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27 Beauty Spells from The Immortal's Keep

27 Beauty Spells from The Immortal's Keep

Included in this list of 27 Beauty Spells
  1. To Give Encouragement
  2. Cleansing the Body of Negative Energies
  3. To Help Make a Decision
  4. A-Magical Pomander
  5. Money Doubling
  6. Physical Body Change
  7. Healing Others
  8. Healing Image
  9. Self Image
  10. Good Health Wishing
#1 - #10
#21 - #27

#1 - To Give Encouragement

This is a spell which enables you to work with someone without them necessarily knowing what you are doing. This is used only for positive encouragement or to let someone know that you care about them and what they do. Anything else will rebound on you threefold
You may need:

  • A jade, rose quartz or amethyst crystal
  • Frankincense
  • Oil burner
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    You may need:

  • A jade, rose quartz or amethyst crystal
  • Frankincense
  • Oil burner
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    Light the burner. Pour a little additional oil into your hand and rub your hands together to raise power. Hold the crystal in your most powerful hand and pass it through the fumes from the oil burner three times.

    Face the direction you know the recipient to be. "Say Goddess of Love, Goddess of Power, Hear me now as I thee implore. Help (name) to do what they must. Create the conditions for their success".

    Build up a ball of energy around the crystal until it is as powerful as you can make it. Place the crystal by the side of your bed, directing the energy of the ball towards the recipient and know that it will be transmitted to the recipient as self-confidence for the task in hand.

    Visualize the person concerned standing tall and confident in a shaft of light stretching from the crystal to them. Next morning, wash the crystal under running water and store until it is needed or give it to the person concerned. This spell works because you have no expectations. Your gift of encouragement is freely given without thought of reward. The payoff comes when you see the recipient succeed in their own way.

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    #2 - Cleansing the Body of Negative Energies

    This spell uses candle magic and an appeal to the Elements. One aspect needs to be noted. Black candles were once associated with Black Magic and malevolence but today are much more used to represent loss, sadness, discord and negativity.
    You may need:

  • White candle (for positive energy)
  • Black or dark blue candle (for negative energy)
  • Green candle (for healing)
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    You may need:

  • White candle (for positive energy)
  • Black or dark blue candle (for negative energy)
  • Green candle (for healing)
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    In your sacred space, place the candles in a triangle with the green candle closest to you. Clear your mind of everything except what you are doing. Light the white candle, being aware of its symbolism and say the following: "Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit; I ask thee to cleanse my body of all negative energies".

    Light the black or blue candle, being aware also of its symbolism. Repeat the words above and pause to let the energies come to a natural balance. Light the green candle and again repeat the above words. Sit back, keep your mind clear and be peaceful for at least 10 minutes.

    When the time feels right either snuff out the candles or allow the green one to burn right down so that you are filled with healing energy. You should feel rested and relaxed and more ready to tackle problems as they arise. Make this part of your weekly routine till you feel it no longer to be necessary.

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    #3 - To Help Make a Decision

    This spell uses colour and candles to allow you to make a decision over two opposing outcomes. You are in a sense taking the dilemma to the highest authority in order for the best outcome to become apparent. Do the spell at the time of the New Moon if there is a new beginning involved.
    You may need:

  • Two yellow candles
  • White candle or your astrological candle
  • Length of purple ribbon
  • Two pieces of paper
  • Pen
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    You may need:

  • Two yellow candles
  • White candle or your astrological candle
  • Length of purple ribbon
  • Two pieces of paper
  • Pen
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    This spell takes three days to do in total.

    Place the white candle on the exact middle of the ribbon. This ribbon signifies the highest possible spiritually-correct energy. Place the two yellow candles either end of the ribbon. Write the two possible outcomes on the pieces of paper and fold them separately.

    Place these two papers under the yellow candles on top of the ribbon. Light the middle (white) candle first and then the two outer (yellow) ones. Acknowledge the fact that you will be extinguishing them as part of the spell. Burn the candles for at least an hour, so that a link is properly made. Consider both decisions carefully.

    Snuff the candles out and next day move the papers and the outer candles closer to the middle candle. Roll the ribbon in towards the centre against the candle bases. Relight the candles and again burn for at least an hour, considering your options carefully.

    Each day repeat until all the candles are grouped together. (This should take at least three days, and, if time allows, longer.) Ensure that you have at least an hours burning time left for the final day.

    Allow the candles to burn out and within three days you should find it easy to make a decision. This process allows due consideration of all the pros and cons of the various options. It provides the energy for the correct decision and allows you to be rational and objective while still taking account of the emotional aspect.

    It keeps your mind focused on the matter in hand. You do not then stand in your own light get in the way of your own success.

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    #4 - A-Magical Pomander

    As our knowledge of herbs and magic increases, we are able to use old-fashioned ideas and charming customs and perhaps return them to their original use. Pomanders, aromatic spheres that are prepared by studding oranges with cloves, have been used since medieval times in a practical way to keep bad smells at bay. Magically they can be used to attract money and for protection and - when they have lost their fragrance - as an offering through fire to the gods.
    You may need:

  • An orange with an oily skin
  • A nail or knitting needle
  • A good quantity of whole cloves
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Plastic bag
  • Ribbon Pins
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    You may need:

  • An orange with an oily skin
  • A nail or knitting needle
  • A good quantity of whole cloves
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Plastic bag
  • Ribbon Pins
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    Stud the orange with whole cloves complete with stems, bud side out. It is easier to insert the cloves if you poke a small hole first with the nail or knitting needle. Space the cloves evenly in a pattern that pleases you, leaving room to tie the ribbon.

    The cloves will move closer together as theorange dries out. As you work keep your intent for the pomander in mind. Place the powdered cinnamon in the plastic bag, and shake the pomander inside the bag until it is well coated with the powder.

    Leave in a warm place to dry out, which may take up to six weeks. Check frequently that the orange is not going mouldy, but try not to open the bag. Lastly, tie the ribbon around the pomander, fixing it securely with the pins. Hang the pomander where you can both see it and enjoy the fragrance.

    When you come to dispose of the pomander, throw it into a fire. Say: "As I return this to its Element Sun, Jupiter, Venus I thank you for your help".

    Made in this way the pomander can last up to a year before its fragrance completely fades. This pomander is multi purpose. All the components are ruled by the element of Fire and the relevant deities and planetary influences are Sun for the orange, Jupiter for the cloves and Venus for the cinnamon.

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    #5 - Money Doubling

    This spell is representational and helps double any denomination of paper money that you have. You are asking that the money be increased so you may also use a herb which has this effect. You are also appealing to the highest authority in asking the Angels to help you.
    You may need:

  • Paper money
  • White envelope
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Wax to seal the envelope
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    You may need:

  • Paper money
  • White envelope
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Wax to seal the envelope
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    Place the money in the envelope, along with the cinnamon powder, and seal it with the wax. Fold the envelope, leave it in your sacred -space and say once, every day, for seven days:

    "Hear me, angels in your glory,
    Hear me now Zacharael.
    I see the need for the common good
    And ask for this to be increased."

    Hold the envelope up, and perceive that it -feels heavier than it was. Keep the envelope in your bedroom for safety. After you receive more money, open the envelope, and share what was in the envelope with others.

    Zacharael means remembrance of God and is the-angel who reminds us not to be bound by material-concerns. For this reason, when we have truly-shown that we understand both the value and the-illusions associated with money we should never-go short.

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    #6 - Physical Body Change

    In this spell you use the power of the crystal to make changes. By bringing the problem into the open you are creating a way to a change on an inner level which brings healing with it. This can be done at the time of the New Moon.
    You may need:

  • Small piece of paper
  • Pen Quartz
  • crystal String
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    You may need:

  • Small piece of paper
  • Pen Quartz
  • crystal String
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    Take the piece of paper and write your name on it. Draw on it what part of the body you want changed and what you want to look like. If you want to change more than one area, -draw the whole body and mark what you -would like to change. Hold the paper in your hands and imagine -the body-part changing from what it looks like now to what you want it to look like.

    Fold the paper up any way you like and tie it to the crystal. Once more visualize the body part changing again. When you feel that changes are taking place, untie the string, tear the paper up and scatter it to the wind. If you wish, you can bury the crystal to signify the fact that you have internalized the -changes you have made.

    This spell is very good for changing aspects you dont like. It may take a few days or even longer to see results, so please be patient. The spell should not be used to try to heal conditions of a medical nature

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    #7 - Healing Others

    This is a spell using crystals, candles and incense. It is also representational in that you use the paper to represent the person you are healing. If you use an altar then work with that, but the-spell can also be completed by recognizing that the space between the candles is sacred.
    You may need:

  • 3 candles
  • Healing incense (1 part allspice, 1 part rosemary)
  • Paper with name of the person
  • Clear quartz crystal
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    You may need:

  • 3 candles
  • Healing incense (1 part allspice, 1 part rosemary)
  • Paper with name of the person
  • Clear quartz crystal
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    Place the candles on the altar or in your -sacred space in a semi-circle, with the white candle in the middle. Place the incense on the left if the recipient is a woman, on the right if male. Light the incense. Place the paper with the persons name in the centre. Put the quartz crystal on top of the paper.

    Be aware of your own energy linking with whatever you consider to be the Divine. Breathe in the incense and feel your energy increasing. When you feel ready, release the energy. Imagine it passing through the crystal which enhances it to the recipient. As you are doing this, say:

    "(Name) be healed by the gift of this Power"

    Remember that healing energy is used by the recipient in whatever way is appropriate to them. A physical condition may not necessarily be healed, but you may have started an overall healing process. Often the person is given the emotional strength to withstand their trials and tribulations so that an-inner healing occurs.

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    #8 - Healing Image

    This spell uses the very old technique of representing a person as a poppet or small doll. It is similar to To Know the Child Within except that the poppet represents another person. Remember that healing takes place in the way that the recipient needs, not necessarily in the way we think it should happen.
    You may need:

  • Poppet
  • Blue candle
  • Salt
  • water
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    You may need:

  • Poppet
  • Blue candle
  • Salt
  • water
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    Create your poppet to represent the person you wish -to help already completely healed and whole. Take the doll into your sacred space. Light the blue candle (to represent healing). Sprinkle your poppet with the salt water and say:

    "This figure I hold made by my art
    Here represents [name person] ,
    By my art made, by my art changed,
    Now may he/she be healed,
    By art divine."

    Pass the poppet quickly through the flame of -the candle and visualize the person being-cleansed of their problem. Hold the poppet in both hands, breathe gently-on it and visualize first the poppet and then the person being filled with Divine healing energy. Pay particular attention to the areas in the -physical body of your friend with which you know they are having difficulty.

    Imbue the poppet with the idea of being healed from a mental perspective. Think of spiritual energy infusing the doll, and therefore your friend, with the spiritual help that they need. Visualize the person concerned being completely filled with white light, well, happy and filled with energy. Keep the poppet in your sacred space until it is no longer needed.

    At this time, enter your sacred space, take the-poppet, sprinkle it with water and say:

    "By Divine art changed,
    By my art made,
    Free this poppet from the connection with [name] .
    Let it now be unmade".

    If the poppet contains direct links with the person such as hair - burn it in an open fire. If-it does not, dispose of it in any way you wish. If you have used a crystal at any point in this-spell, this should be cleansed by holding it-under running water and perhaps then given-to the person as a keepsake or for protection.

    We are not just asking for alleviation of the-symptoms, we are asking for help from a holistic-perspective. You do have a responsibility if you are-working on someone elses behalf to do nothing-which will make matters worse for them, therefore-think very seriously about using this method.

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    #9 - Self Image

    In many ways this spell is one which is about loving yourself, hence the use of pink candles and love oil. In the use of incantation you are making a link with the principle of beauty and with the Goddess of Beauty in one of her many forms.
    You may need:

  • At least one pink candle
  • A handheld mirror
  • Love oil
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    You may need:

  • At least one pink candle
  • A handheld mirror
  • Love oil
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    Dress the candle(s) with the love oil, working towards you since you want to feel differently about yourself. Have in mind your ideal qualities of beauty as you do so. Light the candles and stare deeply into the mirror.

    See first the person you are now. Visualize the change you want. Then see the person you would like to be. Recite this incantation out loud:

    "Sacred flame as you dance
    Call upon my sacred glance.
    Call upon my better self,
    Give me (your request)

    Blessed flame shining brightly,
    Bring about the changes nightly
    Give me now my second chance
    My beauty and glamour please enhance"

    You can now snuff out the candle and relight it the next night, burning it for at least an hour. Repeat the incantation at least three times. The power of visualization is a very strong tool. Each of us has an inner beauty which if we work with it is a tremendous help in daily life. Once we are prepared to recognize it, it becomes evident to others. This spell accomplishes that recognition.

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    #10 - Good Health Wishing

    This spell is worked at the time of the New Moon and is incredibly simple to do. Bay leaves possess a great deal of magical power and are used for granting wishes. This spell can be used to fulfil a range of desires, and here is used to bring about health and happiness.
    You may need:

  • 3 bay leaves
  • Piece of paper
  • Pencil or pen
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    You may need:

  • 3 bay leaves
  • Piece of paper
  • Pencil or pen
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    During a New Moon, write your wish on a piece of paper and visualize it coming true. Fold the paper into thirds, placing the three bay leaves inside. Fold the paper towards you. Again visualize your wish coming true.

    Fold the paper into thirds a second time, thus forming an envelope. Keep it hidden in a dark place Reinforce your wish by repeatedly visualizing it coming true.

    When the wish comes true, burn the paper as a mark of thanks . This little envelope of power can also be included in a mojo or talisman bag to add more power to it. In that case try to be as specific as you can in your wish. You can, using it this way, impose a time limit on the spell coming to fruition, though it is often better not to do so.

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    27 Beauty Spells from The Immortal's Keep
    #1 - #10
    #21 - #27