1withwolves's Profile

Member Info
Name: 1withwolves
Location: KS
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 29 Jun 2012
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I'm fairly new to magick in a sense. I started really studying and practicing since late 2009. I started by doing meditation and energy work. Went on to house cleansings which I now do for others when needed. Started learning about the elements, rulers, dragons, and other "mythical" creatures. I've also studied some astrology. I've practiced some candle magick, but am really drawn to stone and herb magick, those are my specialties! I make my own candles, tinctures, teas, baths, amulets/talismans, incenses, wands. I am a natural healer, I've always been able to heal others with touch; am also an empath, I can sense emotions and also intentions of most people, changes in energies in a certain space. I also read tarot and oracle cards. Am very in tune with nature and the animal kingdom. When I was a teen I started to notice that at times what I would dream about would come true within 7 days of my dream at the latest and started to pay more attention to my dreams. Eventually I was able to practice lucid dreaming...I also love to try to help others with their dreams and interpreting them...my mom comes to me often for insights into her dreams and she's always impressed. In my preteen years, back before cell phones and different ringtones, when the phone went off in my household I always knew who it was for and would tell that specific person to answer it. But...I still have much to learn! Hope this helps to give a general idea about me.