StoneyMoon's Profile

Member Info
Name: StoneyMoon
Location: Ohio
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Fri, 03 Apr 2009
Membership: Member

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Personal Bio
Hello Y'all! I started casting spells when I was 16. At the time it was for fun with friends after seeing the movie "The Craft". we knew nothing about anything. I noticed, though, that I was comfortable with it as if I had been doing it all my life. My spells were the only ones to work, too. So, I got serious. I began studying Wicca, spell casting and a variety of forms of divination. I read tarot and use a pendulum on a regular basis. I also use a spirit board because my husband past away a few years ago and I wanted so badly to converse with him. I have not yet been able to, though. That just shows I have much more to learn about the spirit world and spiritual things in general. I am always working to learn more because you can never know it all. Life is about learning. I constantly am building my book of shadows because I prefer to write my own spells - many of which have proved to be very powerful. I also am a true believer in the rule of three and the idea that whatever you send out will come back so be careful with spells you cast and thoughts you project. I look forward to being with like minds and familiar souls. Blessed Be!