RainGobblin's Profile

Member Info
Name: RainGobblin
Location: Schenectady, New York
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 10 Jan 2015
Membership: Member

Website: view

Personal Bio
I am a solitary practitioner. I like to use stones, candles, herbs, and tarot cards. I am a great lover of all animals, especially cats. I am an Animal Rights Activist, and a LGBT activist also. I am looking for friends with similar interests. I have never been in an actual, physical Coven. I am looking for a place where I am comfortable, and able to share, learn, and grow. I have been practicing for many, many years.Also, I want to mention that I will never, ever use any blood from anything, animal or human. I do not make sacrifices. They are cruel, inhumane, unnecessary, and deprives a soul of it's life. Killing is wrong. And yes, I believe all animals have souls. So if you are an abuser or bully of any kind, do NOT contact me for any reason. )O( Also, I have some done several Tarot card readings for free. Spending hours doing an in debpt card reading for free is not fair to me. I usually receive a 50.00 donation for my time. So if you are serious about a professional card reading, we can work something out. My email address is: lindasomers57@yahoo.com. I except pay pal. I also want to personally thanks Natural Magic for once again taking me off their list. You have lost a valuable member. I unfortunately was without internet, but that's not your problem. So be it. I am looking for new friends from Spell Casters. I was not good enough for DeadLord to even except my friend request. But she had no problem "casting' me out of her Coven. Hopefully there are more mature souls out there who want to chat and become acquainted.