Search Results for "wing magic"
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Search Results for wing magic
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Become an egyptain goddess
... Results can take years to come. Light 3 candles in a circle, put yourself in the middle of the circle. Now say The gods and goddesses please give me it all, give it, give, give give 5 times. Instructions for 'Become an egyptain goddess' You will need the following items for...
... Results can take years to come. Light 3 candles in a circle, put yourself in the middle of the circle. Now say The gods and goddesses please give me it all, give it, give, give give 5 times. Instructions for 'Become an egyptain goddess' You will need the following items for...
Break Free - Free Magic Spell
...A solution spell to help you in times of confusion. If youre caught between what you feel is right and what others tell you to be or do, try this spell to find the strength within to break free. On a New or Full Moon, gather the ingredients below and go...
...A solution spell to help you in times of confusion. If youre caught between what you feel is right and what others tell you to be or do, try this spell to find the strength within to break free. On a New or Full Moon, gather the ingredients below and go...
Reversal Spell - Free Magic Spell
...If you have cast a spell you wish to reverse this should do the trick. Write the spell you cast on paper and burn while saying: ''Guiding spirits, hear my plea. Annul this magic, let it be''you have cast a spell you wish to reverse this should do the the trick........
...If you have cast a spell you wish to reverse this should do the trick. Write the spell you cast on paper and burn while saying: ''Guiding spirits, hear my plea. Annul this magic, let it be''you have cast a spell you wish to reverse this should do the the trick........
Untwist their mind - Free Magic Spell
...basically untwists a twisted persons mind. I don't know if it works or not so please email me if it does. Or doesn't. Either way. light candle if you have it. then say as many times as need be: Untwist his mind Untwist his ways Untwist his mind in_____ days {re[place}...
...basically untwists a twisted persons mind. I don't know if it works or not so please email me if it does. Or doesn't. Either way. light candle if you have it. then say as many times as need be: Untwist his mind Untwist his ways Untwist his mind in_____ days {re[place}...
Give Me Guidance - Free Magic Spell
...Basically a nice little way to ask for guidence from the universe, or your god/goddess, or that great Spaghetti Monster in the sky. Go out one night, sit under the starlight, sit under the moonlight. Reach to the heavens, call down the starlight, the moonlight, into yourself. You are great, you...
...Basically a nice little way to ask for guidence from the universe, or your god/goddess, or that great Spaghetti Monster in the sky. Go out one night, sit under the starlight, sit under the moonlight. Reach to the heavens, call down the starlight, the moonlight, into yourself. You are great, you...
'seal making spell' - Free Magic Spell
...Usable for hoodoo paper to easy seal ya work. Rub your hands over the object with your work While saying Rewaso, Resillo. And your work should become sealed. Credits came from myself. I made this spell myself. Have a Nice Day/evening. Casting Instructions for ''seal making spell'' You will need the...
...Usable for hoodoo paper to easy seal ya work. Rub your hands over the object with your work While saying Rewaso, Resillo. And your work should become sealed. Credits came from myself. I made this spell myself. Have a Nice Day/evening. Casting Instructions for ''seal making spell'' You will need the...
Give Me Guidence - Free Magic Spell
... Basically a nice little way to ask for guidence from the universe, or your god/goddess, or that great Spaghetti Monster in the sky. Go out one night, sit under the starlight, sit under the moonlight. Reach to the heavens, call down the starlight, the moonlight, into yourself. You are great, you...
... Basically a nice little way to ask for guidence from the universe, or your god/goddess, or that great Spaghetti Monster in the sky. Go out one night, sit under the starlight, sit under the moonlight. Reach to the heavens, call down the starlight, the moonlight, into yourself. You are great, you...
Symptoms of opening chakras
...A list of symptoms to tell you your chakras are opening. I numbered the chakras so you don't get mixups with the opening symptoms. 1- Root Literally Feeling Grounded These symptoms occur in no particular order, but an overwhelming sense of grounding is usually a key indicator that your root chakra...
...A list of symptoms to tell you your chakras are opening. I numbered the chakras so you don't get mixups with the opening symptoms. 1- Root Literally Feeling Grounded These symptoms occur in no particular order, but an overwhelming sense of grounding is usually a key indicator that your root chakra...
How To Infuse Oils - Free Magic Spell
...This is a Guide on how to make your own oils and infuse them. Infused oils are produced by soaking the plant material in a carrier oil over a period of time and is probably the oldest method of extraction and was used thousands of years before distillation and other methods...
...This is a Guide on how to make your own oils and infuse them. Infused oils are produced by soaking the plant material in a carrier oil over a period of time and is probably the oldest method of extraction and was used thousands of years before distillation and other methods...
Become a Charmer - Free Magic Spell
...A Charmer is a human like species only chafed by a spell. The spell works in a week 80% of the time. The other 20% it didn't work for. If the spell works and your a Charmer join my clan. Chose 1 to write it down: -Fast like a cheat -Strong...
...A Charmer is a human like species only chafed by a spell. The spell works in a week 80% of the time. The other 20% it didn't work for. If the spell works and your a Charmer join my clan. Chose 1 to write it down: -Fast like a cheat -Strong...
Confusion banishment - Free Magic Spell
... Counter to uncertainity In the mind's confusion, Danger Lies, The sun brings clarity through the skies, As Day brak comes your thoughts are clear While you sleep your thoughts relax Clarity joins your thoughts together Which the confusion cannot sever As the moon does wax and wane in time AS your...
... Counter to uncertainity In the mind's confusion, Danger Lies, The sun brings clarity through the skies, As Day brak comes your thoughts are clear While you sleep your thoughts relax Clarity joins your thoughts together Which the confusion cannot sever As the moon does wax and wane in time AS your...
Gypsy Witch Star Spread
...A card spread using the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Look for a theme or situation card in the deck that best describes the situation asked about. Place this in the middle of the spread. You will shuffle the deck and place five cards in the positions within this spells...
...A card spread using the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Playing Cards Look for a theme or situation card in the deck that best describes the situation asked about. Place this in the middle of the spread. You will shuffle the deck and place five cards in the positions within this spells...
Yellow Gemstone Astral Protection
...Astral Protection for a safe trip Hold the Gemstones in your hands, while you practice and travel. Also place a Gemstone on your Third Eye Chakra. This will provide divine protection. for 'Yellow Gemstone Astral Protection' You will need the following items for this this spell: 3 Yellow gem stones Any...
...Astral Protection for a safe trip Hold the Gemstones in your hands, while you practice and travel. Also place a Gemstone on your Third Eye Chakra. This will provide divine protection. for 'Yellow Gemstone Astral Protection' You will need the following items for this this spell: 3 Yellow gem stones Any...
Inspiration Jar - Free Magic Spell
...To bring on inspiration. For creativity. Gather ingredients. With a clean and dry jar before you, place the mint first and then the orange peels inside, filling it up about two-thirds of the way. Add two drops of orange essential oil and one drop mint ssential oil. More if you are...
...To bring on inspiration. For creativity. Gather ingredients. With a clean and dry jar before you, place the mint first and then the orange peels inside, filling it up about two-thirds of the way. Add two drops of orange essential oil and one drop mint ssential oil. More if you are...
Guardian Angel - Free Magic Spell
...This spell invokes your Guardian Angel to assist you with various aspects of your life. Guardian Angel, great spirit who guides me towards God, I humbly ask you to fill the various roles in my life as my guardian and guide. May you be my guardian and protect me from the...
...This spell invokes your Guardian Angel to assist you with various aspects of your life. Guardian Angel, great spirit who guides me towards God, I humbly ask you to fill the various roles in my life as my guardian and guide. May you be my guardian and protect me from the...