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14 Luck Spells from The Immortal's Keep

14 Luck Spells from The Immortal's Keep

Included in this list of 14 Luck Spells
  1. A-Wish Afloat
  2. Want Spell
  3. Removing Misfortune
  4. Gambling Spell
  5. Fast Luck Oil
  6. For Study and Concentration
  7. Activating a Wish
  8. A-Case for Court
  9. How to Speed Up a Happening
  10. To Remove Obstacles
#1 - #10

#1 - A-Wish Afloat

This spell uses plant or rather tree magic and running water to convey the energy. It also uses the art of visualization and can be very effective in manifestation spells, particularly if you get to know your tree correspondences. Ideally it should be done at the time of the New Moon.
You may need:

  • A twig or small branch of your choice
  • A bridge across a stream or river
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    You may need:

  • A twig or small branch of your choice
  • A bridge across a stream or river
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    In order not to disturb the Nature Spirits or harm the tree, strictly you should use a twig that has already fallen off the tree. Remember that Mother Nature appreciates a gift as much as you do, so wherever possible be prepared to share with the spirit of the tree.

    Shape the twig as much as you need to according to the wish you intend to make. When you feel the time is right stand on the bridge or rock and link with the spirit of water.

    Say why you have come, using words such as:"Tonight I come to you with a small request. Carry for me now my desire out into the open sea. That I may (state your request)".

    Concentrate on what you want to wish for and see it in your minds eye. Repeat the words above aloud. Now throw the twig as far upstream or into the tide as you can.

    As the twig floats past you repeat the request again and ask for a blessing from the appropriate tree spirit. This way of working combines the spirit of the tree with the spirit of water and means that you have some pretty powerful energy available to you.

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    #2 - Want Spell

    Since Mother Nature supplies our most basic needs, this spell uses the cycle of her existence to help fulfil your wants. The leaf is representative of her power and you are using natural objects to signify that all things must come to pass.
    You may need:

  • A marker pen
  • A fully grown leaf
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    You may need:

  • A marker pen
  • A fully grown leaf
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    Write or draw on the leaf a word, picture or letter that represents the thing that you want. Lay the leaf on the ground. As the leaf withers, it takes your desire to the Earth.

    In thanks, Mother Nature will grant your wish. You may also throw the leaf into running water or place it under a stone if you wish.

    This is a spell which owes a great deal to folk magic and an appreciation of the cycle of growth and decay. In such spells, it is usual to use a leaf that has fallen rather than pick one from a tree. If you do the latter you should thank the tree for its bounty.

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    #3 - Removing Misfortune

    This spell uses plant magic combined with folk magic and the meaning of numbers. Burying an object binds the energy of what it represents and reciting prayers raises the vibration to the point where any negativity is nullified. The instruction ‘Within sight of a church’ suggests that the bad luck then is overseen by the Angels.
    You may need:

  • Three small jars
  • Nine cloves of garlic
  • Nine thorns from a white rose or nine pins
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    You may need:

  • Three small jars
  • Nine cloves of garlic
  • Nine thorns from a white rose or nine pins
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    Pierce the garlic cloves with the pins or thorns saying forcefully while doing so: "Misfortune begone from me". Put three of the cloves and pins in each jar. Bury each jar within sight of a church.

    Say the Lords prayer each time you do this. Walk away and dont look back at what you have done.

    This spell can give impressively fast results. As soon as you become aware of the misfortune you are suffering, look for a common theme i.e. are the problems financial, love etc and actually name them in the words you use. Because you have addressed it three times it cannot remain.

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    #4 - Gambling Spell

    This spell activates a good luck charm which can be used whenever you gamble. The acorn is a symbol of fertility and good luck and takes on the quality of its parent tree, the oak, which is considered to signify strength and power.
    You may need:

  • Acorn Gold paint
  • Narrow paintbrush
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    You may need:

  • Acorn Gold paint
  • Narrow paintbrush
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    • Sit quietly for a few moments, holding the acorn in the hand you consider to be your most powerful and visualize yourself receiving your winnings.
    • Now carefully paint the acorn with the gold paint.
    • Make sure that you completely cover it.
    • Repeat the following at least three times while doing this: When chance’s dice I choose to throw
    Little seed of acorn grow As I gild thee here and now Bring me gold and silver
    • When the paint has dried keep the acorn in your pocket or wallet.
    • Remember that you have used a living plant and should therefore return an offering to the earth in some way - perhaps plant another acorn in a wild place.
    • Do not expect to win large amounts of money using this spell. It is much more likely to be a steady trickle, through whatever way you choose to gamble. Occasionally for best results you should share some of your winnings with others, so that your good luck is passed on.

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    #5 - Fast Luck Oil

    This oil contains herbal essences, all of which have the effect of quickening up a spell. However, there is need for a word of warning, since many people nowadays have sensitivities to so many substances. Wintergreen if ingested internally is highly toxic so you should be extremely careful when dealing with it and cinnamon oil can irritate the skin. When it is used to dress a candle however the combined oils are an efficent and speedy way of making things happen.
    You may need:

  • A small bottle
  • 10 drops wintergreen oil
  • 10 drops vanilla oil
  • 10 drops cinnamon oil
  • Carrier such as almond oil
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    You may need:

  • A small bottle
  • 10 drops wintergreen oil
  • 10 drops vanilla oil
  • 10 drops cinnamon oil
  • Carrier such as almond oil
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    Carefully combine the essential and carrier oils in the bottle.Shake well and repeat as you do so at least three times: "Fast Luck, Fast Luck Bring to me my desire".

    Now add the other ingredients if you are using them and leave the bottle in a cool dark place for at least twenty four hours for the oils to blend. After this time you can use the oil to dress your candles. Remember that, as you are drawing luck towards you, you should dress the candle from the top down.

    If you are using Fast Luck Oil for a money spell concentrate on money coming towards you, use a green candle and repeat the words above. Use a brown candle if you have a business deal you need to accelerate, but this time it is wise to add a few flakes of silver or gold glitter.

    To bring love into your life use a pink candle, visualize your ideal person coming into your life and repeat the words above, adding: If it be right for all concerned. Let the candles burn out safely.

    You should have some indication that this routine is working within about thirty-six hours. If there is none, then you must consider what obstacles there are to progress. These may have come to light since you began the spell and you can attempt to remove them before carrying out the procedure again.

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    #6 - For Study and Concentration

    It is sometimes important to go right back to basics to gain the help we need. This is a herbal and colour formula spell which also calls on the powers of Bridget, the goddess of poetry, or on Sarasvati, the Hindu goddess of Knowledge. Your sachet will be purple for the former and white for the latter.
    You may need:

  • 2 parts rosemary
  • 2 parts basil
  • 1 part caraway seeds
  • 1 part dried rind of citrus fruit
  • Small bowl to mix the herbs
  • Small cloth bag about 15cms in size
  • Silver thread or cord
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    You may need:

  • 2 parts rosemary
  • 2 parts basil
  • 1 part caraway seeds
  • 1 part dried rind of citrus fruit
  • Small bowl to mix the herbs
  • Small cloth bag about 15cms in size
  • Silver thread or cord
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    Combine the herbs thoroughly while chanting either: "Bridget, Brighde fashioner of words; Help me now as I seek your aid Let me now bring you honour In what I have to say today." Or, for Sarasvati: Sarasvati, divine consort of Brahma "Mistress of knowledge Teach me to use words wisely and well My doubts and fears I pray you dispel."

    Now put the herbs in the bag, tying it securely with the silver cord. Place the sachet somewhere within your work area where you can see it. You should find that simply by focusing on the sachet you are able to free your mind from distractions and find inspiration as you study for exams or write your articles and masterpieces

    If you become really stuck then pick up the sachet and allow some of the fragrance to escape, remembering to tie it back up when you are finished.

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    #7 - Activating a Wish

    It is easy to categorize the granting of wishes as a separate area of spell-making, but, depending on the offering you make, it could be classified as crystal, candle, herbal or symbolic. Timings and other correspondences can be according to your wish or need.
    You may need:

  • Your chosen gift
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    You may need:

  • Your chosen gift
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    Before you begin you will need to have given some thought to your wish. Be very specific in stating what you want otherwise you may get more than you bargained for. State your wish clearly and as briefly as possibly, addressing your deity or spirit by name or title if you can, for instance: "Pan and spirits of the woodland. Hear now my request I wish for health, love and happiness"

    When you make your offering, be appropriate. For example: If your wish is for material goods or finance you could use a crystal or coin and bury it to signify the tangibility of your desire. If your wish has an emotional content then you might throw your offering into running water. If your wish is for knowledge or information then signify this by getting up to a high place and using the currents of air.

    You might for instance choose to scatter some plant seeds to help restore the ecological balance. If choosing to use the Element of Fire outside then be responsible, use only dead wood and never place your fire close to plants or buildings. Repeat your wish three times.

    This is so that any negative attached to your desire should have dropped away by the third request and by then you will also be more aware of your own feelings and whether you really want what you are asking for.

    Making wishes is a quick way of making things happen within your everyday world, often without having to carry out a full-blown ceremony. As you get to know your own capabilities you will be able to take advantage of the moments which are presented to you.

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    #8 - A-Case for Court

    This spell should help you to obtain the verdict you wish for in a court case. It is simple to do and can also give you the confidence to face your ordeal with courage.
    You may need:

  • Several pieces of paper
  • Pen (all magically charged if possible)
  • Orange candle (for legal matters)
  • Fireproof dish
  • Scissors
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    You may need:

  • Several pieces of paper
  • Pen (all magically charged if possible)
  • Orange candle (for legal matters)
  • Fireproof dish
  • Scissors
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    • Sit in a quiet space and light the candle.
    • Breathe deeply several times to help clear your mind.
    • Look at the issue from the perspectives of the other people involved (your opponents, the judge, jury and so on).
    • Try to think of all possible scenarios which might occur, being realistic in your assessments.
    • Write down each one on a single piece of paper.
    • See yourself handling each scenario calmly and factually.
    • Concentrating on the candle flame, call on your own favourite pantheon of gods and ask for right action. You might for example petition the Egyptian goddess Ma’at, Themis the Greek goddess, or Forseti the Norse god.
    • Ask that there will be clarity, honesty and justice in the situation.
    • Take a brief look at each of the scenarios again and write down any new ones which then come to mind.
    • Now choose the outcome you most desire and put that piece of paper under the candle while it burns out.
    • Take the rest of the papers and cut them up into small pieces.
    • Set light to them in the fireproof dish by first lighting one piece from the candle.
    • When these have burnt out, flush them away under the tap or blow them to the four winds.
    • When you go to court, take the paper with your desired result, put it in your pocket, and when you find yourself in difficulties hold the paper unobtrusively in your hand to give you courage.
    • This spell does not automatically ensure that you will win your case, particularly if there is dishonesty involved. Remember that you are asking for justice, which may involve some kind of penance or penalty on your part.

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    #9 - How to Speed Up a Happening

    Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation that is not happening quickly enough for us, such as a business deal or house purchase. We can then use our knowledge of colour and herbs and spices to speed things up. We may not always know what other circumstances surround the problem, so it is wise to bear in mind the words ‘if it be right’ or ‘An it harm no-one’.
    You may need:

  • Red candle
  • Fast luck incense
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Papers associated with the problem
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    You may need:

  • Red candle
  • Fast luck incense
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Papers associated with the problem
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    Sprinkle each of the papers with cinnamon-powder. Arrange in a pile.

    Place the candle on top of the papers. As you do this repeat the following words. three times: "Time passed, time fast Let this (event) happen"

    Light the incense and the candle and allow them to burn out.

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    #10 - To Remove Obstacles

    In this spell Ganesha, the Hindu elephant- headed god, is invoked to ensure the success of any difficult task and to grant wishes. Because he represents a combination of strength and- shrewdness, he is able to get rid of the most intimidating of barriers. The spell can be adjusted to encompass all sorts of life decisions
    You may need:

  • Yellow candle
  • Red candle
  • Your favourite flowers
  • Sandalwood incense
  • Figure of Ganesha or of an elephant
  • Cooked rice
  • Pen and paper
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    You may need:

  • Yellow candle
  • Red candle
  • Your favourite flowers
  • Sandalwood incense
  • Figure of Ganesha or of an elephant
  • Cooked rice
  • Pen and paper
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    Light the incense and place the flowers and the rice in front of the figure. With your hands together and fingertips pointing to your forehead, bow to the statue and say:

    "Greetings, Ganesha.
    Welcome to my sacred space
    With your help, all success shall be mine.
    I come to you, knowing you will grant my wishes
    All impediments are removed.
    I honour your presence,
    Good fortune be with you and with me and mine.
    I praise you Ganesha!"

    Light the candles and tell Ganesha what you most desire. Now commit your wishes to paper and place -the paper under the statue. Say:

    "God of wisdom, God of strength
    Loving bringer of success
    Take now these wishes of mine.
    Mould them, shape them, work them
    Till together we can bring them to fruition".

    Bow as before and put the candles out. Repeat for the two following days, finally -letting the candles burn themselves out. Afterwards, do not disturb the statue for three -days and never ask for the same thing twice.

    Before long, a new way will be shown to enable you-to achieve your objective. Give thanks by sharing-your good fortune with others and making a further-offering to Ganesha who appreciates effort made.

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    Last edited on Sep 23, 2016
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    14 Luck Spells from The Immortal's Keep
    #1 - #10