Canine Communication Spell

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SpellsWealth  ► Fortune  ► Canine Communication Spell
This spell is to help your dog understand you.

Casting Instructions for 'Canine Communication Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Dog
  • Voice
  • Faith
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Dog
  • Voice
  • Faith

If you want your dog to understand you tap it three time on the head then put the sign of the cross on it. Chant;



"Gods of fire, water, air, grass, and every other power that be, let this dog understand me."



If your dog is not sitting completely still in front of you this spell won't work.


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Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
Part of the Spirit Seers Library.


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What if he is moving his head to follow your hand movements? Could this spell work if the dog is unconscious (asleep)?

Feb 23, 2019
The spell doesn't work. You can't communicate with animals via language. Try observing the animal and learning how it ''speaks'' to you by its natural movement. My cat can't speak but I can tell most of the time what he wants by his actions.

Lol, God of grass. This spell doesn't work because you can't talk with the animals. Try being more observant with your pet, you might be able to figure out what they want.

Mar 02, 2019
I want more for the dog to understand me? if that makes sense. I can understand my dogs social cues very well but its not really the same on his end and i know he cant really speak a language just understand sounds and cues and stuff so i just want a spell that can help amplify that so its almost as if he can understand me completely but really hes picking up my own social cues. idk if i can even find a spell like that or even make one im too inexperienced 😅

Oct 23, 2020
Same here, Naylea.

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