This spell will ensure that all goes well when you meet someone. You don't have to be meeting them for the first time, you just have to meet with them.
You may need:
1 blue candle
1 yellow
1 red
2 black candles
2 white candles
Passion Flower or Strawberry Incense
Garnet/Moss Agate
Emerald/Lapis Lazuli/Malachite
You may need:
1 blue candle
1 yellow
1 red
2 black candles
2 white candles
Passion Flower or Strawberry Incense
Garnet/Moss Agate
Emerald/Lapis Lazuli/Malachite
To ensure that all will be well when you meet someone, follow these simple instructions. From left to right, place the candles in this order; white, black, red, yellow, blue, black, white. Light them from left to right. Now light the incense. Place the stones in a circle in front of you, in whatever order feels right to you, and meditate. Visualize the face of the person you're going to meet, visualize it being happy. Visualize yourself meeting the person and everything going well. As your confidence about meeting the person grows, chant;
"Elen sila lumenn omentilmo."
Translation: A star shall shine on the hour of our meeting. Let the candles and incense burn out. You may continue chanting for as long as you wish, repeating that line as many times as you feel you need to. Once you are done make sure to carry the stones you used with you when you go to meet that person.
This spell is to ensure that a person who is leaving will have good fortune, good health, and will stay in touch.
You may need:
Full Moon(recommended, not required)
1 Yellow Candle
1 Green Candle
1 White Candle
1 Gold Candle
1 Blue Candle
1 Orange Candle
1 Violet Candle
1 Silver Candle
1 red candle
1 pink candle
Aloes Incense
Tiger Eye
You may need:
Full Moon(recommended, not required)
1 Yellow Candle
1 Green Candle
1 White Candle
1 Gold Candle
1 Blue Candle
1 Orange Candle
1 Violet Candle
1 Silver Candle
1 red candle
1 pink candle
Aloes Incense
Tiger Eye
At midnight, preferably under a full moon,
place the candles in this order
starting in the North and going clockwise;
Blue, green, yellow, orange, red,
pink, white, silver, gold, violet.
Light them in that same order.
Light the incense.
Place the stones in whatever order seems fitting to you
within the circle of candles.
Visualize the person who will be leaving, chant;
''Aa'lasser en lle coia orn n'omenta gurtha''
Translation: May the leaves of your life tree never turn brown.
Visualize the person being fortunate and wealthy, chant;
''Aa'menle nauva calen ar'ta hwesta e'ale'quenle''
Translation: May thy paths be green with the breeze on thy back.
Visualize him/her being prosperous and happy, chant;
''Lissenen ar' maska'lalaith tenna'lye omentuva''
Translation: Sweet water and light laughter till next we meet.
And visualize him/her staying in touch, chant;
''Cormamin niuve tenna'ta elea lle au'''
Translation: My heart shall weep until it sees thee again.
Give the stones to the person who is leaving
and tell him/her to keep the stones with him/her as often as possible.
As the person is leaving say to him/her,
''Vanya sulie, melamin, namaarie.''
This spell/bath will help bring luck, fortune, and wealth to you.
You may need:
Fresh Ginger Root
Handful of Cinnamon Sticks
1 bunch Fresh Basil
You may need:
Fresh Ginger Root
Handful of Cinnamon Sticks
1 bunch Fresh Basil
Wrap all ingredients in a washcloth or pouch and hang on spigot. Run your bath as normal. Close your eyes and dunk your head 3 times. Do not spend too much time in this bath as these ingredients are fiery-hot, but bring quick results.
This spell can make you magnificent for romantic plans, a job interview, for public impression, or all of the above.
You may need:
3 Red apple if for romance or
3 Green apple if for job interview or
3 Gold apple if for public impression.
3 avocado
21 cherries
21 snow peas
You may need:
3 Red apple if for romance or
3 Green apple if for job interview or
3 Gold apple if for public impression.
3 avocado
21 cherries
21 snow peas
Cut an apple in half horizontally and you should see the star. Visualize yourself glowing like a star. Eat half the apple, and give the rest of it as an offering, outdoors under a tree.
Peel the skin off the avocado. Imagine your negative traits peeling off of you, including any negativity your mind has towards any part of yourself. Slice the fruit into 7 pieces, and remove the pit. Mash the slices into a paste, and use as a face mask. Visualize all your blemishes disappearing.
Now take 7 snow peas in your right hand, and 7 cherries in your left. Eat them alternately. Left hand rules the subconscious, unseen world, and the right hand rules the conscious seen world, thus you are making yourself beautiful inside and out.
Do this 1-3 days before you intend to strut your stuff.
If you want to use all three types of apples; use red on the first day, green for the second, and gold on the third.
Carry a sprig of yarrow close to your heart. Yarrow is traditionally used in love spells and in 19th century, is considered to be the first herb baby Jesus picked and so is good for luck.
This spell will help you be successful at whatever career you have chosen.
You may need:
1 green candle
1 blue candle
You may need:
1 green candle
1 blue candle
Light both candles and visualize yourself being successful at your chosen career. Chant while meditating and visualizing:
''I am a highly successful, brilliant, (career)''
Repeat this twelve times. Let the candles continue burning for exactly one hour after you are done chanting then blow them out.
The waning moon (when it is getting smaller) is a good time to be rid of things. The waxing moon is a good time to bring things to your self.
You do not have to wait for a specific moon phase. Because what you want is to be rid of a habit, and to bring strength or peace to yourself. Word things accordingly... If you want you can use the entire moon phase, towards one aspect of the spell and another for a 2nd aspect of it.
To banish a habit, you need to understand things about yourself and about the habit.
Each habit gives us a perceived benefit. Usually our perception is off... ''I do it because of stress, i don't even realize I'm biting my nails until its already done''
The perceived benefit is stress relief. It's easy to blame no one or stress than it is to blame yourself.
Now you must ask yourself; what habit you are trying to be rid of? What does this habit get for you? What are other ways to get this benefit? Weigh your needs compared to the needs of others involved. Are they fair? Now ask yourself what you need to do to be rid of the habit. Now know that all you need to do to change the habit is to stop. The power is within yourself. Now, do you need anything from anybody else to help you along? Maybe you need your significant other to smoke outside, or to not scream about nothing all the time. Is this fair? of course it is! Weigh your needs.
Light your white candle. Bring purity of heart mind and soul to this working. This must be what you truly want or it wont work.
Light your black candle. Bring protection and strength to this working. You need strength to see the truth of this habit and to be done with it. You need protection from yourself, and/or any negativity around you.
Light your green candle. Bring health of soul, mind, body to this working.
Meditate on all that you have discovered about yourself and your habit. See the benefits for what they really are. Decide right now not to do this habit any more.
See the change occur. Know that your habit is banished.
During the next complete cycle of the moon you will need to be diligent with yourself. This is when it will be easiest to laps back into your habit. Sleep with a quartz and tigers eye to help you sleep peacefully and give you strength and protection during your weakened time of shaking off a habit.
This is actually a powder to increase spiritual awareness.
You may need:
2 parts wood aloe
1 part myrrh
1 part frankincense
1 part sandalwood
You may need:
2 parts wood aloe
1 part myrrh
1 part frankincense
1 part sandalwood
Mix together the listed ingredients then sprinkle them around the room prior to meditation or ritual to attune your awareness to higher powers. Can also be sprinkled around a blue candle during a ritual.
This spell will help you to get a job that will meet your financial needs.
You may need:
Green candle
Essential oil of rosemary
You may need:
Green candle
Essential oil of rosemary
Take a little extra something with you when looking for a new job. Dress a green candle with essential oil of rosemary, and place it in a holder on your altar. Light the candle.
Now, place your hands down on the altar on either side of the candle and gaze into the flame. Picture yourself getting an interview, being made a job offer, and even getting a first paycheck. Tell yourself that you are worthy of employment, and that you are getting a job you will enjoy and that will meet your financial needs.
Get it all firmly planted in your mind, and believe it to be true. Let the candle burn for a half hour, then blow it out. Burn it on consecutive nights until it is no more.