Coldspell's Profile

Member Info
Name: Coldspell
Birthday: Sep 19 1997
Location: Catbox.
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sat, 16 Nov 2013
Membership: Member

Personal Bio

I have tried for a long time to find myself a path. I succumbed into websites, a few amount of books, meanings of colors, days of the week, meaning of incences... Everything. Then one day, I realized that, if I wanted a path, a tradition, then I am better of making one for myself. Giving the directions my meanings, the colors, days, directions, oils, everything was for mine to give a meaning, to shape a path, a tradition.

So here I am, starting from scratch. No correspondences, making my own tradition that will pass from me to my children. It does not have a name yet, but it will when it is at a certain point.

About Me

I am 16 years old. Pretty young isn't it? That however, has not affect on my maturity and how I act around specific people. You would see it if you know me, so there is no need to ramble on this point.

-Rest is coming-