Revenge Spell

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Revenge Spell
Post # 1
How do i use a spell like this on someone i hate and what harm can come to that person? They did something that's unforgivable and i want to see them on the ground begging for forgiveness i want them to feel the pain they made me feel i want them to be punished for what they did to me.

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Re: Revenge Spell
Post # 2

How about instead of me giving you a spell, I give you a number to a therapy hotline? Spells are not 100% guarentee to work that instant, and most of the time they don't.

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Re: Revenge Spell
Post # 3
that is so very true
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Re: Revenge Spell
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Well morally what you ask is wrong and you should forgive and forget. However if you have done some soul searching and have concluded a revenge spell is justified, then it would depend on the spell. If you cast a spell to make them suffer, they could twist their ankle or break it depending on how much energy you used. If you specify a time, it should work within that timeframe. If you do not, common time for most spells is one moon cycle from the day you cast. [So if you cast on the full moon, it would work until the next full moon. Afterwards you would have to recast.]
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Re: Revenge Spell
Post # 5
Effective revenge spell works perfectly, however its not proper taking revenge or law of three will take its course. I suggest to you to allow universe to fight for u.
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