night."

    Allow the candles to burn down to nothing and extinguish themselves. By the way, you can use birthday candles or smaller candles so the process will be quicker if you wish. (Note: Use only fireproof candle holders.) You now have a Fire Circle of protection around you!

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    #959 - Lazy Bum Arsonists

    Just don't feel like you can't finish a project or even start one? Fire can help.
    You may need:

  • Candle
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    You may need:

  • Candle
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    Light the candle and sit in front of it. Gaze at it for a few moments. Relax. Now recite this charm while gazing into the flame:

    ''Firey Spirits of action and change,
    Burn away my lazy ways,
    Light my will with your strong flames,
    Oh Firey Spirits of action and change.''

    Close your eyes and visualize the flame before you. Take a slow, deep breaths while visualizing a stream of fire come from the candle flame and into your lungs. Breathe this firey energy in, see it expanding throughout your body, burning away all blocks and unhealthy energy. Take two more slow, deep breaths and visualize the same thing. After you have done that, recite the charm again:

    ''Firey Spirits of action and change,
    Burn away my lazy ways,
    Light my will with your strong flames,
    Oh Firey Spirits of action and change.''

    Now visualize the actual candle flame floating toward you and entering into your stomach. See it burning there and then it expands to become a ball of fire. Say the charm once more:

    ''Firey Spirits of action and change,
    Burn away my lazy ways,
    Light my will with your strong flames,
    Oh Firey Spirits of action and change.''

    When finished, snuff the candle flame out and then revisualize the flame burning within.

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    #960 - Fire Protection

    A simple protection spell that requires concentration.
    You may need:

    You may need:

    Sit or stand before any fire. Look into the flames (or flame, if using a candle). Visualize the fire bathing you with glowing, protective light. The fire creates a flaming, shimmering sphere around you. If you wish, say the following or similar words:

    ''Craft the spell
    In the fire;
    Craft it well;
    Weave it higher.
    Weave it now
    Of shining flame;
    None shall come
    To hurt or maim.
    None shall pass
    This firey wall;
    None shall pass
    No, none at all.''

    Repeat this simple yet effective spell every day when in need.

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    987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters