Search Results for "wing magic"
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Search Results for wing magic
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Wealth Spells - Free Magic Spells
...--> Wealth Spells Categories Select a sub-category of Wealth Spells to browse.--> Career Career Spells 148 spells Fortune Spells 489.......
...--> Wealth Spells Categories Select a sub-category of Wealth Spells to browse.--> Career Career Spells 148 spells Fortune Spells 489.......
Quick and Easy Tea Blessing
...Add this Quick and Easy Tea Blessing to your morning tea ritual to turn a normal beverage into a potion for good luck, health and joy! Brew a mug of your favorite tea Stir as you recite the following blessing: Three to the left to remember the past, Three to the...
...Add this Quick and Easy Tea Blessing to your morning tea ritual to turn a normal beverage into a potion for good luck, health and joy! Brew a mug of your favorite tea Stir as you recite the following blessing: Three to the left to remember the past, Three to the...
Levitating Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Best Flying Spell You will be able to fly 15 feet high. read read more Even more great spells..... Astral Projection Beginning Telekinesis Controlling Water Flame on a Candle.......
...Best Flying Spell You will be able to fly 15 feet high. read read more Even more great spells..... Astral Projection Beginning Telekinesis Controlling Water Flame on a Candle.......
Christmas Eve Floor Wash
...A holiday floor wash. Add to clean warm water a mix of Myrrh essential oil and olive oil. Use this floor wash during the Yule season to bring in the spirit of this time of year. Christmas or Yule time is a great time to clear out the old in preparation...
...A holiday floor wash. Add to clean warm water a mix of Myrrh essential oil and olive oil. Use this floor wash during the Yule season to bring in the spirit of this time of year. Christmas or Yule time is a great time to clear out the old in preparation...
Positive Energy Ward - Free Magic Spell
...This is a psychic prayer to Archangel Michael to protect you from negative energy. 1. First ask Michael to clear out your negative energy, when you feel the energy leave you completely, then ask Michael to put a positive bubble of energy around you. Heres an example: Archangel Michael, I/we ask...
...This is a psychic prayer to Archangel Michael to protect you from negative energy. 1. First ask Michael to clear out your negative energy, when you feel the energy leave you completely, then ask Michael to put a positive bubble of energy around you. Heres an example: Archangel Michael, I/we ask...
Guardian Angel Invocation
...This is an Invocation petitioning your Guardian Angel for protection and guidance in daily life. Guardian Angel, I ask that you protect me from attacks against my mind, body, and soul. I also ask that you guide me down a godly path that brings peace, love, enlightenment, and ascension. May you...
...This is an Invocation petitioning your Guardian Angel for protection and guidance in daily life. Guardian Angel, I ask that you protect me from attacks against my mind, body, and soul. I also ask that you guide me down a godly path that brings peace, love, enlightenment, and ascension. May you...
Job Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Boost Creativity Do you need a little push to get creative for a a project at work? Or to help you with some inspiration for art? Do this preferably on a Wednesday for extra power. read.......
...Boost Creativity Do you need a little push to get creative for a a project at work? Or to help you with some inspiration for art? Do this preferably on a Wednesday for extra power. read.......
Fortune Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Bath Prosperity Spell The best prosperity spell I have ever used. read more more Even more great spells..... 7 Day Prosperity Spell Better Fortune Tea Cleansing Spell Credit card spell.......
...Bath Prosperity Spell The best prosperity spell I have ever used. read more more Even more great spells..... 7 Day Prosperity Spell Better Fortune Tea Cleansing Spell Credit card spell.......
Enchantment Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Energy of Blood Potion A potion that gives endless vigour at expense of of the drinker's health. read more Even more great spells..... Astral Travel Become 50% human 50% mermaid.......
...Energy of Blood Potion A potion that gives endless vigour at expense of of the drinker's health. read more Even more great spells..... Astral Travel Become 50% human 50% mermaid.......
Success Spells - Free Magic Spells
...7 Day Prosperity Spell A spell to help bring prosperity and success into into your life. read more Even more great spells..... 10 Struggles Casting A Spell For Story Writing Beautiful.......
...7 Day Prosperity Spell A spell to help bring prosperity and success into into your life. read more Even more great spells..... 10 Struggles Casting A Spell For Story Writing Beautiful.......
Super Form - Free Magic Spell
...It's simple and worth your time. This spell will change your form. So first gather energy in your heart a lot of it as much as possible. Then let it all go and it will spread through your body you wont feel anything. Then charge energy from anything. You can once...
...It's simple and worth your time. This spell will change your form. So first gather energy in your heart a lot of it as much as possible. Then let it all go and it will spread through your body you wont feel anything. Then charge energy from anything. You can once...
Atmokinesis - Free Magic Spell
...Give ability to control weather. My old alt's one didn't have Atmokinesis as the title. Chant x3: Tempestas and all weather gods and goddesses hear my plea for the ability to control the weather depending upon how I feel ! So mote it be ! And if it harm none then...
...Give ability to control weather. My old alt's one didn't have Atmokinesis as the title. Chant x3: Tempestas and all weather gods and goddesses hear my plea for the ability to control the weather depending upon how I feel ! So mote it be ! And if it harm none then...
Banishing Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Basic Banishment Spell A basic spell to banish someone from your life. read read more Even more great spells..... Apollos Salt Apple Banishing Banish Demon Banish Fear Banish Negative.......
...Basic Banishment Spell A basic spell to banish someone from your life. read read more Even more great spells..... Apollos Salt Apple Banishing Banish Demon Banish Fear Banish Negative.......
Glamour Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Rose Beauty Bath This spell uses the energies of water and rose to to bring beauty. It won't cause major physical changes such as different eye color or a new nose but it will bring.......
...Rose Beauty Bath This spell uses the energies of water and rose to to bring beauty. It won't cause major physical changes such as different eye color or a new nose but it will bring.......
Hurt Spells - Free Magic Spells
...End Your Oppressor A curse for your enemies with a twist. read more more Even more great spells..... Candle of Darkness Headache Relief Instant Headache Spell Karma Spell/ Potion Karmic.......
...End Your Oppressor A curse for your enemies with a twist. read more more Even more great spells..... Candle of Darkness Headache Relief Instant Headache Spell Karma Spell/ Potion Karmic.......