Search Results for "protection magick"
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Search Results for protection magick
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Magick - Magic Forums
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...Magick has been practiced for thousands of years, taking lifetime to master, some dont even master it....Magick is taking the neutral energy and influencing it negativly or positivly. Magick has no color, it is the spell casters intent that makes it negative or positive. Magick doenst need words, any language and...
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...Magick has been practiced for thousands of years, taking lifetime to master, some dont even master it....Magick is taking the neutral energy and influencing it negativly or positivly. Magick has no color, it is the spell casters intent that makes it negative or positive. Magick doenst need words, any language and...
spell for protection - Magic Forums
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...looking for any spells to help stop or reflect back someone doing harm to me or my family something to stop them from hurting any of us in any way. Site Spells Discussion spell for protection Reply to this post oldest 1 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1...
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...looking for any spells to help stop or reflect back someone doing harm to me or my family something to stop them from hurting any of us in any way. Site Spells Discussion spell for protection Reply to this post oldest 1 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1...
Magick - Magic Forums
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...Magick has many definitions but the one that isnt used a lot, is energy, but that is what magick is, magick is energy. Energy is the source of what we call magick. Negative and Positive. Negative energy is like curses, hexs, love spells...ect. Positve is healing, luck, stuff like that. Spell...
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...Magick has many definitions but the one that isnt used a lot, is energy, but that is what magick is, magick is energy. Energy is the source of what we call magick. Negative and Positive. Negative energy is like curses, hexs, love spells...ect. Positve is healing, luck, stuff like that. Spell...
Jewish magick - Magic Forums
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...Is anyone else here a practicer of jewish magick, or is jewish(religious or ethnic)? I feel quite alone in my practice, haha. (before you ask how jewish magick is possible, the kabbalah is full of mysticism and magick, and is a part of judaism.) Other Paths Jewish magick Reply to this...
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...Is anyone else here a practicer of jewish magick, or is jewish(religious or ethnic)? I feel quite alone in my practice, haha. (before you ask how jewish magick is possible, the kabbalah is full of mysticism and magick, and is a part of judaism.) Other Paths Jewish magick Reply to this...
Magickal woods - Magic Forums
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...Here is a little info i found on magickal woods for wands. CELTIC WOODS Alder Gender Association: Masculine Date Association: March 18 - April 14 Planetary Ruler: Mars Animal Association: Fox Ruling Deity: Bran Magical Properties: Courage, evolving spirituality, self-reliance, adventurism, charm and leadership skills Ash Gender Association: Feminine, Effeminate Male...
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...Here is a little info i found on magickal woods for wands. CELTIC WOODS Alder Gender Association: Masculine Date Association: March 18 - April 14 Planetary Ruler: Mars Animal Association: Fox Ruling Deity: Bran Magical Properties: Courage, evolving spirituality, self-reliance, adventurism, charm and leadership skills Ash Gender Association: Feminine, Effeminate Male...
Re:Protection - Magic Forums
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...Hello everyone.I have a question one of my friend's brother is at a higher risk to be prone in injury regarding vehicles.Although his driving skills are modest he faces a lot of mishaps.Plus he cannot give up driving due to some reason.Is it because of sheer bad luck or something else.Do...
Forum Post
...Hello everyone.I have a question one of my friend's brother is at a higher risk to be prone in injury regarding vehicles.Although his driving skills are modest he faces a lot of mishaps.Plus he cannot give up driving due to some reason.Is it because of sheer bad luck or something else.Do...
Magick isn't Evil. - Magic Forums
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...Okay so the reason why I am making this forum is because I have been onto multiple sites, watched multiple youtube videos, and have seen it on here...were people come on just to bash us and claim we are evil, sinners, who worship the one they call Satan. So I am...
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...Okay so the reason why I am making this forum is because I have been onto multiple sites, watched multiple youtube videos, and have seen it on here...were people come on just to bash us and claim we are evil, sinners, who worship the one they call Satan. So I am...
Unicorns / Unicorn Magick
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...Let me start off by saying that I know this topic usually falls under magickal ''fluff.'' I'm not here to talk about physical unicorns or becoming a unicorn or anything like that. But I've had an affinity for these creatures most of my life. I was obsessed as a kid lol,...
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...Let me start off by saying that I know this topic usually falls under magickal ''fluff.'' I'm not here to talk about physical unicorns or becoming a unicorn or anything like that. But I've had an affinity for these creatures most of my life. I was obsessed as a kid lol,...
Sacred magick. - Magic Forums
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...Hello,if anyone has the time,would you please answer a few questions for me? They're about this website I was wondering,do you mave to be a member to download any thing from there? if so,does the membership cost anything? do the downloads cost anything? I'm asking because there is a book...
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...Hello,if anyone has the time,would you please answer a few questions for me? They're about this website I was wondering,do you mave to be a member to download any thing from there? if so,does the membership cost anything? do the downloads cost anything? I'm asking because there is a book...
Candle Magick - Magic Forums
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...Candle spells can be very easy or complicated. It all depends on how much time you want to put into a ritual. It can be as simple as lighting a green candle and chanting... money money come to me. It can also be very long and complicated lasting several days with...
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...Candle spells can be very easy or complicated. It all depends on how much time you want to put into a ritual. It can be as simple as lighting a green candle and chanting... money money come to me. It can also be very long and complicated lasting several days with...
animal totums/ magick - Magic Forums
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...just wondering if anyone knows about animal totums or the meanings behind animal presences. as i've been finding spiders everywhere and a friend told me that spiders represent a change in life very noticeble. i was wondering if anyone know a bit more and canhelp me with their meaning as i'm...
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...just wondering if anyone knows about animal totums or the meanings behind animal presences. as i've been finding spiders everywhere and a friend told me that spiders represent a change in life very noticeble. i was wondering if anyone know a bit more and canhelp me with their meaning as i'm...
Black magick effect - Magic Forums
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...When three people cast black magik at your family what are the effects ? Spell Casters Black magick effect Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Black magick effect By: Zionscorpio1Mar 03, 2015--> (delete thread) Post # 1 Mar.......
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...When three people cast black magik at your family what are the effects ? Spell Casters Black magick effect Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Black magick effect By: Zionscorpio1Mar 03, 2015--> (delete thread) Post # 1 Mar.......
Magic or Magick? - Magic Forums
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...Magic is generally referred to the stage tricks that we see ''magicians'' perform in public places or shows. As i have noticed, a large amount of users on this community refer to the REAL magic we use and live with as ''Magic'' - which is infact wrong, in many cases. To...
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...Magic is generally referred to the stage tricks that we see ''magicians'' perform in public places or shows. As i have noticed, a large amount of users on this community refer to the REAL magic we use and live with as ''Magic'' - which is infact wrong, in many cases. To...
magickal name change - Magic Forums
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...i have changed my magickal name. is there anyway that i can change it on the site, without having to delete my account? Misc Topics magickal name change Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest magickal name change.......
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...i have changed my magickal name. is there anyway that i can change it on the site, without having to delete my account? Misc Topics magickal name change Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest magickal name change.......
Runes In Magick
... How to perform readings with Runes and how to care for them. Runes and Rune Magick Runes are an ancient form of divination. To read the runes, you will either need to purchase rune cards, make tiles, or buy rune stones. Runes can be made from pebbles found in a river...
... How to perform readings with Runes and how to care for them. Runes and Rune Magick Runes are an ancient form of divination. To read the runes, you will either need to purchase rune cards, make tiles, or buy rune stones. Runes can be made from pebbles found in a river...