arch400's Profile

Member Info
Name: arch400
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Mon, 02 Dec 2013
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
I don't really know what to out here :I
I got introduced to all this by the age of 12 and have been practicing on and off for 2 years. I am not really good at witchcraft, but I hope that I can improve and have a better understanding at witchcraft . Over the years, I have found an interest in healing magic because I have mostly used them on myself when ever I get hurt and found them really effective if done properly and done throughly.
My moto for doing witchcraft is : Think before you act .........
A lot of people think witchcraft is bad and is worshiping evil, well I say, that if there is a bad then there is sure to be a good, or else neither can exist.