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Search Results for revenge
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Revenge spell - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...REVENGE SPELL: Here's a quick, short folk-magic spell for harming someone you hate, but only for doing so by sending back to them the mean words and pain they gave to you. You need: a black human figure candle or black chinaware human figure (gender-specific, according to the sex of your...
Revenge Break up Spell - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Hi, I need help with this spell. Recently a guy that I had a crush on and had been flirting with, well, I found out that he has been engaged for a while and was toying with my heart and made me believe that he loved me. I want to get...
revenge spell needed... - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I need a really fast working yet easy revenge, hex, curse or 3x3 spell. My baby daddy has hurt me for the last time and I want him to see the era of his ways. Now I understand all about the harm ye none, do as you will thing so plz...
revenge - Magic Forums
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...when is it ok to get revenge on someone??Misc Topics revenge Reply to this post oldest 1 2 3 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2 3.......
Ending + revenge - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...So I saw this person for 1.5yrs. I broke it off after I reflecting on the situation. He never had my back when I needed his help. I am over it. What is a good spell to make a complete break and cut any possible cords. I suspect there are still...
Revenge's Profile - Membership Area
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...Info Name: revenge Last Seen: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 Membership: .......
Strong revenge - Magic Forums
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...Hello I have multiple enemies which I need to destroy them fast ! Revenge them all at the same time ! Is there something fast effective to kill all of my enemies at the same time ? They are very very evil ! I need some spell that really works fast...
kaitlyn1200's Profile - Membership Area
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...i am a grey witch if u hurt anyone i care about i i will make u pay also revenge is the only.......
AriesofWood's Profile - Membership Area
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...and occasionally wish spells. Upon the Left Hand Path, I work with revenge revenge and nightmare spells. Illusions, both elaborate and simple, interest me. If you have any information regarding them, please tell me all that you can. I also am intrigued by the wanderings of.......
JackieShaman's Profile - Membership Area
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...Zodiac per day . ) Also I teach White Magic beginners curing spells spells and revenge.......
sanguimea13's Profile - Membership Area
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...master the art of protection spells i mess with wills sometimes out of of revenge im new to this website this is all i do : wills,truths,protection,rituals,summoning, screw with my buddies minds(illusons),and love spells if im screwd over or.......
XguardianX's Profile - Membership Area
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...her work, and you move along with your life, then you will get get the even revenge. My religious faith: I am a firm believer in The Christian lord, I am not however a practitioner of the Christianity religion. I mostly follow the archangels. I believe in every god/goddess,.......
Herb Correspondences - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...This is just some herbs and some of their correspondences. Rosemary--protection, love, lust Lavendar--love, sleep, attract good spirits Lemon Grass--psychic powers, increases the power of all amulets Burdock Root--protection, healing, cleansing, uncrossing Wormwood--(poison) psychic powers, protection, calling spirits Poke Root--(poison) hex breaking, exorcising evil spirits, revenge. Patchoile--money, lust, fertility, breaking any...
nicole07866's Profile - Membership Area
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...Personal Bio i can remember as a kid, wishing i have magical powers powers to revenge against those always poking me in school and all. i just wanted to be leftalone. lol. i hope i will learn one or 2 things while on these site. i am a full house wife...
guitarist's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile, wealth or any thing wich changes free will oh and not so so keen on revenge. Would be very much happy if someon(s) would help with my mystical education. im very intrested in time, telicknessis, spiritual spells and balancing myself with nature. I like the idea of.......
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