Archea's Profile

Member Info
Name: Archea
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sat, 22 Sep 2012
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Hello. I don't follow any particular path save for my own. Religion has become too political for my taste, and I believe that everyone should be guided by their choices alone, without feeling the need to compete with conformity and the persuit of materialistic wealth. We all have free will, it's how we call upon it that defines who we are.
As for magic, I both study and practice the art. I work primarily with crystals and natural energy, but I have recently been studying herbal remedies. I do spells when I feel like I need to, but I guess it depends on what you consider a spell.
I have ABSOLUTELY NO tollerance for fluffies or roll players. However, if you have a genuine question or comment, you may mail me. I will respond, whether I can answer your question or not.
Thank you.