Search Results for "powers spells"
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Search Results for powers spells
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Sun Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Make It Sunny This spell will change a rainy day to a sunny sunny one! read more Even more great spells..... Solar Eclipse: Super Charging Chakra Water Sun Spell Tree Energy Elixir Weather.......
...Make It Sunny This spell will change a rainy day to a sunny sunny one! read more Even more great spells..... Solar Eclipse: Super Charging Chakra Water Sun Spell Tree Energy Elixir Weather.......
Strength Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Basic Healing Spell It reduces the pain for a bit and it heals heals you twice as fast. read more Even more great spells..... 10 Struggles Casting Become a fox Become more Sturdy.......
...Basic Healing Spell It reduces the pain for a bit and it heals heals you twice as fast. read more Even more great spells..... 10 Struggles Casting Become a fox Become more Sturdy.......
Attractive Spells - Free Magic Spells
...This spell should transform you Into a mermaid idk if the spell works on guys. Message me if it works and what side effects you experience. My best friend and I made this spell together. Take a shower before doing the spell, to purify your body. As you gather all the...
...This spell should transform you Into a mermaid idk if the spell works on guys. Message me if it works and what side effects you experience. My best friend and I made this spell together. Take a shower before doing the spell, to purify your body. As you gather all the...
Larger breasts spell - Free Magic Spell
...A spell to give the caster large breasts. Will also work on men. Chant. With this pressure in my chest fill it out with orbs of flesh make them soft and round with the shape of a mound so mote it be. spell to give the caster large breasts. Will also...
...A spell to give the caster large breasts. Will also work on men. Chant. With this pressure in my chest fill it out with orbs of flesh make them soft and round with the shape of a mound so mote it be. spell to give the caster large breasts. Will also...
Attraction Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Attract A Lover Use this spell to attract someone to you. read more more Even more great spells..... 7 Day Candle Love Spell Attract money Bathe in Beauty Beauty.......
...Attract A Lover Use this spell to attract someone to you. read more more Even more great spells..... 7 Day Candle Love Spell Attract money Bathe in Beauty Beauty.......
Larger breasts spell - Free Magic Spell
...A spell to give the caster large breasts. Will also work on men. Chant. With this pressure in my chest fill it out with orbs of flesh make them soft and round with the shape of a mound so mote it be. spell to give the caster large breasts. Will also...
...A spell to give the caster large breasts. Will also work on men. Chant. With this pressure in my chest fill it out with orbs of flesh make them soft and round with the shape of a mound so mote it be. spell to give the caster large breasts. Will also...
Music for the 7 chakras
...All credits go to Muladhara Color: Red Location: Tailbone Controls: Sense of safety, security, home within + legs and immune system Note: C + C# The Root Chakra, or Muladhara, is our first chakra. It controls our sense of primal security, groundedness, and ability to adapt. When overactive, the root...
...All credits go to Muladhara Color: Red Location: Tailbone Controls: Sense of safety, security, home within + legs and immune system Note: C + C# The Root Chakra, or Muladhara, is our first chakra. It controls our sense of primal security, groundedness, and ability to adapt. When overactive, the root...
Were-Wolf Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Storm of the Dog In this incantation, you'll transform into either a wolf wolf or a dog. Color and physical characteristics relate the ones in your human form, though size is usually.......
...Storm of the Dog In this incantation, you'll transform into either a wolf wolf or a dog. Color and physical characteristics relate the ones in your human form, though size is usually.......
'seal making spell' - Free Magic Spell
...Usable for hoodoo paper to easy seal ya work. Rub your hands over the object with your work While saying Rewaso, Resillo. And your work should become sealed. Credits came from myself. I made this spell myself. Have a Nice Day/evening. for hoodoo paper to easy seal ya work. --> Casting...
...Usable for hoodoo paper to easy seal ya work. Rub your hands over the object with your work While saying Rewaso, Resillo. And your work should become sealed. Credits came from myself. I made this spell myself. Have a Nice Day/evening. for hoodoo paper to easy seal ya work. --> Casting...
Symptoms of opening chakras
...A list of symptoms to tell you your chakras are opening. I numbered the chakras so you don't get mixups with the opening symptoms. 1- Root Literally Feeling Grounded These symptoms occur in no particular order, but an overwhelming sense of grounding is usually a key indicator that your root chakra...
...A list of symptoms to tell you your chakras are opening. I numbered the chakras so you don't get mixups with the opening symptoms. 1- Root Literally Feeling Grounded These symptoms occur in no particular order, but an overwhelming sense of grounding is usually a key indicator that your root chakra...
Become a Charmer - Free Magic Spell
...A Charmer is a human like species only chafed by a spell. The spell works in a week 80% of the time. The other 20% it didn't work for. If the spell works and your a Charmer join my clan. Chose 1 to write it down: -Fast like a cheat -Strong...
...A Charmer is a human like species only chafed by a spell. The spell works in a week 80% of the time. The other 20% it didn't work for. If the spell works and your a Charmer join my clan. Chose 1 to write it down: -Fast like a cheat -Strong...
Spell to become a witch
... This spell is supposed to bind you to the Rede, therefore becoming a Witch. Look at your reflection, and allow the steam to distort it. Youll still be able to see yourself. In the mirror, say calmly and with complete reverence: I openly accept the Rede, dark forces have no sway....
... This spell is supposed to bind you to the Rede, therefore becoming a Witch. Look at your reflection, and allow the steam to distort it. Youll still be able to see yourself. In the mirror, say calmly and with complete reverence: I openly accept the Rede, dark forces have no sway....
Attractive Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Beauty This spell is to show people your beauties on the outside and and inside read more Even more great spells..... Bathe in Beauty Happy Marriage Spell Honey Elixer Hungary Water.......
...Beauty This spell is to show people your beauties on the outside and and inside read more Even more great spells..... Bathe in Beauty Happy Marriage Spell Honey Elixer Hungary Water.......
Instructions: Basic Spell Crafting
... A very thorough essay on the basics of constructing your own spells. Basic Spell Construction Because of the very nature of Magick, each working should be highly individualized and personal. Even if following a traditional spell, it should be tailored to your specific needs to be most effective for you. Understanding...
... A very thorough essay on the basics of constructing your own spells. Basic Spell Construction Because of the very nature of Magick, each working should be highly individualized and personal. Even if following a traditional spell, it should be tailored to your specific needs to be most effective for you. Understanding...
Dream Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Cupid's Love Pillow A hoodoo love pillow for when you're apart from your your twin flame. For your twin flame to sense you and for you to feel their presence in their absence. read more.......
...Cupid's Love Pillow A hoodoo love pillow for when you're apart from your your twin flame. For your twin flame to sense you and for you to feel their presence in their absence. read more.......