NadiaWilder's Profile

Member Info
Name: NadiaWilder
Location: Delaware
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 05 Mar 2014
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Hello, my name is Nadia. I came here not too long ago. Since then, I've been participating in Forums, reading articles, viewing videos, and pointing people in the right direction. I've been studying quite a bit, but haven't gotten into Spells just yet, and probably won't for a while.
And if you too, are new on this website, I suggest the following.
1. Establish what subject you are to perservere in.
2. Study it, go really abroad, participate in forums daily, ect.
3. Try it out for yourself.
P.S= It's okay if you make a mistake! Everyone does! (But still always be cautious, not carefree.)