Search Results for "protect relationships"
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Search Results for protect relationships
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Herbs - Properties
... Information on herbs and their metaphysical (magical) properties. Herbs their Magickal Properties- A Acacia : Protection, Psychic Powers, Money and Love Spells Adam Eve Roots : Love, Happiness Adders Tongue : Healing African Violet : Spirituality, Protection Agaric : Fertility Agrimony : Protection, Sleep Ague Root : Protection Alfalfa : Prosperity,...
... Information on herbs and their metaphysical (magical) properties. Herbs their Magickal Properties- A Acacia : Protection, Psychic Powers, Money and Love Spells Adam Eve Roots : Love, Happiness Adders Tongue : Healing African Violet : Spirituality, Protection Agaric : Fertility Agrimony : Protection, Sleep Ague Root : Protection Alfalfa : Prosperity,...
Herbal Correspondences
... Herbal Correspondences List Ague Weed : protection Agrimony : sends negative energies back to the sender, works as a shield to protect the caster from unwanted energies, etc. Angelica : powerful protection herb, often carried as a protective amulet. It can be used as a banishing rituals, exorcisms, and as a...
... Herbal Correspondences List Ague Weed : protection Agrimony : sends negative energies back to the sender, works as a shield to protect the caster from unwanted energies, etc. Angelica : powerful protection herb, often carried as a protective amulet. It can be used as a banishing rituals, exorcisms, and as a...
Herbs - Properties
...Council of Knowledge Articles Herbs - Properties Rated 4/5 Stars Information on herbs herbs and their metaphysical (magical) properties. Herbs their Magickal Properties- A Acacia : Protection,.......
...Council of Knowledge Articles Herbs - Properties Rated 4/5 Stars Information on herbs herbs and their metaphysical (magical) properties. Herbs their Magickal Properties- A Acacia : Protection,.......
Stone Magick - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Really Wow... I looked all Over the coven for somewhere that had this and it does not. There are small post about them but not anything with this title That FITS It all in. So When thinking of stones I think protection. I will List all the Stones off the top...
Forum Post
...Really Wow... I looked all Over the coven for somewhere that had this and it does not. There are small post about them but not anything with this title That FITS It all in. So When thinking of stones I think protection. I will List all the Stones off the top...
Oceanic Correspondences - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Aquamarine Protection from drowning Protection while traveling over water Calms storms Protection from sea sickness Brings victory over sea battles Ash Protection from drowning Protection from sea sickness Bladderwrack Protection while at traveling above, below, or on the sea Use for abundance and prosperity To enhance psychic powers To call upon...
Forum Post
...Aquamarine Protection from drowning Protection while traveling over water Calms storms Protection from sea sickness Brings victory over sea battles Ash Protection from drowning Protection from sea sickness Bladderwrack Protection while at traveling above, below, or on the sea Use for abundance and prosperity To enhance psychic powers To call upon...
Herb Correspondences - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...This is just some herbs and some of their correspondences. Rosemary--protection, love, lust Lavendar--love, sleep, attract good spirits Lemon Grass--psychic powers, increases the power of all amulets Burdock Root--protection, healing, cleansing, uncrossing Wormwood--(poison) psychic powers, protection, calling spirits Poke Root--(poison) hex breaking, exorcising evil spirits, revenge. Patchoile--money, lust, fertility, breaking any...
Forum Post
...This is just some herbs and some of their correspondences. Rosemary--protection, love, lust Lavendar--love, sleep, attract good spirits Lemon Grass--psychic powers, increases the power of all amulets Burdock Root--protection, healing, cleansing, uncrossing Wormwood--(poison) psychic powers, protection, calling spirits Poke Root--(poison) hex breaking, exorcising evil spirits, revenge. Patchoile--money, lust, fertility, breaking any...
Simple protective spell
... A simple protective spell you can easily make. For this spell you need just to visualize a colorful globe that covers and protects you from all magickal harm . This is a very simple and quick visualizing spell you can do when you fell that someone casts a spell on you...
... A simple protective spell you can easily make. For this spell you need just to visualize a colorful globe that covers and protects you from all magickal harm . This is a very simple and quick visualizing spell you can do when you fell that someone casts a spell on you...
Gemstones - Amber - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Amber- Excellent for use in rituals for enhancing your beauty and attractiveness. Helps to attract love and stimulates happiness and pleasure. Amber is used as both a good luck and protective amulet, and is extremely protective against negative magick which has been directed against you. When placed on the altar, it...
Forum Post
...Amber- Excellent for use in rituals for enhancing your beauty and attractiveness. Helps to attract love and stimulates happiness and pleasure. Amber is used as both a good luck and protective amulet, and is extremely protective against negative magick which has been directed against you. When placed on the altar, it...
Protection Incantation - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...PROTECTION CHANT I Wizard /Witchof of Ancient lore, plead with this Trees and Forest floor ,protection and your assistance here do i seek ,marry my bones and vine of my sorcery ,lord of heaven, Queen of Hell ,strenghthen this,my beloved incantation, that no harm will come to me. So mote it...
Forum Post
...PROTECTION CHANT I Wizard /Witchof of Ancient lore, plead with this Trees and Forest floor ,protection and your assistance here do i seek ,marry my bones and vine of my sorcery ,lord of heaven, Queen of Hell ,strenghthen this,my beloved incantation, that no harm will come to me. So mote it...
Prayer of Protection to Gaia
... A little chant for a moment of protection. Chant as much as you want: A prayer of protection I say this hour, to keep me from harms way for all ill-will be turned and securely kept at bay. Gaia herself, my protector be, stands between me and all strife, and cups...
... A little chant for a moment of protection. Chant as much as you want: A prayer of protection I say this hour, to keep me from harms way for all ill-will be turned and securely kept at bay. Gaia herself, my protector be, stands between me and all strife, and cups...
Protective and Combative Magick
...Spell Casters Articles Protective and Combative Magick Rated 4/5 Stars Protective and combative combative magick is harder than it {seems;} here is a guide to the art. Protective magick and combative.......
...Spell Casters Articles Protective and Combative Magick Rated 4/5 Stars Protective and combative combative magick is harder than it {seems;} here is a guide to the art. Protective magick and combative.......
Herbs C-D
...Herbs starting with the letters C to D. CACTUS: Chastity, banishing and protection. protection. Bury with other banishing symbols for protection. Grow in the home or garden to prevent unwanted intrusions. Place in all directions of the home (north, south, east, and west) for full.......
...Herbs starting with the letters C to D. CACTUS: Chastity, banishing and protection. protection. Bury with other banishing symbols for protection. Grow in the home or garden to prevent unwanted intrusions. Place in all directions of the home (north, south, east, and west) for full.......
Herbal Correspondences
...Correspondences Rated 5/5 Stars Herbal Correspondences List Ague Weed : protection Agrimony : : sends negative energies back to the sender, works as a shield to protect the caster from unwanted energies, etc. Angelica : powerful protection herb, often carried as a.......
...Correspondences Rated 5/5 Stars Herbal Correspondences List Ague Weed : protection Agrimony : : sends negative energies back to the sender, works as a shield to protect the caster from unwanted energies, etc. Angelica : powerful protection herb, often carried as a.......
Prayer of Protection to Gaia
...of Protection to Gaia Rated 4/5 Stars A little chant for a moment moment of protection. Chant as much as you want: A prayer of protection I say this hour, to keep me from.......
...of Protection to Gaia Rated 4/5 Stars A little chant for a moment moment of protection. Chant as much as you want: A prayer of protection I say this hour, to keep me from.......
Protection Incantation
...Spell Casters Articles Protection Incantation Rated 3/5 Stars A protection incantation to use use before attempting complicated spells or any in which a higher level of protection is needed. I am a witch of ancient lore, I petition these trees, and forest floor,.......
...Spell Casters Articles Protection Incantation Rated 3/5 Stars A protection incantation to use use before attempting complicated spells or any in which a higher level of protection is needed. I am a witch of ancient lore, I petition these trees, and forest floor,.......