Place the peppercorn in a bowl while saying "I charge you with protection". Place the salt in second, while saying "I charge you with stability". Now place the cayenne pepper in while saying, "I charge you with warmth". Next, place the ginger in while saying, "I charge you with protection". Do the same for the cloves.
Mix the assembled spices and salt with your fingers, while visualizing yourself healthy and protected. Transfer the herbs to the center of the cloth squares. Fold it in half and then in half again. Sew up or tie the ends. Carry this with you during snowy seasons.
If someone casts a storm spell, this would be very effective in stopping it.
You may need:
Sword or wand
Silver or dark blue glitter
Water and air
You may need:
Sword or wand
Silver or dark blue glitter
Water and air
Take some frankincense and a hematite stone, place them on a pentacle you'vedrawn on the ground (with your sword or wand). Place the tool of your choice in the middle of the pentacle and while holding the stone in your hand say: "Morrigan goddess of the storm I ask for your help in every form, turn it back into the sea, absorb it into the rock into the tree, send this storm far from me. And if my Goddess does agree than manifest please make it be!"
Then take the silver or deep blue glitter and sprinkle it around the perimeter of the pentacle and let some fall off of your hand into the wind. Leave the stone as an offering to the elements and the Goddess. Please Note : that if the storm does not come to your back yard it will go to someone else's, try not to deplete your land of anything it needs just for the sake of seeing if you can do it.
First light the candle let it burn for about 10 seconds then hold your hand up to the sky but your hand must look like it's holding an invisible ball then say.OH! Energy of the sky come into my hand so that I may bend this flame.Then bring your hand down like you are going to throw a ball ( hand must be a few cm apart) the minute your hand is stretched out towards the flame keep your fingers stretched out straight.The flame should bend until you move your hand but don't make so much wind that the flame goes out just enough to bend the flame.
First you light the candle and let it burn for about 5 seconds. Then make a psi ball (get the energy from the sun) in your hands. Make the psi ball sway round in small motions or you could move your hand around the candle thrice anti clockwise then three or two waves clock wise.
Say, "Oh! Might candle flame. I summon the energy in you to connect or join with mine, so that I may have power over you". Move your hand closer to the flame. The psi ball should repel the flame.
I have noticed that due to lack of use this spell will be dispelled so I suggest doing this every once in a wile.
Restore the luminous light of your aura and lift your spirit.
If there is any well or lake around the rain will purify it temporarily.
You may need:
two blue candles
You may need:
two blue candles
Make a pentagram out of the seashells with the point in the direction
of the west. Put the lit candles on each side of the pentagram.
Recite this chant three times:
''I conjure thee rain of light,
to heal my wounds and replenish my sight.
Pour the ocean from the sky,
Pour your love on me and purify.
End this time of sunny sunshine,
Goddess pour on us your purity devine''.
Wait for rain and let it fall on you or any charm you use alot to revive it to its full strength.
Say this following words three times while making a sign of cross with your index fingers over the fire: "Anania. Anassia. Emisael libera nos. Domine".
Take any large bowl. Drip a few drops of different colored candle wax in the bottom of the bowl, then adhere a white candle to that spot. The different colors represent diverse needs and goals, while the white binds this variety together in harmony. Each morning, light the candle when you get up and put a coin in the bowl. Make your wish for the day. Blow out the candle before you leave the house.
Whenever you desperately need to have a wish fulfilled, remove a coin from the bowl and either plant it in rich soil or throw it into moving water so that your message of need will be carried through the earth. When the bowl is filled with coins, use all but a few (these "seeds" always remain in your bowl) for random acts of kindness, like getting treats for the neighborhood kids or helping a homeless person. Your generosity will return to you threefold to keep the magic of benevolence, both mundane and divine, with you always.
Simply Take a bowl full of water and if you have 2 people sit across
from each other... if it is just you then just put it in front of you.
Make sure you make your circle then chant over the bowl of water ''Water
Nymphs strike the clouds so rain will fall freely to the ground'' while
doing that visualize clouds bursting open and water falling down over
the area you wish for rain. this really works i did it with a friend
Do this outsides staring at clouds above. As you are looking upwards, chant:
"Ancient Gods and Goddesses, I invoke thee. Waters from the sky, let it be. I command thee now, to thee all. Listen to my desire, now let the rain fall!"