Madipie11111's Profile

Member Info
Name: Madipie11111
Birthday: Jul 1 1998
Location: Dracut
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 05 Dec 2012
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Hi, I'm madi, i became a Wicca in a strange way, I actually found someone else's book of shadows and practiced from that. Later on, I found out that my great great great great grandmother was a very powerfull witch. Then as I got older, my friends had their suspishons, like I was chanting good day spells in school. So once I told them my friend said "you serousy? I mean Ella said she was a fairy in 2nd grade?"( no joke).y other friend almost fainted and my final friend well, I found out she was a were- wolf. I've been a Wicca since I was 4. That's my story and I'm sticking to it Any questions on my spells just message me ______________________________________________________________________ A little of what I look like: - I have REALLY brown eyes (like almost black) -I have brown hair with bleach blond highlights -I have really tan skin (because im portuguese) And that's me! ; )