PhxSix's Profile

Member Info
Name: PhxSix
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sun, 30 Sep 2012
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Wish to exchange information about spells and other spiritual subjects in a safe and private setting. Learning recently that things I have been told may be wrong, as I learn and investigate on my own, and find my own gut instincts, even if they go against popular belief, may be right. I may ask questions, and disagree with some, but always hope for civil discourse at worst, and friendship at best.
As for me, I find myself drawn to candles, colors, and stones, and spells with them. I also like incense. I find myself drawn to combine types of beliefs systems that some would say are contradictory and should not be combined, but since I am a living source of these conflicting belief systems, my gut says that I must combine them to find my true power. Isn't that after all what most people do in real life? Latinos combined their Native belief systems with Catholicism when they were colonized, that's just one example. I just know I have got to listen to my gut about what I think might work when it comes to creating and casting spells, picking amulets for protection, etc. I know I have much to learn but that doesn't make me less than or a newbie; it makes me what we all are, travellers on a journey called life.
Best, PhxSix