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28 Health Spells from Teen Witches

Covens Teen Witches  ► Teen Witches's Spellbooks  ► 28 Health Spells
28 Health Spells from Teen Witches

Included in this list of 28 Health Spells
  1. Healing/Relaxing Bath
  2. Shower cleansing spell
  3. Crystal healing spell
  4. Bad Luck
  5. Hel's Curse
  6. Crystal Globe Spell
  7. Egyptian Energy Healing
  8. Druidic Death Hex
  9. Incantation to Empower a Healing Amulet or Charm
  10. Healing Water-holed Stones
#1 - #10
#21 - #28

#1 - Healing/Relaxing Bath

A great way to wind down after an exhausting day focuses on relaxing the mind-body and soul.
You may need:

  • Bath Tub
  • Warm Water
  • Sea Salt
  • Rosemary
  • Essential Oils (Your Choice)
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    You may need:

  • Bath Tub
  • Warm Water
  • Sea Salt
  • Rosemary
  • Essential Oils (Your Choice)
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    1) Draw a warm bath.
    2) Once the water is halfway filling the tub add in Rosemary and a Pinch of Sea Salt. I usually use fresh Rosemary but dried works just as fine as well.
    3) Once the tub is full, add in essential oils. A few drops should get the job done, be careful when adding them in as to not burn your skin.
    4) Step into the bath and make sure to focus on calm breathing. This is the perfect time to start meditation or a mental reflection. Make sure to allow your body time to relax.
    5) Exit the bath once the waters have run cold.

    Added to on May 01, 2020
    Part of the Teen Witches Library.

    #2 - Shower cleansing spell

    Simple spell that cleanses you in the shower.
    You may need:

  • (Optional) Sage essential oil
  • Shower/any water (could be in the rain also)
  • Salt
  • Container/zip lock bag to hold the salt
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    You may need:

  • (Optional) Sage essential oil
  • Shower/any water (could be in the rain also)
  • Salt
  • Container/zip lock bag to hold the salt
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    Hop in the shower and turn it at a relaxing comfortable temperature and take a few deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Focusing on your breathing maybe 10-15 times.

    After you have finished at least 10 times allow your breathing to go back to a natural rhythm.

    Grab whatever is holding your salt and sprinkle it over your shoulders and rub it around and imagine a white energy taking over your shoulders. Move down to the rest of your arms and again visualize, moving down to the rest of your body besides your neck and face and washing it off.

    Imagine a black energy falling out of you with the salt and you are filled with a white energy.

    Turn off the shower and dry off and take your sage oil and put it over your neck and imagine a black energy leaving your head and going up into the universe as you are also being filled with a white light top to bottom.

    Added to on Aug 27, 2018
    Part of the Teen Witches Library.

    #3 - Crystal healing spell

    This is a spell to help you heal spiritually, mentally, or emotionally.
    You may need:

  • Malachite or Rose Quartz
  • Black or white candle
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    You may need:

  • Malachite or Rose Quartz
  • Black or white candle
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    First, light the candle and let it burn for a minute. It acts as a source of energy to draw from. Hold the crystal in your palm and close your eyes. Imagine the crystal's natural energy flowing into you like a stream, finding its way to the sore spot in your being or to your nerve endings, even to your heart. Add your own energy to that of the crystal's, imagine the energy healing the hurt and numbing the pain as it travels throughout your body. If you so wish, chant the following every other moment.

    Added to on Aug 11, 2018
    Part of the Teen Witches Library.

    #4 - Bad Luck

    A spell that brings bad luck.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Chant the following spell:

    "I bring bad luck to *name*
    I bring bad luck to this person.
    This person has tormented me.

    I call upon the Norse Goddess Hel,
    To assist me in this spell
    Bad luck,bad luck says me and the goddess Hel
    You trip,you loose,you try,and still fail

    I call bad luck with the Norse goddess Hel.
    Fortun ire tibi malam fortunam
    illo venire persona
    Desinam eaque militia"

    Added to on Sep 06, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 25, 2017
    Part of the Teen Witches Library.

    #5 - Hel's Curse

    Call upon Hel the Norse goddess, and cast a curse towards you enemy.
    You may need:

  • Four Black Candles
  • Inverted Pentagram
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    You may need:

  • Four Black Candles
  • Inverted Pentagram
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    Light your four black candles. Chant: "Hel, I call the the goddess of the Underworld. Help me curse this person (name). Because of what this person did to me (describe what this person did to you). Hel give me your strength as I cast this curse, to make this person feel the same agony as I. Please of godess, Hel."

    Say "maledicam" six times in a row. Imagine the darkness around you, embracing you. Then blow out your candles. Repeat if nessary.

    Added to on Sep 03, 2012
    Last edited on Dec 27, 2016
    Part of the Teen Witches Library.

    #6 - Crystal Globe Spell

    To empty out bad energy and make it good energy. (From the book "SpellCraft").
    You may need:

  • Mind
  • Extreme Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Mind
  • Extreme Concentration
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    I recommended u do this spell sitting down. First u close eyes and imagine A crystal ball with a hole on top is in front of you.

    Then you say:

    ''I empty all Bad energies''.

    Then imagine all the bad energies as smoke going into hole of the crystal ball.

    Say this:

    ''All the bad energy will turn into good energy that I can use in magic. Let this be done with harm to none''.

    After saying that, picture the good energy as light going into you. Now you can use this energy for magic the nexty time u do a spell or potion.

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    Part of the Teen Witches Library.

    #7 - Egyptian Energy Healing

    Uses the khemetic forces for healing.
    You may need:

  • Mind
  • Voice
  • Ankh (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Mind
  • Voice
  • Ankh (optional)
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    Visualize a green energy coming from your hands, the energy must form into a sphere around your hands. If you don't have an ankh visualize with-in the sphere a blue ankh. Rest your hand upon the ill being or yourself if you are the ill one, and say with intent.

    Chant: The forces of nature are with thee, Ra shines upon your ka, Asar rest upon the body. Maat clears your heart from pain, Goddess Heteru spits her healing flame, Amen.


    Asar is pronounced - Ass-ar

    Maat is pronounced - Ma - at

    Heteru is pronounced - Het- ear- ru

    Amen- is pronounced - AAA-men

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    Last edited on May 30, 2016
    Part of the Teen Witches Library.

    #8 - Druidic Death Hex

    This spell is used to reflect curses and or kill enemies. Much like the Druidic Curse and the Three Days of Hell, this spell can and will annihilate enemies... depending on the strength of the caster and the strength of the enemy AND how many times the spell is cast.
    You may need:

  • One black human figure candle or black chinaware human figure (gender specific, depending on sex of enemy)
  • One packet of dried blackberry leaves
  • One piece of black cloth
  • a length of black thread
  • One hammer
  • One shovel or trowel to dig a hole
  • Focused/concentrated mind
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    You may need:

  • One black human figure candle or black chinaware human figure (gender specific, depending on sex of enemy)
  • One packet of dried blackberry leaves
  • One piece of black cloth
  • a length of black thread
  • One hammer
  • One shovel or trowel to dig a hole
  • Focused/concentrated mind
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    Start this hex on a Saturday. Name the figural candle or statue with name of your enemy by carving the enemy's name in the wax or writing it in the chinaware with a marker. Wrap the candle or statuette all over with the dried spiny leaves of blackberry vines. Lay this mess on the piece of black cloth, wrap it up, and tie the bundle closed with black thread.

    While concentrating your mind on your enemy and his or her name and appearance, tell the person what it is you want send back to them (if they cursed you), if not, then chant how you want them to suffer, and then hit the packet three times with a hammer. Hit it hard enought so that you break it.

    Each day for seven days tell the figure what you want to send back to him or her (if they cursed u, if not then chant to them how u want them to suffer) and hit the figure with the hammer three times daily. By the end of the days, the figure should be mutilated and shattered. When you are finished, take the bundle outdoors (to a cemetery if you can), dig a deep hole, throw the packet in, and cover it. Walk away and don't look back.

    Additional instructions: To make this spell stronger, you may dress the candle or statue with crossing oil or hotfoot oil and you may add Goofer dust or graveyard soil to the blackberry leaves, but not too much because one would want the figure to feel the pain inflicted on it by blackberry leaf spines (that causes severe pain to the enemy.)

    Final words: Spell takes three weeks to take effect after the seven days it takes to cast this spell. If one wishes for the enemy to die or suffer severe agonizing torment, cast this spell for three straight weeks in a row and see what happens in two months.

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    #9 - Incantation to Empower a Healing Amulet or Charm

    The following is an incantation to empower or activate a healing charm. This incantation is required to activate healing charms which you create.
    You may need:

  • Your own mind concentrating on the focus of healing energies
  • Incantation
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    You may need:

  • Your own mind concentrating on the focus of healing energies
  • Incantation
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    Say the following incantation to activate a healing amulet or talisman's potent energies while focusing your mind on the aspect of healing energies:

    ''Hail Uriel, Guardian of the North. Let your spirit inform this circle, add your will to mine.

    Hail Raphael. guardian of the East Let your spirit inform this circle, add your will to mine.

    Hail Michael, guardian of the south. Let your spirit inform this circle, add your will to mine.

    Hail Gabriel, guardian of the west. Let your spirit inform this circle, add your will to mine.

    I invoke Achelois, she who drives away pain. Oh please great Achelois protect (name of person to be healed) from the pain of (name of illness.)
    And keep her safe in our hearts.
    Let her be flourished in the love of greatest powers.
    Bless this (name of amulet or talisman... if it has a name) with protection from pain and let her feel comforted by it. With all the power, I free her from the pain. Circle broken be unbroken/power down to the ground.

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    #10 - Healing Water-holed Stones

    This spell enchants water which then can be used for creating healing talismans. Once empowered, these talismans can heal the person who wears them over time and also wards off most illnesses and or curses.
    You may need:

  • Holed Stones
  • Clear Water
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    You may need:

  • Holed Stones
  • Clear Water
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    Take a holed stone (naturally holed stones found in or beside running water or the ocean) and put it in a vessel of clear water. Remove it and the water is possessed of healing vibrations which can be used in healing baths, to annoint a healing charm, and so on. Perform this ritual on the new, waxing or full moon with the focus on healing and getting better. Place the bowl of water with stone out under the moon to collect her energies and blessings.

    Say the following or a similar incantation: ''Lady Luna, bless this water with your healing energies.''

    After saying that line, leave the water outside for nine whole minutes... for nine is a healing number. You might also sit before the water and meditate over it.

    Suggested methods of usage for healing water: Then after the time has elapsed, bring it indoors and store this water in a glass container such as mason jar and use. Another method of using healing water is to drop a bit of food coloring into it and keep it in a vial as a healing talisman. You could also use some of the healing water to bathe in by mixing it with a healing herb or oil. MOST EFFECTIVE MEANS OF USING HEALING WATER WOULD BE TO ANNOINT YOUR OWN FOREHEAD WITH THE HEALING WATER OR AN AFFLICTED AREA (DEPENDING ON TYPE OF ILLNESS... AND THEM GO DEEP INTO A MEDITATIVE STATE CONCENTRATING ON HEALING THE DISEASE/ILLNESS OR PROBLEM.

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    Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
    Part of the Teen Witches Library.

    28 Health Spells from Teen Witches
    #1 - #10
    #21 - #28