Search Results for "karma for manipulating me"
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Search Results for karma for manipulating me
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Chi Manipulation - Magic Forums
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...What is Chi Manipulation?And what can you do with it? Spell Suggestions Chi Manipulation Reply to this post oldest 1 2 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
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...What is Chi Manipulation?And what can you do with it? Spell Suggestions Chi Manipulation Reply to this post oldest 1 2 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
Energy Manipulation 2
...Higher Magicks Articles Energy Manipulation 2 Rated 5/5 Stars This one is a a really good meditation that i discovered one time I was meditating. Enjoy. This document is readable only by.......
...Higher Magicks Articles Energy Manipulation 2 Rated 5/5 Stars This one is a a really good meditation that i discovered one time I was meditating. Enjoy. This document is readable only by.......
Energy Manipulation 1
...Higher Magicks Articles Energy Manipulation 1 Rated 5/5 Stars This meditation should not not only calm your mind and body, it will open you up to energies around you. This document is readable.......
...Higher Magicks Articles Energy Manipulation 1 Rated 5/5 Stars This meditation should not not only calm your mind and body, it will open you up to energies around you. This document is readable.......
Instant Karma spell - Magic Forums
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...This spell really work but I put a little twist on the spell and boy oh boy did it work fast if you want my twist let me no Site Spells Discussion Instant karma spell Reply to this post oldest 1 2 2 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1...
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...This spell really work but I put a little twist on the spell and boy oh boy did it work fast if you want my twist let me no Site Spells Discussion Instant karma spell Reply to this post oldest 1 2 2 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1...
control vs. manipulation - Magic Forums
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...This is simply semantics, but seems to be coming up a lot lately in topics. You can NOT control an element or external energies, and folks seem to be trying to get around this by saying ''manipulate'' instead. What we are actually controlling or manipulating is our own energies for our...
Forum Post
...This is simply semantics, but seems to be coming up a lot lately in topics. You can NOT control an element or external energies, and folks seem to be trying to get around this by saying ''manipulate'' instead. What we are actually controlling or manipulating is our own energies for our...
Energy Magick's Articles
...Energy Magick Articles and Rituals These rituals and articles have been added by by the Coven of Energy Magick. Questions or comments regarding anything on these pages should be directed toward.......
...Energy Magick Articles and Rituals These rituals and articles have been added by by the Coven of Energy Magick. Questions or comments regarding anything on these pages should be directed toward.......
What is Magick - Magic Forums
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...I read something in my Wicca 101 class tonight that I wanted to share. I actually knew this but putting it this way just might help someone else make sense of it. ____________________________ Unlike ''Magic'' (no K), Magick is the art, or science, of manipulating or focusing will to manipulate one's...
Forum Post
...I read something in my Wicca 101 class tonight that I wanted to share. I actually knew this but putting it this way just might help someone else make sense of it. ____________________________ Unlike ''Magic'' (no K), Magick is the art, or science, of manipulating or focusing will to manipulate one's...
protecting from karma - Magic Forums
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...will a protection spell protect me from karma? General Info protecting from karma Reply to this post oldest 1 2 3 3 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2 3.......
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...will a protection spell protect me from karma? General Info protecting from karma Reply to this post oldest 1 2 3 3 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2 3.......
Karma - Magic Forums
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...Has anyone done something to a person and have nothing happen good or bad.Welcome karma Reply to this post oldest 1 2 newest Start a new new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
Forum Post
...Has anyone done something to a person and have nothing happen good or bad.Welcome karma Reply to this post oldest 1 2 newest Start a new new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
The rule of three? Karma?
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...Can someone explain the rule of three to me? I'm not Wiccan, I'm a Pastafarian, but it just doesn't make sense to me. What's the origin? I personally like to trace things to their roots. I'm also arithmetarded, but wouldn't the rule of three cause evil and good to be extremely...
Forum Post
...Can someone explain the rule of three to me? I'm not Wiccan, I'm a Pastafarian, but it just doesn't make sense to me. What's the origin? I personally like to trace things to their roots. I'm also arithmetarded, but wouldn't the rule of three cause evil and good to be extremely...
Telekinesis || Energy Manipulation
Forum Post
...hello,can anyone help with with the topic,How can i Develop telekinesis, am willing to learn and be patient.Thank you Misc Topics Telekinesis || Energy Manipulation This thread has been lockedLocked oldest 1 1 2 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
Forum Post
...hello,can anyone help with with the topic,How can i Develop telekinesis, am willing to learn and be patient.Thank you Misc Topics Telekinesis || Energy Manipulation This thread has been lockedLocked oldest 1 1 2 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
Energy Manipulation
... Defining what it is and what it is not. Energy Constructs: A Definition Energy Constructs, by definition, can be defined as energy objects created for the intention of performing a specific job for the creator. In our community, we sometimes refer to energy constructs as shields, energetic shields, psi balls, energy...
... Defining what it is and what it is not. Energy Constructs: A Definition Energy Constructs, by definition, can be defined as energy objects created for the intention of performing a specific job for the creator. In our community, we sometimes refer to energy constructs as shields, energetic shields, psi balls, energy...
Making up for Bad Karma? - Magic Forums
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...So recently i did a few things I'm not proud of and i want to make up for them and also not get hit by too much bad Karma. Is there a way to do something good without any gain to get rid of bad Karma?? General Info Making up for...
Forum Post
...So recently i did a few things I'm not proud of and i want to make up for them and also not get hit by too much bad Karma. Is there a way to do something good without any gain to get rid of bad Karma?? General Info Making up for...
Generational Karma - Magic Forums
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...I had an energy worker work on me while I was having a very strange medical phenomenon. She couldn't do a lot of work on me because doing so made her sick. She said that it was a ton of generational karma. Since then my health has taken a swan dive....
Forum Post
...I had an energy worker work on me while I was having a very strange medical phenomenon. She couldn't do a lot of work on me because doing so made her sick. She said that it was a ton of generational karma. Since then my health has taken a swan dive....
Energy manipulation
...Spell Casters Articles Energy manipulation Rated 5/5 Stars This ritual will give you you energy and raise your belief in magick and will help.......
...Spell Casters Articles Energy manipulation Rated 5/5 Stars This ritual will give you you energy and raise your belief in magick and will help.......