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2 Beauty Spells from Time Mages

Covens Time Mages  ► Time Mages's Spellbooks  ► 2 Beauty Spells
2 Beauty Spells from Time Mages

Included in this list of 2 Beauty Spells
  1. Banish Grief
  2. Re-inspire yourself
#1 - #2

#1 - Banish Grief

Help rid terrible feelings of grief.
You may need:

  • 1 Smokey Quartz Gemstone
  • 1 Bowl of water
  • 3 table spoons of sea salt
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    You may need:

  • 1 Smokey Quartz Gemstone
  • 1 Bowl of water
  • 3 table spoons of sea salt
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    Hold the quartz in your power hand. Visualize the grief transfering from you, to your hand, into the quartz. Whilst doing so say,
    ''Banishing stone,
    Fill yourself with my grief,
    So that I may feel joy again,
    So be it, Blessed Be!''

    Stir the mixture of sea salt in the bowl of water counterclockwise then add the smokey quartz. Swish the stone around three times in a counterclockwise motion. Leave the stone in the water for a few minutes, then take the stone outside and safely throw it as far as you can away from yourself.

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    Last edited on Jun 02, 2018
    Part of the Time Mages Library.

    #2 - Re-inspire yourself

    This is a spell for those who lost their interest in magic.
    You may need:

  • deep focus on the spell
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    You may need:

  • deep focus on the spell
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    Think of the first time you met magic in your life and gather the good emotion and re-feel it.
    Then chant following:

    In my blood a witch.
    Waiting for the time
    when all the magic's gone
    to turn my passion on

    i'll keep walking
    the way of the witch (repeat 3X)

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    Part of the Time Mages Library.

    2 Beauty Spells from Time Mages
    #1 - #2